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It is smooth, but the details of cooperation, but the specific shares exchange ratio, but it takes time to grind, especially involving shares exchange, both sides must first make a more detailed one for each other. Investigation and analysis.

Meng Qiao actually went to investigate Linjingyou's willingness to sell shares, the answer is not.

For companies who are unwilling to sell company shares, the company value is the most difficult to judge, because such bosses are generally either confident, either control, especially because of Gunda, it is also given. Too many shares caused him to go to create a big light, and it is estimated that it has become more cautious in Daguang.

At this time, it will be more complex than the acquisition of a company.

It is still strong in the wishes of the two sides. At the same time, Meng Qian let the Lin Hephogon prepare a mobile phone to give him a mobile phone, he will send people to the neon country to turn around.

Of course, I am not so stupid in this matter. He asked his company's sales staff to go together, Meng Qian did not refuse, go, go back, there is no big wind to create a big style, who is clear.

After staying in Yanjing, Meng Qian took Lin Jing, and stayed in Hangzhou. After staying, the latter will go back to Taiwan.

After sending away the forest blon, Meng Qian returned to the company's consciousness and read the employees of the two-eyed company. When I took Lin over, Meng Qian realized that the company now is not enough.

Dabuchuo has been expanding, and this expansion has continued to continue, and it is not a matter of constant rental.

After back to the office, Meng Qian found several construction sites recommended by Sun Xiaojing, and laid the map of Hangzhou on the table.

From the development of later generations, Hangcheng Future Internet Corporation and Kechuang Company are mainly concentrated in Yuhang District and Binjiang District, especially in the future technology city, Zijingang Science and Technology City, and several regions in the future.

However, many people say that the internet development of Chengxi is completely Alira, and even some people say that Hangzhou's Internet development is Alira.

In a sense, Ali's development of Hangzhou Internet has indeed significant.

Therefore, the Great Wall will be said to be the company that drives the development of Hangzhou. Meng Qian is now considering the location. If you want to go, you don't need to consider the driving of other companies, you are driving that person, not being Driving that person.

In 2001, many things considered with 2019, while taking traffic and housing prices, many companies have to consider these two factors when siting.

The traffic is not convenient, will definitely affect the recruitment of employees, the surrounding house prices will also have an influence, this is also the future of the future Science and Technology City, but still is not optimistic about many people, because the traffic is indeed uncomfortable, a Xixi Wetlands are like a natural barrier to open the city and the main city.

But the location is general, and the housing prices in the future technology city can be low.

Because of the environmental characteristics and subway planning, Meng Qian first ruled out this option to make the company too remote.

When considering the geographic location, the core CBD like Wulinmen naturally caught Meng Qian's attention, but this area has another problem, that is, the residential area.

Even in this era, the price of the martial arts is also high. After all, everyone is now salary, there is still a natural problem that the main city of Hangcheng is actually very small, and from the later generations of Meng Qian very clearly, later generation This piece of martial arts is very rare. If you have money, you don't have to buy it to the house, and it is basically the old community.

This is related to urban planning, which affects another other plan, consider, Meng Qian's eyes are placed in another important CBD in Hangzhou, Qianjiang New City.

Qianjiang New City has received much attention due to 16 years, and this place has also become a region where the future development of Hangzhou is very fast. More importantly, Qianjiang New City is very good, adjacent to Qiantang River and West Lake, surrounding the listings Convenient transportation, it is also very convenient to pick up the riverside.

And in 2001, this will be incorporated into development planning, the development space is huge, and the land is cheap, but also caught up with this wave.

After the idea of ​​my heart, Meng Qian called Sun Xiaojing, and immediately visited the field.

Come to the destination, now Qianjiang New City can't see the high-rise building, and even the ridiculous came, the waterfront is the old man who is walking.

These are the old people in the classic old quarter of Hangzhou, and they will go to the riverside to walk away.

However, in this ridiculous, Meng Qian saw a few construction sites who were working. She took Sun Xiaojing to see someone. Meng Qian hi saw the future Qianjiang three giants in the Hangzhou Grand Theater is being built.

"It seems that the centers and the Hangzhou International Convention Center are also fast." Meng Qian could not make the Qianjiang San giant started to build, he only remembered that they have said to the old Hangzhou people. The city grandater began, and the three giants were beginning to build a few years.

Looking at the slightly densely intensive construction site, Meng Qian seems to see the 2019 Hangjiang New City, suddenly wants to think of the browel of Qianjiang New City with friends, and the picture of the bull in the water, inexplicable Emotion.

Others have missed the past, Meng Qian feels what is called for the future ...

"How do you think this location?" All the way walks along the riverside, Meng Qian finally found a wasteland that has not been developed.

Sun Xiaodian looked at the river and looked at the Qiantang River. He looked at Meng Qian's refinement to raise his head. It seems that it is what the imaginary building is caused. It doesn't laugh, "there is a kind of Huangpu River on Shanghai. I feel. "

Meng Qian couldn't help but think about it, "standing in front of the huge floor window, one side is a continuous Qiantang River, while the picturesque West Lake ..."

"One side is a bustling and stylish business district." This sentence, Meng Qian said in his heart.

The two were silent for a while, Sun Xiaomi said, "The company knows, definitely is very happy."

"That will be this."

"Don't go anything else?" For Meng Qian so fast, Sun Xiaomi has some unexpected.

"I will believe in love at first sight, just here." Meng Qian did not explain with Sun Xiaojing, and after Qianjiang New Town really developed, I wanted to get almost impossible to get along the river. Plan, and have the opportunity to apply.

See Meng Qian likes, Sun Xiaojing naturally will not say more, the two will go directly to the government.

Now the Hangzhou official is more welcome to Meng Qian, after all, the big wind creative has been paying taxes, the more the company earns, and the tax is more.

Plus 2001, Hangzhou Technology Co., Ltd. is really few, this time, a big wind will naturally causal the attention of the government.

However, Meng Qian wants Qianjiang New Town still encountered some trouble. It turns out that although Qianjiang New Town began planning in 2001, the planning is very comprehensive, and the position along the river has been planned.

Finally, I finally found a place, Meng Qian compared with memory, this position on the scene of theater, the future is like a bank building, although the center of the business circle is a little farther away, but it is Qianjiang A hub position in the new city, and is still a rare along the river.

Meng Qian nod promised that the government also gave Meng Qian's preferential policy to help Meng Qian's money.

After determining the location of the company building, the next thing is looking for the designer.

On the issue of finding the designer, Meng Qian gave Sun Xiaojing. After all, this is already a other field. Meng Qian does not know which companies are very busy in the later generation. He doesn't even know this industry.

However, when I met the Siyazai, Meng Qian still asked a word, "Aerospace, now in Hangzhou, is there any special cattle architect?"

"Special cattle?" Si Yula wanted to think carefully, then look at a few people from the beautiful hospital, "Wang Shu is in Hangzhou?"

"Wang Shu?" Fu Qiyi first seems to have a bit no reaction, "Oh, what are you talking about the king tree that designed the beauty of the Mountain Campus, should be in Hangzhou, he doesn't have a studio? I will know if I ask. "

Siyuai and others chatted Wang Shu, Meng Qian frowned, because Wang Tao said this name, he felt inexplicable familiar.

"Wang Tree ... Wang Tao ... Who is it?" Meng Qian scirked his brain and recalled it. This feeling is that it is very uncomfortable.

"Xiangshan Campus ... Well? Xiangshan Campus!"

Meng Qian finally thought of it. One of his girlfriends was a literary and art woman, Meng Qian followed her a lot of exhibition.

Of course, Meng Qiao, no art cells, is actually not interested in those things, just simply in order to accompany the girlfriend, the end is because there is no art cells, girlfriends will chase their own chase ...

But there is a building exhibition, but it is a little impression. The designer is Wang Tao.

Meng Qian remembers that Wang Shu is the first Plyzk building will win, but Meng Qian is impressed by him is that he is a pioneer who is implanting the Chinese culture, and he will contain this kind of Chinese culture The construction spreads around the world.

In the country, he has a large number of fans.

Meng Qian always has a natural love and admiration for this person who spreads Chinese culture.

"If you think about it, find him to be a designer of the company building, perhaps a good choice ..."

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