Revival of the Gods

Chapter 985: Star lock see star lock

What kind of change, it can not be studied at this time, perhaps the purple Huan Guoguo who turned into the ghost king wants to hand over this half of the star lock to Chongyun, it is also possible!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua thought sharply and couldn't help but sigh. "Poor parents in the world, if you know that the ghost king has this..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua can no longer say anything, not to say that he has killed the ghost king, even if it is not killing, at this time, the ghost king is still the purple king of the country?

The voice of the purple kingdom of the country disappeared, and the size of Hui Xiaofan gradually withered, and the light and shadow seemed to be cut off by time, revealing the latter two marks.

"I am going to..." Xiao Hua saw that the two marks were exactly two axe. I didn't feel it was low. "It's no wonder that Zi Huan's king of the country raised Chongyun, and the original mystery is here!"

"However, okay..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly, raising his hand to take out two axe from the space, with a sarcasm in his tone, as if he was to himself, as if to say to others. "A certain family has a heart, Did not give the real axe to Hwan Ji!"

With the power of Yuhua Xiaohua, the star card that will be hand-made will make the Star King be fooled. How can Huanji recognize the authenticity? Do not say that Xiao Hua did not leak the mouth, even if it is really leaked, it is impossible for Bao Shan to open the ban!

In the words, Xiao Hua put two axes on it. Just when Xiao Hua thought that he still needs the essence of Chongyun, "Oh..." there was a strange sound of the wind and the sound of the sound, and then I saw it. Under the axe, there are purple Hui Xiaofan's flowers and shadows, and after the layers of flowers and shadows are opened, there is a dark space!

Xiao Hua did not fly into it, but looked up at Gao Tian, ​​cold and cold: "I have been watching for a long time, do not plan to come out to meet?"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua looked at where he was, and heard the sound of the palm of his hand, but saw that Aussie Yingying flew, the clear light was actually covering her face, but the light red on the neck slightly showed her. Unspeakable excitement, "It’s amazing, it’s really unexpected. It’s just a five-line fairy. There are such ingenious means of invisibility, and there are such meticulous calculations. If you don’t see it, you can’t believe it!”

“Fu Jun?” Xiao Hua frowned slightly, looking up and down the cedar, and later Bao Tong and Jing Zhi Han and others, Qi Dao, “Who are you?”

"This is my Da Kunming 韶 府 府 府 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君

"Oh..." Xiao Hua said coldly, "A family is not your big Kunming people. Why do you see it?"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"The name will not be necessary!" Xiao Hua reached out and said, "What about the crystal roll?"

"Ah?" Mo said that the well was cold, that is, Bai Le also stunned, the dark road, "This ... this immortal is the arrangement of the Fujun adults?"

"Gege, Gege..." Abalone smiled and said, "Small friend is really Junjie. I don't even admire it if I don't admire it! The crystal roll is good, I want to give a friend a chance, I don't know if Xiaoyou has not interested."

"The chance?" Xiao Hua hesitated, replied, "I still give the crystal roll first, then say what chance!"

Bao Tong hurriedly stopped Bao Shan and reminded: "Don't you look at the things inside?"

Abalone has a well-being in his chest: "The things are naturally inside, and this little friend has not let go of his thoughts. Little friends are so sincere, and I can’t help but show my sincerity..."

After that, Baoshan rushed to the well and nodded. The well-seeking cold did not say that he took a crystal roll from the bag and handed it to Xiao Hua.

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua looked at the amount on the crystal roll and was extremely satisfied. He said, "Thank you, Grandpa, you don't have to be so troublesome. You have already broken things up and will offer something in the morning."

Looking at Xiao Hua to let the entrance go away, Baoshan rushed to the well and nodded. The well was cold and carefully flew into the space, but for a moment, the well wanted to fly out, and the other half of the star lock was handed to Baoshan.

"Hey..." Looking at Baoshan’s star lock, Xiaohua smiled and said, “Is it possible to leave now?”

"Don't you think about the opportunity I said?"

"This..." Xiao Hua smiled and looked at the behind-the-scenes of Baile. He said, "I am not interested in doing these heads with no brains. I will not be able to test twice, but I will try four times and four times. If not, How can you be suspicious in the next?"

"Damn!" The unshadowed face suddenly rose red, but what can he say besides his low heart?

"Oh, no matter what!" Abalone smiled and said, "Since the little friends are not interested, then it is gone, please..."

Xiao Hua did not expect to let him go so simple. He looked at the abalone arch and turned his hand.

"Slow..." Sure enough, Xiao Hua just flew out of Baizhang, Bao Shu shouted.

Xiao Hua stopped his body and looked at Bao Wei quietly. One word and one sentence: "What advice does the adult have?"

"The star lock you just took?"

"Oh, that!" Xiao Hua smiled with a wink in his eyes. "That is taken back to Dongfu to make a commemoration, or if it is happy any day, send it to Xianyu to sell for a good price!"

"Give me!" Bao Tong said.

"Sorry!" Xiaohua's face was tight, and righteous words resigned. "That is the heart of the heart..."

Bao Tong pointed a bullet and a crystal roll fell into his hand.

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned and shook his head: “Impossible, the heart of the heart...”

"Brushing..." After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Bao Tong pointed to the bullets and appeared three crystals in succession!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua took a big hand and took the four crystal rolls. His eyes swept over the amount and smiled. "The adults are really bold, and they can only bear the pain and love!"

Said, Xiao Hua shot a waist bag, the previous star lock to take out.

Bao Tong took the star lock and did not put away but handed it to Baoshan: "Do you see if the two can get together?"

"Yeah!" Abshan stunned, hurriedly took over the half of the star, and took out the previously collected star lock, watching the two stars lock together, and the heart of Hashan was put down.

"Does the two adults feel relieved?" Xiao Hua smiled even more, whispered.

"Well, you go!" Abalone waved. "There is nothing to say about this."

"The two adults are at ease!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I got the benefit of it. Is it not good to find something for myself?"

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Xiao Hua is very obedient, some strange!

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