Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 141's Strength of Science and Technology

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On November 12, 2001 (Japan rì), in Yanjing, a scientific and technological conference for the development of technology development.

This meeting is actually led by the Ministry of Science and Technology, but the Ministry of Science and Technology seems to reduce his existence in this meeting, perhaps to make more research institutions, colleges, and businesses can do more at this meeting. Effective communication.

At the meeting site, Meng Qian saw a lot of acquaintances. Several old faces in the Internet industry were basically coming. Although there were Internet, it was not considered to be controversial, but the United States always identified the Internet to a technology industry.

QQ also took a bunch of technology awards.

In addition to these old faces, Meng Qian also saw Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi, Jinshan's Asking Burjun, and Liu Qingfeng and other entrepreneurs such as UNICEA, but some entrepreneurs like Liu Qingfeng in this time still have not much famous.

As the organizer's Ministry of Science and Technology, I first made a opening speech.

The content of the speech is in the cultivation of talents. The full text has spent a large number of talent development demand and talent development goals.

And this is in line with the current era background.

In 2019, many people realized the power of Huaxia, but there were many Chinese people completely attributed this self-power reason, and why did their motherland are strong, and many people's first reaction seems to be The market is big, the money is ...

Anyway, it is money, but in the West, they are really because of the core reason for Huaxia. They really will be afraid that Huaxia has money. Do you have more money, do you get a metrium?

They are more worried about another thing (emotional Qíng), a thing from 2001, more accurately, starting from 1978 (love qíng).

I have mentioned many times before, China has begun behind the company's technology from the 1980s, but it has been starting from the 1980s, and the state began to lay a thing (love qíng).

From 88 years of technology is the first productive forces, to 95 years of comprehensive implementation of technology is the first production, and then in 1999, an extremely important thing (love Qíng), the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference is set up for technology development. The new tone, and in this tone, there is a meaning of a sense:

Further implement national science and education strategy, building a national knowledge innovation system.

Then, the next critical point in time, in 2001, Huaxia began a unprecedented college natural science and engineering talent training program.

As of 2019, in just 18 years, China has added more than 1,800 universities, in the field of natural sciences and engineering, cultivated more than 8 million talents, accounting for 25% of the world, and high-quality employment talents in the corresponding field, China has 5 million, 10 times the country, and the corresponding field of the rice country, 70% is Asian face, including 50% of China and India.

Why is the concept of science and engineering, just talk about natural sciences and engineering fields?

Because the engineering talent determines the industrial base level of a country, natural science talents determine the scientific research capacity of a country.

Industrial foundation plus scientific research, this is the future of technology in the industrial era.

And before 2001, the number of talents in the natural science field did not even have a zero head in the rice country. In just 18 years, Huaxia created a miracle of talents, and these talents were entering the fields of use.

Although they haven't fully shine in 2019, I am very clear in this future issue.

So many people on the Internet said that in the end, in the end of the afraid of Huaxia, we are obvious than him, and the rice is not afraid of the current Huaxia, the rice country, is the future, especially the legend, 2050 Chinese .

Of course, it is possible to let the people who are afraid of rice in China, they can be seen in many people. They are often considered to be low-end talents in China. After all, there are always some people who don't study, and I don't think I will study hard.

It doesn't matter, anyway, "low-end talents", made a bridge that can break the river, makes a aircraft carrier that can save sails, resulting in a jade rabbit that can leap the horizon, whether the keyboard is tapped The keyboard, always imposing their achievements.

Moreover, the place in Huaxia scientific research talents ((forced bī) bī) is in the low-age achievement, the total architect of the third aircraft carrier is 80, and the core team of Yutu R & D in Jade Rabbit has a batch of 90.

Back to the scene, Meng Qian can see that at this moment, listening to such a speech, there is almost no feeling in the seat, maybe, no one thinks there will be such a future.

So don't say that the West is afraid, sometimes people ((forcing bī) bī), they are afraid.

After the leaders, after the end of the words, they came to the Huacai to speaking, and then Tsinghua, Yan Da, Liu Chuanzhi ...

The big gapse is to share it.

"What is Meng Men who remembered?" Some of the lack of arrogant Zhang Tao came to see Meng Qian's notebook.

"Make a note of the core of everyone's speech." Meng Qian wrote on the side.

Zhang Shu Xin couldn't help but smile, "said the manuscript is not necessarily what they write, you remember what is used."

"The manuscript is not the meaning of the speaker. It is important that the manuscript can represent the institution behind, at least, the scientific research results they say are more or less really true." Meng Qian's gaze has been focused on the stage.

Zhang Shuxin chooses no longer talk, but looks at Meng Qian's look, not (forbidden jìn), and more wonderful.

"This young man, what is his goal?"

After the presentation, it is to communicate. Basically, the big giant just speaking is back to the stage, and then there will be some topics that are ready for everyone to discuss, and those sitting under the stage can also participate Come in.

Then, it is free to explore the time, no one can throw a problem. If you feel that there is a discussion, you can talk deeply.

However, Meng Qian has not participated in the discussion, and always as a listener listening to what everyone cares about, trying to further understand the scientific environment and technology environment of this era.

The last link of the meeting is the award.

Meng Qian, who has been sitting, is finally able to move (body shēn), because he got a prize this year, although nothing a grand prize, is a young scientific innovation award from other nine people, and is not the highest level of the country. That kind, what is the ratio of the national technology innovation award, the amount of gold is much lower.

However, in this ten people, I don't know if it is considered to be in the current achievement of Great wind, Meng Qian is selected as a representative of simplicity, um, can only say a few words, it is not suitable.

Alone on the stage, facing the big gods of the Huaxia Science and Technology Circle, Meng Qian took a breath to let himself relax. "Hello, I am Meng Qian, I am honored to stand here at this time.

Recently, I have read a very fire, describing 2020 planets, there are spaceships, smart robots, and aliens.

I am a person who likes to imagine, so I often think about what I will look like 2020.

I am boldly guess today, in China in China, there will be a large number of people who chew the root. "

Now people expose the doubtable table (love qíng).

Meng Qian paused, "Because it is 2020, the Chinese people will be too full, idle."

"Hahahahaha." The site sounded uneven laughter, and the root of idle chewing is a statement that is often heard in this era.

"But in turn, thinking about it, if you really can use a 19-year time, people who have not enough to eat too much, this is not a kind of technology.

What kind of power can be made in technology.

Perhaps it can easily change the life of more than a billion person.

thank you all. "

With Meng Qian's step, more and more people began to refuse him to see what he said seems to be simple.

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