From December 1st.

Suddenly I don't know what to say, share something with you.

I started from the high school, I was called the liberal students who were called the science. I like reading books since childhood, I like writing (when the high school is the most popular thing is to play basketball and writing, very magical.)

But because I was very serious in the middle of the high school, I had a matter of particularly speaking, and the results of other subjects were more average. The teacher has always made me chooster, and the anti-orthodial science will also test the language. At that time, there is no more thinking. Choose a science.

But after the science, I found that I am actually biano ...

For a long time, I wrote the east, I participated in a lot of composition competitions, and I also took some awards. I was the goal at the time, I participated in the new conceptual composition, took a first, did the next Han Han .. .

However, when he is three, because some objective reasons, I realized that I am very irresponsible, I started learning well, and I gave up the final qualification of the two composition contests. That is my first missed.

Later, I have made a good science and engineering university. I became a science dog. When I was a big one, I finally liberated. I started researching books. At that time, I found that I was published with netwritten, but because I have seen it before. After the trade-off, I wanted to go to the entity published, but later found that there was no money to do this, I didn't have a bit stupid thing, I'm going to start, I would like to make money.

As a result, it didn't succeed in the entrepreneurship. That was I missed the next time, missed the web.

Later, I graduated, I'm old and my work, after graduation, I wrote a book for a while, and I wrote a book. I didn't sign, but I didn't write it, but because the book met a friend, Content.

Later, because some of the agency coincidentally, they shared a lot of things with me, let me know more about the relatively strange fields of the net, but they told me when they said that the network popularity The face of the face, they are also written, and I tried to write the style under their guidance, but I wrote a special pain. Every day I thought how to put it, behind Writing a half is also 404.

Later, I communicated with those writers. They asked what I wanted to write, I said I want to write the book that can express my ideas, they tell me, watch the webwen, the picture is cool, readers want to see the idea Let's see the world famous.

That is my third time, I missed the real look of the net, I have a cognitive deviation to the web text.

I have never been last year, I know two network writers, one of which is five writers. I went to see his book and found that his writing was very calm, but did not put his face, but it has excellent results.

He made me aware of the netteen, I found that I have a problem with the understanding of the web text, and the network needs a routine. In fact, any industry has a set of routines, but how to use it, but see people, the routine is not Incorrect.

Then, I wanted to write a web. In these years, I will entertain myself to write a book, just write play, then slowly like to start writing some things close to life.

In these two years, I have given me the most emotional fluctuations in life. It is probably some of the things around you are not very pleasing. This is what I said before. I said to my friend, or I will write this book. Anyway, you all say that I am a liberal student who is wrong into the science, then write the feelings of the science, that is, I don't live with the science dog life of so many years, and I will live without the obstacles of writing.

Take me with a contradiction between me many years, think about it is quite interesting.

After I spent a year, I saw a lot, learning, understanding, summarizing, then, this book came out.

So when I started writing, I really didn't consider the achievements, and I have an attempt, and I have an obsession, and I started a calm, I started.

Ok, sharing is here.

Why suddenly want to say this, I think I want, (probably thinking about two minutes), I want to understand.

Because your support, I may not have to miss this time.

thank you all.


As for the book itself, some people like someone doesn't like it. Now I want to understand, there is no previous persistence, some people like it.

Then, about adding, it doesn't have a manuscript, I strive for the first day and five to six.

After the next, the three guarantees are more than three, and the addition of your own adds.

As for the addition of data, I will set this this first. Everyone feels unreasonable message to tell me.

Boach ticket +1.

3000 recommended tickets +1.

Enjoy 10,000 (helms master) +1, with this, alliance 10, Bai Meng 100, Huang Me 1000 (I am floating, dare to think about Huang Zen).

Finally, I would like to thank you for the big A Fei. Thank you for giving me such a chance.

PS: Do you have any questions in technology, I hope to add groups, I will give explanations, because you questioned in the book, I explain is very troublesome, I don't explain that I will think that I have a problem I wrote, very A problem that is difficult to handle, if you are convenient, add group communication, I hope I can understand.

Group number: 970273013.

Finally, thank you again. I heard that this is the most big one of the big gods. Some people ridicule, I have to be drowned by God. I feel that I am just a good god, I hope that there is a good thing. Grades.

Grateful everything.

"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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