Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 1003 is compressed or help

When neon and Gaoli companies gradually investigate more information, many domestic enterprises in Milan ran into Intel.

A few days later, Dell's Dell's "" into the office of Kiss Annik, "Why is the chip supply so soon?"

Kz Annik helplessly, "supply chain problems."

"Intel can be the first batch of core companies that build the global semiconductor supply chain. Is this Intel's performance not to say?" Dell did not give Kaziannik's face, after all, in the Milai Technology Circle, Dell Company Although it is not more than Intel, Dell's qualifications are deep.

Kz Anni is indeed angry, it is still humble, "In recent years, there are two supply chain rules in this world in development, one is the wind group lead, one is the traditional giant company of our rice.

Due to the long-term relatively stable supply relationship, the two rules did not have too much conflict, but more only the collisions of the concept and the local small range of resources, so there were always some people to think that these two rules It is likely to coexist for a long time.

The problem is that the recent wind group and a large number of Huaxia companies have encountered sudden problems that have encountered all of their rules of leading companies to encounter trouble. "

"In this case, isn't it a good thing for us?" Dell is a little inexplicably looks at Costiannick.

Kz Annik looked at Dell helpless, "Yes, everyone thought it should be like this, but the facts are completely opposite.

It is because this batch of Huaxia companies, including the wind group, have encountered trouble, but give everyone a chance to confirm a thing, that is, even if the Chinese company is falling, their global industry chain also has an efficient repair ability.

This also proves that the so-called collaborative global industrial chain really has no class division, it is really going to center, is a supply chain rule that is actually serving global business services.

Because in that rule, the information is open, the data docking, the technology is cooperation. When there is a problem with the company, there will be alternatives, even if there is a problem, the leading business.

There is a happiness company that can find a corresponding approach to this ecology through this ecology. "

Dell can listen to Kaziannik, "You said, the new global supply chain led by the Huaxia company has strong self-repair, and is the self-repair ability of the giant enterprise from the leader, so in short After confusion, the supply chain ecology immediately started repair, returned to the original track.

But our rules are not so strong self-repair, so that our supply chain is weakened? "

"Can be so understanding."

"But our supply chain repair ability cannot be so bad, and this time is more clear in the Chinese company.

Besides, even if our supply chain competition has disadvantages, it will not have so much obvious trouble so soon? "

"You also said it, their repair is to get from the leader of the giant company. This thing has led to the mood of the market, because in a long time, everyone is not so believed to believe in the wind group, for the wind group The new global supply chain ecology is a fair ecology or an ecology that is also controlled by Huaxia Enterprises, and everyone lacks opportunities to confirm.

But now everyone has confirmed this matter, so more companies have begun to diamond their supply chain, because the rules are more tempting for companies outside the rice, especially non-old businesses, and more than ten years The wind group has already created this global supply chain. Everyone wants to go in very easy, but the global production resources are limited. When everyone is in that ecology, our resources will naturally decrease.

So I have never understood these two days. What people are in the wind group or in the help of the wind group?

The wind group has paved the road to the world, and it seems that this is the largest limit pressure. "

Dell understands that the face is also more ugly. "This extreme to suppress the Chinese company has an influential to us. If you say, you have always been harmful to each other, but now look at it now. Come, this time is completely just harmful to our own. "

"You can't say that, at least the interests of those enterprises in China are actually affected, just like many people who don't believe it before, everyone did not think that the wind group has really no hegemony so many years, The key to appearing, the key is what Meng Qian said is true, he did not deceive anyone. "

Dell smoked a sigh of breath, "Then our next trouble may be exceeded by many people."

"You are right, less than half a month, the domestic semiconductor equipment material supply shortage, the price is rising, this is the most direct performance, if we don't want to point, our trouble will be more serious than the wind group, After all, the advantages of public opinion are now on the side of the wind group.

And there is a matter of recent things to pay attention. "

"What is it?" I understand that Dell, who is the original committee, no longer condemns Intel, because Intel doesn't matter, as for the condemnation, he has no ability to condemn, start the heart and calm and Cos Annique.

"A few days ago Cook about some entrepreneurs in Neon and Gaotai, after that, neon and Gaoli entrepreneurs start frequent activities, and their concerns are obviously in that new Global supply chain ecology. "

Dell immediately attaches importance, "What do you mean ... they are likely to completely go to that rule?"

How many of Ksiannik show some helplessness, "If this rule does cause enough influence and take this opportunity to reinforce the stability of the platform, how do you think they will consider?"

"What is the move?" Dell's attitude is very clear, he wants to pay attention to these people, even, not only the company in Neon and Gaotai.

"I heard that they seem to send people to the country these two days."

"Come to Mi Dang?" This made Dell a little couldn't touch the mind. "If they want to confirm the new ecological thing, why do you want to run to Mo?"

"This is also where we don't understand, but since we don't understand, we intend to invite them to touch, when you are interested, do you want to come?"

Dell hesitated, Kz Anni said sincerely. "Now this situation, we must have really conceived, no matter how, we must first keep the market in the rice country, and those we have been Very mature market. "

How much is the sentence of Costiannik, I nodded on the spot. "You arrange, I will cooperate with you."


After leaving Intel, Dell suddenly had an instant confused, confused, what should I do? What should I do now, because the development of things is completely separated from the controllable track, especially for Dell this year The uncomfortable enterprise developed may be the experience of many years of workplace, so that Dell has a strong sense of unrest.

In this way, I have been stationed at the Intel Tower for a long time, and I have been waiting for his assistant to run over the small channel around him. "The components on Asia supplies problems."

"What is wrong?"

"Inadequate supply."

Dell's conscious memories from Ksiannik to all the interpretation of themselves, "Go back to the company immediately."


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