Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 1008 is abandoned by the new world

After the same phone, the Anbani of the other side has been in peace, and then played a call to the assistant. "Check what Meng Qian is now?"

Several assistants came to the office, "Meng Qian is now in China, it is estimated to be because the 70th anniversary of the Huaxia is in front of you. However, Meng Qian went to Africa before, and then ran a trip to Southeast Asia."

"Go to Africa and Southeast Asia, what he did?"

"I heard what the Wali Technology Alliance, Southeast Asian software base, the specific situation is not very clear, I will go to know."

Anabani nodded to the assistant to check, and the assistant just opened the door to hit the Sanni who was preparing to knock on the door.

Sannijum jumped through the assistant and looked at Anbani, Andabani used his eyes to express him, "What's wrong?"

"Southeast Asia has a new action."

"What action?"

San ii puts the finished information in front of Andabani, "" hundreds of companies in Southeast Asia jointly founded a world software industrial base. "

The more I am watching the more I feel incredible. "How did China Enterprise integrate these power?"

"I can only say, this is what they have stepped by step for more than a decade."


In the north of Bangkok, Thailand, there is a business group that covers an area of ​​103 square kilometers, is a unveiling ceremony, which is the World Software Industrial Base in the Sunnik.

The first phase of the World Software Industrial Base has attracted more than 1,300 companies, more than 200 financial institutions, more than 100 laboratories, and more than 50 open source organizations.

The positioning of the World Software Industrial Base is: Improve the development efficiency of the world software industry and become a strong pillar of the world software industry.

Here will be responsible for the world software outsourcing, world software development cooperation, world software enterprise incubation, and software industry innovation research.

The World Software Industrial Base is unveiled on the day, Meng Qian did not arrive at the scene, and lectured by Xiao Bo.

Xiao Bo saw a Tang to take a stage. In recent years, it is more embarrassed. "Maybe in many people, the establishment of the world software industrial base is only another IT industry cooperation group.

But in my opinion, the back of this thing is a true era breakthrough.

Because the software industry is a special and critical field, in the long period of time, the world software industry can be said to be a highly monopoly industry in the supply chain, which is the king of the Monopoly of the Global Science and Technology Industry.

Fortunately, everything is changing in the past ten years.

The first breakfast is that the emergence of mobile phone systems, the emergence of Hongmeng and Vientiane creates a new mobile phone industry. The second break is the rapid development of artificial intelligence, and the software industry has changed the foundation framework.

The third break, in my opinion, today's Southeast Asian world software industry base.

Because here will become a large-scale global software production center based on new rules, it can be taken from outsourcing work, and it will take corresponding measures for the hardware revolution, framework revolution, and new software development tasks of ecological revolution.

In other words, the founding of the World Software Industrial Base can break the monopoly of the past, and will be hit in the new rules of the future. "


"We just realized that the wind group used its hardware advantages to promote the development of new ecology. In fact, they have begun to reshape software in combination with their own software." Andabani looked at the live broadcast as a comment, "can The problem is that the Great Breeze Group does have strength, and the batch of companies in Huaxia is indeed brought, but he is now in the world factory, others, such as Southeast Asia,? "

Sanny I didn't know that there was a self-speaking self-speaking. He eventually chose to be silent, because he heard uncertainty from the tone of Andabani, this uncertainty, is a disturbing determine.

And for this problem, Sanni is also puzzled.

Answer, take time to answer, and don't wait for a long time.

Southeast Asia has unveiled the promotion and development of wind and fire after the world software industrial base, but in a few days, Bangalore has fallen into panic.

Because everyone suddenly can't get new orders.

These days, the news of Anaban's call has barely broken. It is very difficult to have a little cleaned time, and the Sundiei is called into his own office. "The development of things is a bit uncomfortable."

San ii has no expression at this time. "I have just sold in all countries. The customers all over the past two days will have more and more swings even if they don't terminate the cooperative relationship, and the facts prove that they all run to Southeast Asia. inspected.

What makes people care about is that most companies in Southeast Asia have chosen over there.

For our domestic small and medium-sized companies, this time the hit is very big. "

"What is the attractive place in them? Just because of the new rule?"

"It is not so simple from the information currently mastering."

Anbani quickly said with his eyes.

"Or that sentence, the Great Breeze Group can take the prerequisites of the new rules because of their technical advantages, the technical advantage is always the first element, and the news from Southeast Asia can see that they are using the cost-effective conquering customers. of.

There are a lot of sound outside, and Southeast Asia's software and services are better than our India. "

"Southeast Asia World Software Industry Base is a local employee, and Southeast Asia's science and technology level has always been more than us." Andabani is obviously not very acceptable.

"We ignore a thing." Sanni took the phone to see a news in Anbani.

The news was written, and the Chinese first-class university development plan was released before the National Day. Five universities were named after the first-class university to enter the world, including Xihu University.

And after this, the business research in Xihu University has begun to be high-profile, interesting is that the most enthusiastic place propaganda is not Huaxia, but it is Southeast Asia.

"Southeast Asia is experiencing a talent outbreak. There are also Meng Qian's figure behind this person's outbreak. He is not only the cooperation between technology and projects, but also cooperates with education and talent training.

From the Lion Alliance to the Asian University Alliance to the series of business research, everyone's educational system and talent training system are constantly developing, but we have excessive dependence on the other side, we have lost gold in the development of business research. ten years.

From the enterprise cooperation to the country cooperation, gradually go deep into the training and system training until today's new ecological cooperation, this is the complete layout of Meng Qian in the Southeast Asia. "

Anaban is conscious, "these cultivated talents are not all being used by Meng Qian!"

"It can be said because of the actions of two in two years in the past few years, everyone believes in Meng Qian's kindness, even if everyone seems to be used, this utilization will not resist.

For us, Southeast Asia has emerged, and then with the current talent reserve and talent training efficiency of Huaxia, the rapid fermentation of the new rules, our Indian IT factory ... "

Anbany used to throat water, "This world software industrial base is really doing, then we India ... our India will be abandoned by the new world."


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