Revival of the Gods

Chapter 941: The beginning of cultivation

"It's hard to be this... There are other things in this particle?" Xiao Hua couldn't help but think, "Condensing this thing can almost condense a spirit!"

"There are other Qiankun? Another spirit?? Xiaomou understands..." Suddenly, Xiaohua’s voice was exclaimed. The former state Xiaoming used to be a nebula when he showed his nebula, and then his body was like a nebula. The stains condensed and the stars appeared everywhere. At that time, Xiao Hua’s heart flashed an important thought. At that time, he didn’t care. At this time, I thought, isn’t that what I am?

Xiao Hua’s thoughts turned sharply. He said: “Yes, how did Xiaomou condense the avatar before? The meridians gave birth to the real people, the bones gave birth to the heavens, and the internal organs produced the literary music. Now Xiao has a flesh. Or... Maybe it’s not likely to condense again, but Xiao can use these parts to cultivate! It’s just like the nebula in the state’s Xiaoming body...”

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s face couldn’t help but show an intriguing smile. He really had some expectations. When there are several places to practice again, what will happen, whether there is a avatar, or something different. The fun stuff comes out!

If this thought is a common immortal life, it will definitely be regarded as a whimsical one. After all, most of the true feelings of the cultivation of the immortals are in the fairy body. How can it be possible to separate the Confucianism and even the magic repair? Even Xiao Hua himself, if it is normal to fly, it is absolutely impossible to use the original body.

But Xiao Hua is really blessed!

First, Xiao Hua's body is unique. It is the body of the beginning light. Xiao Hua's body is one hundred and three hundred and two hundred particles. Each one is self-contained. It is said that a small world does not think too much. Xiaohua's bones and meridians , blood and so on are all formed by such magical particles, so Xiao Hua alone can isolate the body, bones, meridians and so on.

Second, the practice of Xiao Hua's cultivation is also unparalleled in the fairy world. Although Xiao Hua has a god-dealing method in his hands, he does not dare to practice in the immortal world. He originally cultivated the groundbreaking killing and arrogance, but he With the practice of the immortal method of practicing the immortal, the entry is extremely fast.

Later, Xiao Hua got the Promise, and Tian Xiaohua modified the practice according to the Promise. Therefore, Xiao Hua dared to practice the temper, and the sacred **** was different from all the celestial exercises. He did not particularly emphasize the immortal. Physical cultivation.

After all, the foundation of this method is the fairy spirit, not the spirit of the spirit, the five elements of the body, the yin and yang closure is the appearance of the unity of the Yuan Yuan, but it is the revealing of the realm of Xiao Hua, or that Xiao Hua is practicing in the Taoist world. The constraints of the law of time, so Xiaohua Xiandi separated from each other to cultivate different exercises, will not affect the cultivation of their own gods.

Third, when Xiao Hua was in the world, he split the various methods of practice of the gods, and there were experiences that ordinary immortals had never had.

Fourth, Xiao Hua's genus is scattered all over the world, and there are rare opportunities, and there are also top-level exercises and practice methods.

Of course, the fairy tales are different from the mortal world. Even if Xiao Hua splits the fairy martial arts, there are also great difficulties. Because the fundamentals of each practice are fundamentally different, the cultivation methods of other circles may not be applicable in the fairy world.

Do not say anything else, just say that the literary practice of the literary practice is ambiguous, this illusory Xiaohua has no understanding, and does not know how the situation is inside, but since it is the cultivation of the three flowers, it is necessary to say that it is necessary to have awe-inspiring temperament. Awesome? Not to mention the devouring of the magic and the sacrifice of the blood.

Xiao Hua thought for a long time, and felt that the cultivation method of the literary and magical sorrows could not be tried for a while. The sorcerer, the celestial being, the thunder and the real person’s cultivation method could not try.

However, when he turned to the soul to practice, he was dumbfounded again. His soul is practicing the metaphysical articles, and he simply does not want to sing his own thoughts. The sorcerers of the people have already begun when they have fallen into the river.

Since the soul is ready, Xiao Hua naturally knows that he does not think that he is not a castle in the air, so he tries to use the method of the real **** of the Thunder. The thunder is very strict, and he does not reveal their cultivation practice.

However, Xiao Hua does not care about the practice of cultivation. He only wants to try the Yuanshen cultivation, so he looks for it, and finds an ordinary method of cultivation of the Yuanshen in Moxian.

Xiao Hua's simple understanding, the muddy palace and other related fairy bodies are isolated, so that they can cultivate themselves. It is also weird. Xiao Hua obviously feels that these parts are somewhat self-conscious, and they don’t have to divide themselves to control the gods. They begin to practice according to the exercises!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but palm up. After all, Xiao Hua has stepped into the fairy world and has been humiliated by the body of Yuan Ying. Today, it is hard work, not only the body that ordinary fairy dreams can't think of, but also the ordinary fairy dreams. Unexpected cultivation methods.

Although I don't know what the road is like, but there are precedents in which all the worlds go hand in hand and enter the fairy world, Xiao Hua feels that his prospects are very bright.

Xiao Hua is pleased to see the sickle that absorbs the gloom in the star array. This sickle should be the body of the Necromancer, those dark air chambers condense the existence of the spirit of the dead spirit, so it is extremely easy to absorb the black air of the sickle, just in the short time of Xiao Hua's understanding, the darkness of the star array. They are all absorbed by the sickle.

Xiao Hua raised his hand and took the sickle in his hand. He did not wait to explore, and the "咔嚓嚓" moment gave birth to a thunder and hit the sickle.

Xiao Hua’s hands twitched, and two blue-red glows came out and the sickle was closed. The thunder suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Hua looked at the gods carefully. This sickle is not complete. It seems that there is only 70% of the complete sickle. There is a purple-red smear on the sickle, which is the same as previously seen, and Xiao Hua’s eyes are falling, and the sickle’s purple light and shadow are inside. The spring-like water shadow is hidden.

"This thing is really powerful..." Xiao Hua looked at the sickle, and the vest gave birth to cold sweat. He actually thought that the ghost king would hide behind the star spirit, and he had already made all sorts of plans, but he still could not escape. The reason for the sneak attack by the ghost king is the sickle.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, a volume of heart, sent a sickle into the shadow of the space, especially sent to the side of the secluded bamboo, Ren Xing Xue Hai Jinghua to quench this thing.

Set up a sickle, Xiao Hua looked at the golden lock of the starry array in the air. Although this thing is golden, but the star map is engraved on it, not to be called a star lock.

Xiao Hua did not sacrifice the star lock. He could only rely on the printing of the Star Palace. When Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed the Star Palace, there were several stars and moonlights hitting the star lock. The star lock roared and the star array income. among them.

And Xiao Hua thought for a moment, the Sirius brand and the star of the swallowing star are all taken out, "Hey..." Sure enough, the two star cards automatically fell into the star map as part of it.

Looking at the many dull stars scattered on the star map, Xiao Hua naturally knows that this is caused by the 50,000-star spirit, but the 50,000-star spirit has already taken away the Thunder, and Xiao Hua does not know the true star of the Thunder. What is the use of the spirit, just as Xiao Hua hesitated, he suddenly saw that under the Star Palace, the star map was dull and began to recondense the new starlight.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly took the Star Palace and the star map into the space. When it came to the space, there was no need for the Star Palace to print. The Yuxi Xiaohua Yang hand, the star moonlight column fell like a star-locked star map, and the star map gradually revealed. Mysterious face.

"Good..." Yuhua Xiaohua nodded and said, "When the star map is well-fixed, when you can know the origin of this star lock. Since this thing can condense the star spirit of Juyuanxian, its origin is not ordinary. !"

Then Yuhua Xiaohua took out the space and called Xiaojin and Xiaohe back. At this time, Xiaojin’s follow with Xiaohei was really like a child. Xiaohua also looked happy. After a few words, Xiaohua will Xiaojin and Xiaohei. Received, took out the fairy to see, and flew toward the state of Xiaoming, Xiaoxiangzi and Chexiong.

Xiao Hua thought that the state Xiaoming would be in a hurry, but when he saw three people, Xiao Hua was almost crying and laughing, and people not only did not worry at all.

Even the three men sat on a small hill on the knees and seemed to be sharing their cultivation experience. The 潇 子 子 扬 将 将 将 将 将 将 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇 潇

Miao Xiangzi still has some pride: "Che Xianyou just said that the experience of the Nether Sword is not daring to hide. This is a bit of understanding about condensing the baby, as the car fairy said, this is In the next realization, there is nothing to do with the teacher..."

Immediately, Xiang Xiangzi began to tell his heart, and opened the fairy show from time to time according to his heart.

Xiao Hua listened for a moment, knowing that this is a little understanding of Xiao Xiangzi's unique path. It is quite useful for the cultivation of Xiao Ming of the state. Therefore, Xiao Hua did not bother Xiao Xiangzi, and he just sat down on a nearby hill.

Nothing left and right, Xiao Hua’s mind entered the space and turned into a jade, Xiao Hua’s shape, and sent the captive’s coffin. The coffin eyes are closed, and there is a reddish scar between the eyebrows. Yuhua Xiaohua looks at it and knows that it is the ghost king who will seal the soul of the spirit, presumably to prevent himself from breaking the ban.

Yuhua Xiaohua sneered, raising his hand, a "brush" of a clear light fell, "噼里啪啦" faint firecracker sounded in the head of the self-spirited skull, with the sound, the eyebrows frowned, the nose and mouth screamed The voice is obviously very painful.

After about half a cup of tea, the sound and shadow disappeared, and Yuhua Xiaohua sighed: "This ghost king is too calculated, he has no intention of getting the memory of the poor road. If it is not a poor road, this spirit The calculation is abolished..."

Sighing, Yuhua, Xiaohua once again raised his hand at the eyebrows of Lingbi. As the little fluorescent light fell into the fingers, Yuxi Xiaohua’s eyes became more and more colorful, and the expression of Yuhua’s Xiaohua became more and more exciting. ......

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From Xianying to the beginning of light, now the body has more potential, Xiaohua refueling, exploring and cheering!

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