Revival of the Gods

Chapter 938: Great Warlord

"Is it?" Xiao Hua smiled slightly, one hand and one star card, and his hands were slightly stunned. He said, "Under the downside, I feel that you should put the spirit pet, and return the star card in the next!"

Looking at Xiao Hua's finger movement, there have been impressions on the star card. The star of the star spirit is slightly twitching. After a while, he laughs: "But it, stop, don't make these meaningless things, you and I let go at the same time!" ”

"Alright!" Xiao Hua was not surprised by the choice of the Star King. The right hand took the two stars and took the arm out to the air.

The Star Spirit also extended his arm and sent it to the star.

"The king counts to three, let go!" said the star spirit.

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua suddenly said, "Isn't you afraid that this star card is fake?"

"Oh..." The Protoss Wang snorted and said proudly, "You can rest assured that within the king's squad, nothing can escape the exploration of the king!"

"Stars and squads?" Xiao Hua broke his eyes and looked at the Stars, but he saw that the Star King had no outlines in the eyes of the smashing method. He did not feel sneer.




As the Star King shouted to three, Xiao Hua's right hand was loose, and suddenly grabbed the small silver, but before his big hand fell, "嗖嗖" two star cards and small silver disappeared at the same time.

"Haha..." The Star Spirit laughed, but unfortunately, before he finished laughing, the extreme sorrow was born on his face. He was mad at him. "Damn, you... how could you..."

Xiao Hua slowly retracted his right hand. Slowly, he said: "Is it really shocking? Is there anything weird? Even in your body, you can't be omnipotent. You can use the next kind of trick. Take back..."

"" The Star King was really shocked. He looked at Xiao Hua incredulously and lost his voice. "How do you know? Could it be that the king has revealed a flaw?"

"Haha, haha..." Xiao Hua’s reaction made the Star King unexpected. He licked his stomach and pointed his finger at the Star Spirit. "I really have no brains. I also said that I am a Star King. I am just swindling you." You didn't even see it!!"

"Damn!" The Protoss Wang was furious, and his hands were lifted. Two huge nebula vortexes emerged out of thin air. The two vortices will be covered by a thousand miles, and the direction of the vortex will be different. Xiaohua’s space seems to be two The big hand screwed and began to twist.

"Oh, these means are also revealed in front of me!" Xiao Hua sighed and said, "Although you are a avatar, no face, how do you care about the face of your deity?"

"Damn! Damn!!" The Star Spirit violently thundered, and both hands made a milking wave to wave.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua was on the side, surrounded by space, and the roar of the roar!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua did not panic, gently patted his top door, "Boom" a clear light, fifty-two fairy babies broke into the air, and turned into a familiar star array of Xiao Hua and two small guards live!

When the stars are out, the space of the fall is stable at the moment. Although the fifty-two fairy babies are now only the mid-level strength of the five elements, but the force of the force is like a rabbit, the light and shadow of the rabbit is flashing five colors, and it will be slammed like a mountain. The nebula vortex is blocked!

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed twice, and Xiaojin said, "You come in, there is no need to compete with a spirit!"

"Yes, Master!" Xiaojin saw the innocent silver, and the golden light and the dragon pattern flashed around him, turning into a large array of light and shadow.

"Oh, yes..." Watching Xiaojin fall to the side of Xiaohei, standing proudly, Xiaohua seems to think of something, his right hand is casually touched at the waist, and he takes out two stars and laughs, "Lord You should look at the two star cards. There are a lot of stars in the bottom hundred bags. Just like your avatar, you are afraid that there will be more fish and beads. You can’t take the wrong index finger and take it wrong!”

Said, Xiao Hua's right hand, like dumping garbage, throwing two star cards out of the line!

"What?" The spirit of the Star Spirit is a huge earthquake. He is incredulously watching two identical stars. He took the star in his hand and looked at it. He couldn’t tell the star. What is the difference between a card and a previous star card!

"Damn! Damn!! Damn!!!" This time, there is no need for the singer of the singer, and the whole world is filled with a roar of anger. "Dare to bully this king!"

"It’s just bullying you, what??" Xiao Hua said with a back, still slowly, "What can you do?"

"Hey..." The sky is full of thunder and thunder, and the sky reveals the stars and the stars, hundreds of stars rushing out from all over the world, turning into three hundred and sixty-five star spirits will be surrounded by the stars, all the stars The king also roared at the same time, "Do not kill now, no shame to wash my hair!"

"Spray in the urine!" Xiaohua said coldly, "You are here, laying your hands and ambushing, what is your face, what shame you have..."

"Booming and banging..." Xiao Hua’s words are heart-wrenching. Three hundred and sixty-five star spirits have long been angered, and their arms are huddled. Numerous starlights are condensed, and then all the singular kings begin to show up. The image of the nebula, the image of the nebula is different, but the power is generally the same, the Xiaohua's all-star array is completely covered, obviously a big Sunday star array!

This big Sunday star array is obviously born out of the constellation of the stars, but this big Sunday star is winning in the hustle and bustle, winning in the perfection, winning in the starlight source, the star array under the fifty-two fairy cloths is actually in this big starry array. Slowly collapse under pressure!

"Oh, it's really amazing!" Xiao Hua's eyes gave birth to a stranger. He never thought that the Protoss King would understand the Stars, but his mind was moving, the fifty-two fairy babies changed again, and the five colors flashed. Between, Jiujiangxing Fuwei fire array is under speed!

Although the immortal infants are extremely tacit, the formation method is changing fast, but under the persecution of the 365-star starry array of the sacred kings, the Jiujiangxing volts and fires have shrunk by more than 50%!

"Hit!" Seeing the Jiujiangxing volts and tails burst into flames, Xiao Hua thought of a move, the fairy marks opened in the eyebrows, and the law of fire turned into fluctuations. The fifty-two fairy babies roared in unison, and the big bangs had a huge shackle. The tail rushes to the sky!

The big sunday star array also condenses the nebula seals all over the world!

"Boom..." a loud bang, the whole world is turbulent, the Jiujiang star volts and fires will tear the big Zhoutianxing array, the flames are surging, the stars are shining, and the whole space is shrouded!

Among the giant earthquakes, the Jiujiangxing volts burst into flames, and fifty-two fairy babies were scattered. More than 30 nymphs were seriously injured and mourned. The big Sunday star burst collapsed, and 365 star spirits had more than a hundred annihilation.

As for Xiao Hua, his figure is unstable, and his shoulders are black, Xiao Huang and Xiao Jin.

"Damn!" Xiao Hua did not expect that the 365 Stars of the Stars of the Stars were so powerful, and his head was trying to stabilize his figure, and he was thinking about countermeasures. "Boom" is another loud noise, I do not know where to rush to a star, like a meteor squatting on Xiao Huang!

Xiao Huang can't get rid of the skin, and the sorrow of "嗷..." stunned!

Xiao Hua was in a hurry and grabbed the big hand. Xiaojin, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang were all income spaces. After the disappearance of the three smalls, the "Boom" was another two meteors flying out. It was the fall of Xiaojin and Xiao. Black's previous drop!

"Damn, **** it!" Xiao Hua was also angry. He whispered twice and raised his hand to sacrifice the Star Palace!

"Oh..." Star Palace printed out, the whole space was ringing with a strange sound of humming, this is the collapse of the starlight as if it were a tribute to the Star Palace, even the remaining two hundred stars The king is separated, and he is struggling in the rushing starlight, as if he can't control his figure!

"" Like a thunderous voice rang in the air, the star of the Protoss screamed inexplicably, "You... What is this fairy?"

"What kind of fairy?" Where will Xiao Hua answer him? Raise your hand and press the star palace, and call, "Nature is the fairy that kills you!"

The Star Palace print is an arrogant fairy. At this time, in the space where the stars are scattered, it is a fierce Xiaohua’s urging, above the sky, the thick banded star marks are like ribbons. Falling, a dark halo is not inhibited from seeping out!

"Oh..." The star spirits struggling in the starlight have disappeared into streams, "Booming and banging..." The large starlight fell into the Star Palace and printed a great shock.

Xiao Hua sneered and whispered: "Go!"

The stars of the sky condense into the stars and rush to the sky!

"Oh..." Inside the band-shaped star mark, a sigh of sigh, another celestial man flying out of his clothes, but his sighs never fell, "Boom..." The stars rushed to beat him. broken!

"Booming..." The stars are not losing momentum. They are broken and smashed into the sky. Finally, the "bang" is somewhere, picking up a string of smoke.

"Oh..." A huge face is revealed at the pick-up, isn't it the sneer of the Star King? He looks at Xiao Huadao with a pair of stars that are comparable to the stars. "Look at the king's means!"

Taking advantage of the Star Palace's Indian festival, Xiao Hua has already collected the fairy babies into the dantian. Now, the singer of the singer is sneer, and Xiao Hua is sneer. He raises his hand and even clicks on the star palace, and the star palace screams. Pounce on the Star of the Stars.

"Booming and banging..." The star spirit reveals the face of the face. Numerous starlights are smashed and smashed by the Star Palace. The face of the singer Wang has been torn apart. Where does he have the magical power to let Xiaohua see?

"Damn!" The Star Spirit King couldn't help but whisper. He said that he is also the King of the Stars. Now he meets the Star Palace, which is congenital, and is really wrong!

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Xiao Hua actually fell into the abdomen of the Protoss Wang. It seems that this grand monkey is a definite one, but how to get rid of it is not a "嫂嫂" can solve!

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