Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 1025 Whitening Dialogue

On October 10, Meng Qian took six companies with people and the local bodies stepped on the plane to the country.

"What year is you going to the rice?" Sun Xiaoyi smiled and asked Meng Qian.

Meng Qian was very serious and memories, "I really forgot, I only remember to have a period of time."

Meng Qian turned out to look at the window, and it seems to have any feelings. Everyone did not bother him.

When everyone got a long-distance flight arrived in the Migra Airport, it was already on October 11, China, just a plane, the media was like a tide, and a group of reporters can't wait to take the microphone to Meng Qian.

"Mr. Meng, may I ask this time that I don't mean that the two countries' scientific and technological contradictions will have an important change?"

"Mr. Meng, why have you been here in the past for so many years? This time I choose to accept an invitation to deliberately express an attitude?"

"Mr. Meng can tell if this time is the purpose of the country? Is the development of scientific and technological development will enter the cooperation era?"

"Mr. Meng, the rumor said that the Great Breeland came to Miki to talk about a big transaction. If Huami Technology is really cooperative, will the follow-up will change the concept of the Great Breeze Group has been adhering to the concept?"

"We know that Mr. Meng is coming with the mission this time, can it be convenient to disclose some content?"

In the face of the general reporters of the hungry wolf, Meng Qian first confirmed that he didn't answer it here, and then stopped in the same place to let them ask for a while, after a long time, I will return it. "I was invited here. I am as curious as you, what I am going to face here, I have countless possibilities in the plane, but I didn't think that I have to face you.

I am very happy to see you. "

Meng Qian said directly to prepare a movement of the plane. At this time, the security personnel of the airport seems to be aware that he is alive, and hurry over to Meng Qian.

Meng Qian and Sun Xiao Jing were looking at the crowd silently.

According to the arrangement of the itinerary, Meng Qian's first stop is located in Microsoft headquarters in Redmond. It is a scientific and technological enterprise in the country to invite him.

When I came to the Microsoft Headquarters, Meng Qian noticed that Bill Gates was waiting to be under the company, and there were media friends around him.

Bill Gates greeted Meng Qian, two people shake hands in front of the camera, leaving a pile of photos.

"The media in your side is really active, I almost don't come to the airport." After entering the company, Meng Qi Tang said.

Bill Gates laughed and responded, "Is it like this?"

"Media is impossible to keep it in the place where I will go down, and it is impossible to make Mr. Bill Gates, I am waiting for me downstairs." Meng Qian directly bowed.

Bill Gates entered the elevator with Meng Qian, "Just to satisfy everyone's curiosity."

"Don't know that Mr. Bill can meet my curiosity?"

Bill Gates nodded. After the elevator stopped, Meng Qian entered his office, and personally gave Meng Qian coffee, "To tell the truth, I also have a lot of doubts about Mr. Meng, I also have a lot of doubts, I also have a lot of doubts. Two days have been thinking, they invite Mr. Meng to the original intention of the country, what is the same as I think. "

Meng Qian took a cup. "Do you think they will not invite me?"

"It's not this, just there are a lot of strange places, such as why they want to arrange your first stop in me, I am more unexpectedly, I have heard that this is your wish."

"Then do you want to understand?"

"I now understand half." Bill Gates put a coffee and put down the cup, "because they told me before you arrive here, but Mr. Meng is thinking, I don't understand."

"The problem is what I asked first, then I would like to answer my doubts first." Bill Gates has been trying to control the rhythm, Meng Qi is also the same.

"They hope that I can pull you."

The two laughed at the same time, and Bill Gates continued in the laughter. "Yes, some funny, because they don't trust me, even use such inferior words.

But I can understand them.

After all, no one really knows what you want.

You can push us in the abyss in unclear, who knows what you plan to plan? "

Meng Qian stopped laughing, the expression was serious, "so more accurately, today our dialogue is, test?"

"But I don't want to waste such a chance to test, I just want to tell Meng, I want to know your thoughts." Bill Gates' expression is equally serious.

Meng Qian got a lot of Bill Gates, "I like this way of communication, then I will say it straight, do you remember our first meeting in China in 2005?"

"Of course I remember, I was a group of Huaxia who went to visit at the time. At that time, Mr. Meng was the new Jin Shoufu in Huaxia.

I still remember that we speech at the same place, we have two people say that globalization is irreversible, but I said that every country must meet their own positioning, and you deny my view.

And you mentioned that future technology globalization is not simple to make your own advantages together to form a global industry chain, but to make knowledge and technical resource, let more people can participate in the process of technology globalization. In the power of more countries, more enterprises and even more individuals, jointly promote the development of science and technology, and true benefits all human beings. "

Bill Gates remembers such a detail, Meng Qian has a little touched, of course, this little moves to change.

"I also mentioned two possibilities, did Mr. Bill remember?"

"I remember that your two possibilities are in the end, in fact, it is emphasizing the resource and platformization of intellectual property rights."

The summary of Bill Gates once again proved that he did remember that Meng Qian nodded, "Yes, now you have the so-called development of global science and technology in the mouth, in fact, it is a reasonable allocation, reasonable management of intellectual property rights. , Reasonable protection.

And I am running this, I can tell Mr. Bill, because Mi State has a large amount of intellectual property, this world needs these intellectual property rights, I'm not rare your attitude, but I am for talent and knowledge. Pity.

As for me to find Mr. Bill first, an important reason is because Microsoft is a large intellectual property. "

"IBM, Intel, Gao Tong, their intellectual property rights in their hands are not less than us." Bill Gates immediately proposed questions.

Meng Qian stared at Bill Gates, "But those companies have no Bill Gates, I choose here, and there is an important reason because Bill Gates, these four words will always have a symbolic meaning."

Bill Gates had a few seconds, then denyed, "According to Mr. Meng, Mr. Moore, Moore, is more suitable."

Meng Qian suddenly looked at Bill Gates, "If he is still the old Moore in my cognition, I believe he has already entrusted the future to some people, and if he is in some things with me If the idea is consistent, he should pay this future to you. "

Bill Gates maintained calm, and humblely, "Thank you for your lifting, but I ... I have no ability to change the overall situation."

"The overall situation has changed, and there are many people change, or that sentence, the trend is can't stop." Meng Qian also put down the coffee in his hand. "Mr. Bill can tell those who want to know me. Thinking people.

I Meng Qian is just a person who doesn't want to be with historical trends, I don't have the complicated.

My ambition will always abide by the natural law. They have a much thinking about it, it is better to study the history of studying research.

If your history is too short, you can look at our history books.

And you should take a good time to talk about it. "

Bill Gates re-picking a coffee cup, "In fact, I have a history of your country in the past few years, interesting is that you have been fighting in the past few thousand years."

"Yeah." Meng Qian also drank a coffee, "the old ancestors have given us a summary experience, and if we finally conclude, we will continue to fight, then our children are too bad. "

Bill Gates unconsciously smile, "So Ms. Meng this time, is it necessary for our intellectual property resource, platformization?"

"Yes, but I have to confirm the attitude of Mr. Bill first, because this will affect everything behind."

In a direct conversation, Bill Gates did not think long-lasting thinking. "In order to invite Miss Meng to come to us, I have a lot of sin."

The two are opposite, everyone understands each other.

Meng Qian continues to ask, "Is the back resistance?"

Bill Gates nodded, "This is not a relaxed thing."


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