Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 110, such as a thin ice


After Xiao Bo saw the neon, I took the car directly to a 1st floor office building in the center of Tokyo. I took the elevator to the fifth floor. In a company that can accommodate 50 people, Shi Xueyi followed the two days earlier. When the neon big wind, the instant communication development department, the employees have been waiting for him.

"Xiao always eat?" He heard the footsteps, Shi Xueyi went out.

"I have eaten on the plane." Xiao Bo walked with the righteousness of Shi Xue, in addition to the three people of Great wind, there were 6 neon people in the company, they all came from Nan Dum Palace.

This high-style creating an instant messaging business in neon countries, chosen joint ventures with Nangong.

For Dawan University, there is no much penetration in neon, there is a local enterprise cooperation is not a bad thing. At least in the issue of the company, there are many troubles, just neon now the game industry is In the depression period, Nangong dreams have learned that the interested interest in the situation in China.

Plus the South Palace only accounts for 15 shares, Meng Qian is more than Xiao Bo knows that this cooperation is good.

"How is the test result?" Xiao Bo saw the topic after putting down the ceremony.

"Like expected."

"Do they have seen it?"

"Shouldn't yet." Shi Xueyi is uncertain. "We are testing in Panasonic, and it means waiting for you to come back, but privately, do they find Panasonic, we don't know. "

Xiao Bo nodded, let Shi Xueyi look at the test video in detail.

Neon time ten o'clock, Xiao Bo knows that Shu Xueyi is basically connected, "Xiaoli, trouble to help me take the gift to the hotel, I still have something to deal with."

"It's so late, Xiao Xiao doesn't go back to rest early?" Shi Xueyi is concerned.

Xiao Bo's courteous smile, "Nothing, I am going to sleep late."

See Xiao Bo knows that his trip, Shiluyi naturally will not ask, dragging Xiao Bo knows the hotel.

Neon time ten o'clock in the evening, a bar of neon, two neon men sit on the bar to drink.

One of them pretended to look at the left look, and slowly took out a little one from the briefcase, slipped to the front of the man, "Yama, when can I get?"

"Don't give you a first payment, what is your happiness?" The man named Yama did not care about the little thing in his hand. "Our Cisco raised you for so many years, why, I will have a company to believe it?"

"Of course not." The man quickly smiled and explained. "This is not a bit close to the hand, how is Cisco interested in communication?"

Yamamoto's evil spirits, "Yosajun, now what rules are not fortunate."

"Hahahaha." Yoshi smiled and raised the wine glass, "I have a lot of mouth, Yoshinjun please."

After five minutes, Yoshida left the bar with a briefcase. After the mountains, Yoshida left, and waited for a while, this wearing a hat and going backstart.

From the back door of the background, he left the bar, and he gave a Toyota car.

After sitting on the driver's seat, Yoshimo delivers the little book to the back seat, said with the local Chinese language, "Xiao Ge, Ji Tei just hinted me, this is his last time."

"Nothing, I only need this time." Sitting in the back of Xiao Bo said while handing the car key to Yama, "I want to go tonight, I invite guests."

"No." Yamamoto looked at Xiao Bao through the rearview mirror, and his eyes were like looking at his brother. "When Xiao Ge is busy, I will send you back to the hotel."

Xiao Bao did not stick to it, and reported the address of the hotel and started to view the content on the book.

After returning to the hotel, the content of Xiao Bo integrates the content on the book began to improve his negotiation.

The next morning, Xiao Bo knows that she is eating breakfast in the restaurant downstairs restaurant, and he doesn't sleep in a night, there is no signs of staying up late, only the dark circle can reveal his exhaustion.

At the 9:00 o'clock, Xiao Bo learned together with the company's three people, go to the destination, the 11th No. 1 No. 1 No. 1, Yongtianmachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

n, one of the world's largest mobile communication operators, neon country's largest mobile communication operators, neon 3 development leaders.

In June 2000, there was a 3-piece 3 license, gave N-Started 3 trial operation, and became the first mobile communication operator who would trade 3 commercial.

But the five representatives of N have waited in the conference room.

Xiao Bo saw the standard neon language to ask five people, and the leader of these five people is a middle-aged man named Mu Village.

"Mr. Xiao, for curiosity, we have seen a video from Panasonic in the morning." Mountain Village is straightforward. "First, I am sure, your product is very attractive, it is also very practical, but after reading After your products, I have to put forward a doubt. From a certain angle, it seems to be a competitor? "

In the face of the directness of the mountain village, Xiao Bo is very calm. "Mountain Village is really thinking that we are competitors?"

"I don't know why Qi Sir is Qi?"

"I can't talk about it, a little objective view. Mountain Village Jun feels that we are opponents, nothing more than our video calls and voice call functions from the surface, and you are vigorously promoting visual calls and mobile communication books. Is overlapping relationship, but what is the fact?

Let's first look at the realization of the audience is also the core, first, terminal equipment, second, traffic, my opinion is no problem. "

Mountain villages have expressed their affirmation and showed that Xiao Bo will continue.

"Well, then let's take a look at the equipment, according to I understand, now we have 3 models, standard, standard agreement, and 1 year to make mobile phone manufacturers to create 0 market share, which is simple?

Of course, if you give up competition with PN, you will always be 100, but I believe that they will not be able to get the license, will not do this kind of good person?

Ok, now I am starting to do contrast, you feel that the hymth is your competitors, in fact, it is not. "

The mountain village began to enter the rhythm of Xiao Bo, asked in the manner, "What do you say this?"

"First, 3 payment is expensive, you are more clear than me, so who is your visual phone user? Is business users, and our video communications caused a significant picture quality due to equipment restrictions, our target customers The group is the ordinary user who is not so much money, so from essentially, our target group is different.

Second, speech calls, we seem to be competitors, but first, all the tariffs generated by our voice call are you, our big wind creative has a penny, but now you have the money to call out. Yes, right? "

The village seems to have hesitated, but it is still nod.

"Second, it is also the third point I am going to say, and the letter is an application. Its existence is to add an attractive application to you, voice is good, but the video is just behind The application potential is used, and after another back of this application, it is a greater traffic tariff potential. These money are all of you. "

Xiao Bo knows a few paper pavilions in front of the mountain village, and the above is more functions, and the greater profitability can be brought.

"The fourth point, or around the application, although you shouted the application slogan, your current operation strategy put the core power on the terminal equipment, what does the terminal device mean? Means burning.

And what do our applications come to you? Means free.

The emotion of the hymth is essentially a win-win situation. Of course, we have our advantage, but you also have a real assist, because you don't want to change, you can add a free on the basis of the original equipment strategy. Application strategy. "

Xiao Bo is a little later, so that the mountain village will look at the things in front of him, and then continue after reading.

"As long as you are willing, what you do is nothing more than to send your standards earlier to more equipment manufacturers.

It seems to lose the impact on more vendors, but in turn, do you have the ability to influence so many manufacturers? In case your current cooperative equipment manufacturers can't cause the user's attention, but the letter is accidentally causing the user to pay attention and attracts the purchase of the user. At this time, other hardware vendors will not be heartbroken.

Once more equipment manufacturers enters, although you can't make their equipment, you can get users, get traffic, get initiative, not to mention, these spontaneous entries are in your investment In addition, their success is also a compelling for you to a certain extent.

3 times, the equipment leads, communications, or application leadership, no one knows, but at least from these two months of market feedback, try applications, perhaps consider it. "

In fact, if the wind creative, if you cut off the voice and the video function, you will talk about a lot, because N communicated.

But whether it is reborn, Meng Qian or this world of Xiao Bo, all identified speech and video is a very important function in future instant messaging fields.

Especially the reborn, Meng Qian also knows that there will be a voice video in the big sprite next year. Now if you have cut these two features in the neon market, then you will make up, but it will be more difficult.

Because with the reduction in 3 tariffs, you are more and more competitors, and some of the statements that can now come out, after 3 tariffs fall, they can't stand.

Plus yourself to neon, it is a foreign company, not your own son, you can throw it, you will only be more embarrassed in neon countries.

Plus function will have a sin N to accept himself, Xiao Bo knows to succeed in the contract to ensure the survival of the later period and even the interest.

More important kernels are, Meng Qian is not 6

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