Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 1000 Future Discussion Future

In order to invigorate his own ideas, Meng Qian further moved out the influence of Shanghang Research in the Lion Union.

There are many world-class universities in the Lions League, and these world-class universities are speaking, and some universities have even began experimental business research. They have achieved a certain effect.

In the past two years, many colleges and universities in Europe and neon countries have docked more companies in the introduction of the educational model of the researcher, and achieve the situation of win-win.

The on-site discussions were conducted for research business, but there was no substantive progress in today's meeting.


"Do you think the promotion of business research can be successful." After the meeting, Sun Xiaomi, who has been listening to, asked Meng Qian's ideas.

"I am not sure, after all, the idea of ​​leaders is different, this thing is not a chartering.

However, the actual experience of our years does let us see a lot of positive things, then it must be proposed. "

Sun Xiaomi is rare to show a pair of expressions. "Things involve education reform may be that I have seen the most, and the high school entrance examination reform in Jiangzhou has not stopped."

"Education for Chinese people is a big thing. Of course, it's hard, we do your own things, whether it is education and poverty alleviation, science and technology education, or higher education.

We must do what we have to do, the rest, we can't do the Lord, go back and so on. "

"Then let's go back to the company first?"

Meng Qian looked at the time, "Time is early, go to the summer camp to see it."

The Summer Camp of the Great Wind Group has continued until now, and the scale is gradually increased, the threshold is also getting higher and higher, and now I can come to participate in the Summer Camp of the Great Wind Group.

The Great Breeze Group also bought a large piece of construction, specializing in the summer camp service, siting on the edge of the pure land laboratory, and the summer camp students visit the Pure land laboratory also continued to the present project.

After the car arrived at the destination, Meng Qiao rushed to a building of the most C, and four big characters worked out of this building: .

The tribute to this building is to learn the government, Meng Qian is not an oral talking to the school's preparation, but it really often gods the master of the hundred.

There are many rooms in the building, and there is a group of young people in each room. Everyone has only one thing, the collision of thought.

Every day, there will be some themes every day, and everyone is free to enter the theme housing of interest to start free debate.

Meng Qian gave a look at the theme of today, and finally attracted the theme of future human society, with Sun Xiaojing came to the corresponding room, listening to the students' debates.

"As the saying goes, the competition between similar competition, heterogenesis, lion and lions will definitely be more competitive than the lion and wolves. The most fundamental problem is to compete for resources.

So as long as there is a resource competition between human beings, it will never be peaceful, and the fact is that there is of course there is resource competition.

So I think human civilization If you want to go forward, you need a big unity.

As the original foundation of Huaxia Civilization, the initial foundation of Qin Shihuang is unified. "A fifteen-six-year-old child in the house speaks loudly.

"If you put this point, if you put it in 200 years, I will recognize you even 100 years ago, but now I can't recognize it.

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Because humans have entered the ecological civilization era.

Humanity has moved from the industrial revolution to ecological civilization. The biggest change in this is to start emphasis on people and nature, and this relationship is not simply calling to human beings to protect the environment is so shallow.

This emphasizes is actually what you mentioned, because the reality in front of human beings is that resources don't have our imagination.

Or, the resources we can get directly are very barren, don't say that it is serving all human beings, this planet can directly obtain the resources that can even supply a slightly large nation for a little long-term.

A huge gap between humans and animals is that humans can create resources, but animals do not have this ability.

This ability begins in the agricultural era, out of the industrial age, with the arrival of the ecological civilization, this capacity will enter key stages, which is the global cooperation stage.

Because we want to achieve the richness of creating resources, we can only rely on cooperation, and only the development of creativity can protect human groups can live for a long time. This is not a dramatic, if we can't solve resources, we will soon Disappeared because resources are lacking. "

"You are right, but it is because of the lack of resources, we need a big unity, because we can better manage, concentrate on our resources, uniform, uniform, cooperate It is definitely a variety of trouble. "

"Your idea ignores competitive value, the biggest value of competition itself is actually to promote development.

You said that through the big unity, it is certainly not that it is not, this is indeed a way, but the competition is in the oblitement possibility, that is, in the oblitement of more development vitality, the creation of resources is a running catching resource consumption State, what we need is the optimal solution.

Cooperation and competition coexist, world-rich and different exchanges, global informationization of resources, which is worth our expectation than big unity. "

"Is there no competition between the big unity? Is there no competition between Silicon Valley? Is there no competition between Huaxia Enterprises? After the big unity, everyone can also promote the development of technology through competition!"

"Competition, but not enough, the most realistic problem, if it is not because of the pressure of the Chinese business, do you think Silicon Valley companies have such performances?

Is there no competition between Silicon Valley companies?

External competition itself must be a good thing, because external competition will promote development, but it must be noted that this external competition cannot violate the basic appeal in this stage of ecological civilization, which is to create human living resources.

The problem before the company is in violation of this basic appeal. They don't stand in the perspective of the ecological civilization eccentricity to lead the development of world science and technology. They are more from the perspective of private interests to lead the world technology. Assessment, there is no resources. Accelerate creation, on the other hand, resources are constantly concentrated.

Now, the ideal future is new globalization, and new global cooperation is the basic appeal of the ecological civilization era, and the competition of new globalization is to continue to stimulate each other's competition. Technological development.

This is a model that simultaneously takes into account individuals and groups.

So I think that the ecological civilization era + new global thinking is the future of human beings! "

The fierce arguments of the two triggered the on-site thunderous applause and the wave-like screams.

This debate is here so that the two have a smile, and the same is far away.


"Your mood is good." After you quietly leave from the back door, Sun Xiaomi noted the smile hanging on Meng Qian's face. "Is the young man understand your thoughts?"

"I am interested in this topic, because this topic is in the future.

In fact, we don't know who is wrong, who is wrong, can you really need a big unity?

Just like that child, new globalization may be more appropriate in this eccentery, because we are in an ecological civilization era, if this kind of thinking may not apply in the Agricultural Civilization, then there may be a few people again. It will enter another new era, and there will be many different places at that time.

I have a good mood to understand the reason for the child, but also because I saw the last hug.

Another child mentioned a sentence, similar competition, heterogeneous, so human beings are similar or different? "

Sun Xiaojing was asked by Meng Qian, I really can't think of an answer for a while. "Do you think?"

Meng Qian turned around and walked first. "If you change it into me to explore this problem, I think the future human society may be four words, seeking to deposit.

Of course, what will it be, still take time to give us an answer. "

When it comes to this, Meng Qian's mobile phone sounded the call of Xiao Bo, Xiao Bo hooks, "Opposite the more further contradictions."


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