Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 126 Hurrying the heat

"The interconnected letter system is actually a healthy moral addition to the law mentioned by Li Gang, putting some behaviors that may not be suitable for direct use of legal means intervention, so that people can have more More trade-off, not to do the internet, don't govern, what to do, "

"This is more difficult to achieve more than the full real name system." I don't know if I sit in the oblique opposite, and Li Zhifei opens, but I don't think about it, maybe I am just a fact.

Meng Qian also used his idea to recognize his thoughts. "It is the sentence, we need a more complete interoperability environment, this matter needs everyone to work hard, but I insist that we can't just look at the interconnection The value is ignored.

This is not like excessive damage to economic benefits. When you go back and want to protect your environment, your cost may be bigger, more terrible is, something, no morning layout, I will return to my head. Make up may have no chance. "

"Meng Changhui will not see too far." Li Zhifei continued to ask questions, "As far as I understand, these things have not been done with Gaotai."

"When did you start, the Huaxia must follow them behind them?"

" ." The leader knocked on the table and showed the people behind him.

When all people put their suggestions, the next step is to start judging.

When the topic introduced Meng Qian's full name system and the interconnected system, everyone looked at each other, Zhou Hongwei took the lead, "Meng's idea is good, but the technical implementation still has a big gap, I think the first basic construction Get up again. "

"In fact, I have just thought about it. The real name system will have his drawback." It is the Li Zhifei that Meng Qian doesn't know. "The first is information security issues, how do we protect the real information security?

Secondly, the initial intention of the interconnection, the original intention of the interconnection is to create a more free platform, and the booming of the two years is also from everyone's desire to this freedom. Once the real name system has appeared, will everyone will be Do you have any other views? Will you have some concerns? "

"Listening to Li, the general meaning, the interconnection is to create a legal place for everyone?" Meng Qian couldn't help but worry.

"Meng Human said this is a bit extreme, some things to promote crime, some vulgar violence, we can manage it through technical means, but also to manage it, but if we take people's behavior to moral standards and legal standards The provisions of the frame box are not limited to the development of the breeding and the development of the people. I think this is a problem that everyone can explore.

Even from a certain point of view, the purpose of the people is not what is missing in some real life? Why is the Great Breeman's game and hymen so fire? It is not because Friends have achieved social interaction through hypersin, not because Friendship is looking for fun through the game. "

"Li, this is a concept of stealing." Meng Qian found that this guy can be said, "What do you take to the moral standard? I don't know that in the process of socialization, I don't affect the social social situation. ? "

"You don't say, I really have an influential." Li Zhifei looks like a confident, "What is the essence of the interconnection? What is the fake. How many lies do we have? Meng always knows it.

How do we get the attention of others? It is not just a fake, a certain boast, a certain packaging, led us to get what we want in the interconnection society, if it is not possible, how to define the boundary? I clearly entered the month 1000, I said that I am in 2000, isn't it? "

"Of course it is based on the influence."

"Since it is based on the results, why not managing from the results itself, we handle those things that have a negative impact, why don't you set a moral norm to make people feel uncomfortable?"

"This is a good hand of stealing concept." Meng Qian said, although the opinion is not good, Meng Qian is recognized by Li Zhifei's debate, so since it is a concept of stealing, there will naturally have a loopholes. "Li Qi, You feel that someone has sent some negative posts, so keeps deleting his post.

And my philosophy is that this person will not send this post, you want to rule, but I want to rule.

And you think that the management result is itself, this point of view has a problem, the impact has already appeared, then to manage, the impact of the appearance is itself, what should I do?

A person was asked to commit suicide, you will go to the management, people are dead, who is responsible? "

"Meng is not a little pessimistic about the future of the interconnection, why is the friend going to die?

Damn enterprises, have interest orientation, what is it? "

Meng Qian's consciousness, "Yes, I am also curious, what do you say these people?"

" ." Leaders once again interrupted, "other people also talk about it."

Then I saw Zhou Hongwei's opening. "Meng always said that Li Yong said that it is good, the standard is good, the rule is good, I still have the point of view, or return to realism to see the problem, the concept of governance is now more advanced. .. "

Starting from Zhou Hongwei, several consecutive people have expressed their opinions. The views are unable to achieve around technology. It means that it is too early to do it now. Let's talk about it.

And Ding Sanshi sitting around Meng Qian wrote five words on the book: Internet finance.

Then refer to Li Zhifei.

Meng Qian horse understands why he is a bit targeted, the interconnected moral constraints, but also the binding, not only the user, and the company ...

"Mumbai, what is your supplement?" After the person who said that Meng Qian's suggestion was held, the leadership saw.

"I think technology is an objective problem, there is a problem, we solve it, is it? Is our construction level limited, just give up the building building?

My proposal is to put the real-name system with the credit system as an emphasis on the Internet development basis, the technology has problems. Let's solve it together, overcome, directly to ignore these two things, it seems that it is not in the same level. let's go?

And in terms of technical issues, Great winds are willing to provide maximum support. "

"I agree with Meng Gong's suggestion." Zhang Shuxin card is open, "" Interconnection is to develop, but more importantly, healthy development. "

"I also agree." Zhang Chao Yang took the opening, "do not do real-name system abroad, because he thinks this has the so-called freedom, but everyone can look at the interconnected environment of the rice, like a wasteland, because it is because They did not do real-name system, but I made me feel that our Huaxia should be constrained. "

"The real-name system is difficult, but content management technology is not simple." Ding Sanshi looked at the documents in his hand. "We have always increased the construction of content control, but the problem is endless, content monitoring technology is in me Come, more difficult than national construction and safety management. "

"Just like Meng, this is a concept. It is not to be immediately realized. Everyone is not a bit biased. I think this concept is very good." Sina Mao Dyno said with a smile.

For a time, the meeting room atmosphere was strange.

Previously, Meng Qian's people saw Meng Qian, as well as people sitting around him, at this time, many talents reacted, so soon, there was a rumor that Darutong University has acquired a lot of shares in three major portals. .

I heard that Meng Qian seems to be very good as Zhang Shu Xin.

This TM ...

Then, everyone's eyes were transferred to the leadership. I saw the leadership of a serious look at Meng Qian.

All the people who want to oppose Meng Qian have a sinking, the meaning of this, everyone understands.

Today, a total of 89 recommendations, 21 recommendations were incorporated in the 2002 Huaxia Interconnected Development Plan Options, which will follow these 21 suggestions for further technologies, etc., etc. planning.

The real name system and the credit system have naturally entered 21 recommendations.

Because the country itself will more inclined to real name system, if it is not supported by the Internet now, the country will also consider everyone's ideas, and the technical implementation has to participate in enterprises, but now the most influential enterprises now support , Then do it ...

"The nation is proud." After the break, Zhang Shuxin went to the front.

"National pride?" Meng Qian looked at Zhang Tao's new, "What national hero?"

"How, Meng Chong has not seen the news today?" Zhang Chaoyang also gone.

Then there were several people around, watching everyone's expression, Meng Qian feels that things are not very right, "What news? What is going on?"

"The hyacinth is not competitive with Microsoft and AOL abroad. This thing is on the fermentation, and the friend is your national pride."

"There is a disease in the trough!" Meng Qian's sense of consciousness made a scene of everyone, "Several help, hurry to drop the heat!"

"What happened? Fever?" Zhang Shuxin did not understand Meng Qian, "This is a good thing."

"Good things hammer, you don't understand, once a company will pull the nation, it is finished! I am a capitalist, I don't patropha, I love a hammer!

I didn't joke with you, and quickly let the company heat! Hurry up! "



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