
Time will come to Kevin to let the assistant roll this will be ...

Although Kevin makes him roll, the assistant must not roll, he is roaring the anger of Kevin, he still puts the news in front of Kevin.

"Remote Vulnerability?" Kevin is still not so concerned, or that sentence, there is a vulnerability, so a big system has no vulnerability to see ghosts.

After the impact of vulnerability and vulnerability, Kevin's face is getting more and more black, "Why will this vulnerability spread so fast?"

Assistant carefully shaking his head, he did not know.

Kevin strives to press the inner (love Qíng), let yourself calm down, first deal with the problem, "first turn the remote function, and quickly repair the vulnerability."

Microsoft's response speed is still still, and the remote function is quickly closed in a global scale within less than half an hour after getting the message.

However, Microsoft has chosen the closed shutdown, perhaps the current speed and propagation range, still within the scope of it.

Unfortunately, Microsoft's judgment has problems.

Because Meng Qian found a target group to spread Microsoft's vulnerability, it is hacker, and it is a hacker who is pursuing.

The so-called hackers who have pursued are those small hackers who are not responsible for technology, to find small videos, but the technology as a hacker challenged the capital.

For these hackers, similar to challenging Microsoft is a thief interesting thing (love qíng).

Meng Qian has been in such a while, and it is also obsessed with the challenge of Microsoft.

As a member of the Red League, Meng Qian is too clear to find such a hacker.

And Meng Qian is not sent to them, he just sent the vulnerability results to these people, simply, Meng Qi is to let them go deep into this vulnerability.

And when they drain it, they will not be low-key ...

Unlike a user, it is harmful, and you can't tell Microsoft. If you don't use it, the Ministry of Firm is better than Qualcomm, nor is it.

But after these people discovered the vulnerability, they will actively share, actively spread because he has a huge circle, then starts to ferment in the circle, then to the forum fermentation, then collide with the victim, then, things (love Qíng) is more and more Big ...

In fact, Meng Qian has a reason to protect users from the upstream hacker, in order to protect users, according to the historical development, this vulnerability has affected many users.

But Meng Qian started from the upper hacker, most of these hackers will not use this loopholes to engage in some ordinary users, otherwise they will be cast aside.

They have leaks from the technical end, plus Meng Qian's vulnerability through some fictional users. Everyone knows that this feature will not be used, which reduces the impact of the vulnerability.

And so that Microsoft will also pay attention to it, you can close this feature earlier. After all, Meng Qian once sent Microsoft. I didn't know how many vulnerabilities. He too learned Microsoft's urine (sex xìng), and his efficiency, take normal channel yellow flower. The dishes are cold, but things (emotions qíng) have their own response speeds.

In general, it protects more users, and gives Microsoft a horsewide, this thing Mengqi's thief is refreshing.

So when Microsoft has dropped, the net is getting more and more (hot rè), because of these hackers, your Microsoft quietly shuts the function and then fixes the vulnerability, this means me Cow ((forcing bī) bī) no one knows!

How can this tolerate, you must let everyone know!

This is not, the more the Internet is getting more, after all, the light is similar to "Microsoft's huge vulnerability" is very attractive, both attracting melonia, and attracting media to report.

It is online about the explosive news of the vulnerability. It is a first-level road to the wind, everyone is now a little scared to use the XP system, and it is also a little scared to use MSN.

In this year, there is a very weak era of frequent network security, a vulnerability that is harmful to self (body shēn) computer security is very easy to disappoint, especially Microsoft, which is such a low-key handling this problem, everyone is more Worried that there is something tired of this.

And when everyone is not too dare to use MSN, the eyes naturally fall into other instant messaging software, such as hymological.

Then everyone will find that the hymths are also updated, and the hyacinth has its own ecology.

Moreover, the mailbox on the hymn, the portal on the hand is actually the most common software of the country, not a platform of hybrid, which makes people feel very comfortable.

This is like two mobile phones in 2019, and the software above the phone is, Alipay and Taobao, another mobile phone is the social software, payment software, and shopping software developed by mobile phone manufacturers.

For the Chinese people, more people will choose the first mobile phone unless the second mobile phone has a particularly obvious or particularly important advantage of the first mobile phone. Everyone may consider changing the habit of mobile phones, but maybe it is perhaps.

Microsoft carried a bunch of private products, so many users didn't get used to, but MSN created a so-called ecology, giving people a feeling convenient, logging in to a MSN to quickly connect to various functions, as if it is still Tǐng) It is easy to use. The key is that the system comes with, this thing is still very dominant in this era.

However, Meng Qian rely on a vulnerability to let everyone want to see a good letter, and let them find that the hymths will make an ecology when you look at the hymn, and it is an ecology that makes everyone more intimate way.

The psychological tendency of the user has begun.

With the continuous improvement of online (hot rè), Microsoft finally had to post a statement.

The content is summarized, it is true that there is a vulnerability, but the problem is not big. We are already dealing with it. You can handle it, MSN doesn't have other questions, with great Microsoft guarantee, you can use it with confidence.

It is not long after it is, and Microsoft starts to use force in the application. For example, they will live in two international entertainment ceremony, this in 2001, almost all countries have no direct power, only by MSN.

Microsoft's powerful background is not playing, and the MSN has had a bunch of prizes by a entertainment sector. Many people may not know.

At the same time, Microsoft began to pay the money to accumulate.

Rice, Microsoft Headquarters.

Kevin looked at the change of online public opinion, and the heart of the day was finally put down. "The group of idiots will have such a big technical loophole!

Also we have to give them (fart pì) shares! "

"I always feel that this is a big wind to create a hot ignition."

"Great wind code, jumping clown!" Kevin also put today's fire in the wind technology, "What kind of local alliance, ridiculous, only the weak will hold the group, they will make together!"

"BOSS ..." is when Kevin is psychologically constructed to herself and team members, his assistant has come ...

The assistant looked at Kevin just wanted to speak, and he felt a strong murder.

"I have something to say!" Seeing the assistant is scared, Kevin can't help but laud, "What happened?"

"That ... hycnuscies to engage in a function of a single letter."

"Hyin game? What kind of hyacinth game? Are that" God Biography? "

"No, it is an independent game function. I have a little inexplicable game."

"What is inexplicable game?" Kevin asked coldly.

The assistant looked at the documents in his hand, "Just say something ... the wolf kills, looked at the plant, the botanic zombie ..."

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