Dragonian (4)

“Really….the same”

The 5th prince Ragnar’s calmness.

There was a servant from the Imperial Palace standing in front of Ragnar. And surprisingly he had the same face of Ragnar, and even the platinum hair on his legs. Even if he was a hidden twin, there was absolutely no difference.

“But, is it that simple? Outside the mages of the ivory tower are keeping a close watch on me. Ian Page, that fucking bastard laid out the mages. I don’t think you can deceive him?”
It had been quite a lot of days since Ragnar had been imprisoned in the Imperial palace. It was not a formal prison sentence, it was like a form of captivity which included eat, sleep, read and walk, nothing other than that. Especially not long ago the mages who came to the Imperial Palace began to appreciate Ragnar.

“You don’t have to worry about that. The master is present in the Ivory Tower now, he so much more wicked than what he seems.”
“What? The Master?”

Even Ragnar knew. The existence of a 6th class mage is an amazing thing it self, but a much better mage? How will a much better master be?

“Will see you in person and share the details.”

The servant with the identical face of Ragnar said. He unfolded a book and started to create a ‘portal’. ‘The portal book’ effects were similar to the one tower lord Herbert used to possess.

“This, what is this?”

“Come on, it’s a portal to get out of the capital.”


With a little suspicion Ragnar was hesitating, when someone’s hand popped out of the portal. And a senile voice could be heard.

“Majesty. Please take the hand of the chief.”

“Sir Dumphil?”

The hand and the voice belonged to the imperial knight ‘Dumphil Morit’. On the day of the execution, this was the very same person who handed him a ladder in midst of all the chaos.


Ragnar hardened his heart and went into the portal. On the other side was a forest with a night sky. The light that could be seen commonly was not there. It was cold small sound somewhere outside the capital.


It was cold everywhere and even Ragnar couldn’t avoid being embarrassed. Isn’t he an extraordinary mage? It was not easy to calm the hollow heart and the big eyes.

“There is no need to be surprised.”

“There isn’t a skill like this in the tower…………?”

“Majesty. Did you really think that our friend Herbert really reached the top of the tower with his own capabilities? Even though he received great power, I was the one that pushed that young man to a new day. However it was the target of our meeting. Thanks him for destroying himself, I’ve got less work to do. ”

He turned the burgundy hoodie upside down.

Dumphil Morit who was walking ahead spoke.

“The world is wide. And only a few selected beings can see the wide world. And your majesty has been chosen. Your majesty it is your choice whether to receive it.”

“The chosen?”

“Yes, The chosen. The Master can be regarded as the most ideal monarch/prince in the whole kingdom. He is the ideal monarch who destroys the old truth from ignorant people and will start a new path.”

Old truth, New truth.

Ragnar did not understand it.

‘What the hell? These guys.’

He had no choice but to think about it. He heard nothing. The letter that he received on the day of the execution said ‘I will help you, wait for a while’ this was what it said. I wanted to see if the forces that joined Dumphil. But I don’t think I can. Earlier he saw a servant who looked exactly like him. With magic that are mysterious like the portal he got the title the Master.


The state official Landor was dominant even though there were many religions out there. And Ragnar knew everything related to it, he heard the rituals of it too. By any chance is it one of those religious orders?

‘The end of the old truth and the start of a new one. Do they want to change the religious concept of the state? They want to use me, of the royal family as a tool/ means.’
Indeed the mind of Ragnar started spin fast. With the few clues that were there, he tried to combine them and seek the truth. And he was satisfied with it. Such tools were welcomed. Would it not be a sound of an emperor?

‘Sure, the tool is not me but you guys.’

A sly smile arose on Ragnar.
How long did I walk behind Dumphil?

The wilderness forest where the capital will fall.

And at that place the light began to shine.

“Oh! It has come.”

What stood out was the rock.

A bigger yet an unmatched rock.

The rock was gathered in the center.

Like Dumphil the people were wearing burgundy hoodies.

“I see the majesty.”

Dumphil and Ragnar cautiously approached the men in the burgundy hoodies. He knew method that he learned honestly.


Around twenty men were present? In terms of theirs posture they seemed like noble figures. And as it was night it was hard to get a clear look at their faces of those in the hoods, one thing was certain.

‘This was not an ordinary group.’

Is it possible that nobody could’ve known about the existence of the group? These people seem to have huge strength in controlling situation. They don’t seem to be better than the tower lord Herbert.

“Please introduce yourself. This is a secret meeting for you to meet the Master, only the top teachers have been gathered here today.”
Following what Dumphil said Ragnar introduced himself to the people. Though surprised he followed. There were familiar faces than he thought.

‘If this is so…….’

Then this a greater force than what I imagined.

Then the level of power that they posses would be much more.

“Nice to meet you. By any chance, am I one you wanted to meet.”

Ragnar finished his greetings quickly.

He spoke out more actively than his thoughts.

These were the new support forces for him.

And this was also a tool for the emperor.

Those guys would definitely be my tools.

‘I don’t care about the others.’

Isn’t laughing at the last a sign of a true winner? There is no fuss at the moment, its my turn to gather them as the tools. Beyond imagination, I’ll gather up the mighty forces in my palm.

“But, I’m not much aware. But what is the cause for this gathering, what kind of work you do for existence, are we on the same boat, even I’m not able to get it? Please inform me.”

To know the definite direction they were heading Ragnar asked them to clarify. A voice that can be trusted upon hearing, was one of the important weapon of Ragnar.

“Of course. But, we are not the ones who can remind you all of the truths. How can you tell the truth of the whole world? But the creator is different.”

The world’s truth, tallow.

An extremely reluctant explanation.

The authoritative Master is a human.

Ragnar barely managed to get rid of the scoff.

Immediately in that moment.

“Finally! You are here.”

At the voice of Dumphil all of them looked at the sky.

‘Can he also fly like that guy?’

By ‘that guy’ he meant Ian Page.

There is no way this guy is going to come flying, right?

Of course it is not an impossible thing.

Looking at this person, he looked like a strong mage.

“The only descendent from the dragon.”
After a while, the divine presence appeared.

Just like the prediction he came from the sky.

But, something felt weird.

It was different from how Ian used to fly.

Didn’t seem like a mage.

“The only descendent from the dragon.”

“The only descendent from the dragon.”

“The only descendent from the dragon.”

Dumphil started and the others successively did the same by kneeling on the ground. On both the sides of Ragnar the people were on their knees. He was not accustomed to this, so he held his head high. He was amazed after looking at the presence.

‘Dragon’s descendent?’

Not of the god, but the descendent of a dragon?

Dragons concern themselves with religion?

Why is a dragon called as the initiator of magic?


He really is the descendent.

It could be as soon as you see.

The presence of the being that came down from the sky.

The presence of him could be felt vividly.

The words said about the only descendent of the dragon.

The real meaning in the words could be seen.

‘Is he……. Not a human?’

The Master was never a human.

Of course, he did have the figure similar to that of a human.

He had face and body similar to humans.

He had two hands and legs.

If he had any exceptions.

‘Wings, and a…..tail?’

So, he had a human body but possessed wings and a tail. A truly spectacular wings and tail were there. Look at those huge wings. These weren’t the wings that were covered with feathers, it looked like roughly stretched branches, with red scales on them anyone could feel the brutality it held.

‘The tail was like a weapon.’

The wings were like wings, Ragnar looked at the wings but tail looked more brutal. It was a red scaly tail, there were sharp horns of irregular size were present. If it was whipped once the limbs of the human could be torn.

“So you are Ragnar, Greenriver?”

After his birth this was the first time he saw something of such extremity.

Even then he still didn’t lose the smile.

Though there was a monster with immense power in front of him.

There was sense of power only by his appearance.

It was a must to catch this thing.

“The fifth prince of the Greenriver family, I’m Ragnar Greenriver. It is my honor to meet the descendent of the dragon.”

The Master looked at Ragnar with expressionless eyes. They were not the pupils that any human could ever have. It seemed like crocodile or reptile, looked similar to that of a reptilian.


The reason why Ian left ‘Day Break’ the thieves guild was more varied than his thoughts. As mentioned earlier, there were good reasons and it was short spoken, but the most important reason was different. This was the guild where Crud was a devout believer.

‘I do not mind.’

‘Landeur denomination’, which is imperial states religion, but is rejected by the other kinds. He was immediately became believer of the denomination. The moments he had the time to spare, he would read the bible and remind himself that he was mortal. In other words, according to Crud’s words the dragon’s denomination must be rejected. Am I supposed to be more aggressive in collecting the information?

‘Now what’s left is…….’
Just now I have started a work. This task is same as the Taisan. First, there is a need to decentralize the power of the Ivory Tower. So there will be freedom to act. Ian had no intentions of being in a room and looking after the work.

‘I cannot solely rely on the Thieves Guild. From my point it is good to question. And I need the knowledge of the fairy queen.’

He had thoughts that there was more work to do.

Immediately he remembered the promise that he heard from the fairy queen.

‘The requests that you might have, I’ll listen to them for a week…..’
The request of that lady who wished to live in the form of a human, to do it is not an easy thing. I can speak the truth with the family, the rest are the problem. The guardians and the maid, I need to consider their gazes.

‘Strange rumors might turn up.’

There is a beauty out of the common sense and that can be seen in the house of Ivory Tower, no, I seem to live with both! I remember only this. So many rumors. If you try to write a novel, that’ll turn into hundreds of books.

‘I think I’m getting more busy.’

Ian took a breath at that moment.

A communication sphere decorated with a snout was there.

And a voice could be heard from the sphere.


This was a very ambitious view. But it seemed certain that everyone in the mansion would be sound asleep. But why was she contacting the communication centre? What work does she have with me?

[Ian? Did you go out at this time?]

From the communication port his mom’s voice could be heard. The voice sounded a little drowsy, but it wasn’t a big deal about today.

“Went to sight see for a while. What work do you have?”
[It is nothing. But people have been coming to the Ivory Tower. The…… Ivory Tower’s communication? Did you leave the towers telecommunication? The head forgot about the communication?]

In the Ivory Tower private communication lines were given, not forgotten but left it on purpose. This cane thing was hidden near the monster arena building.

[So I would like to have a communication facility…… this is the first time? Don’t tell anyone, pretend it to be an ornamental fixture.]

5 years back, Ian offered his mother a high performance communication port because she asked. Of course, since I have been to ivory now, it isn’t much of a star, and it wasn’t much of a good thing to make me swell.

[The mages asked me to inform them once you came. Come to the north gate as soon as possible. I looked like the soldiers were also crowded….. do you think anything dangerous is happening?]

North Gate.

The north gate was the front gate of the capital.

“Don’t worry.”

[I will worry.]

“In the world the person who worries about a 6th class mage, is probably the mother and no one else. So sleep comfortably. Ah, the cat…. Espel make sure to keep it by your side.”

[Of course. What if it is already beside me?]

“Then I’m glad.”

If the fairy queen is there in the mansion then it is safe.

“Summoning, the Spirit of Horses Unicorn.”

As a result of Ian hiding his staff/ cane, Mitchel Greenriver’s Rob also could not put it on. Thanks to the free fly order that was placed, he could summon the unicorn or it would be impossible.

Taktak! Taktak! Taktak!

It felt like there was problem after talking with his mom. Right now, in this moment, my soldiers were gathered near the North Gate. Yet still now the emergency alarm sound could not be heard, it seems like it might ring any time now.

“Oh, Tower lord, we were waiting.”

Capital’s North gate was crowded.

And they were waiting for Ian.

They were all the mages of the Ivory Tower.

“What is going on?”

Asked Ian after getting down from his Unicorn.

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