Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 146 I am your uncle

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Meng Qian came out, he saw the small alley on the left hand, three little boys were counting money. .,

"This boss is really broad"

The leader of the leader said half, Meng Qian took the front of him to catch his hands opposite a little boy, "How long have you been doing this?"

"You can do it!" The little boy broke from Meng Qian's palm.

The boys standing on the leader of his opposite, caught the reaches, grabbed Meng Qian's clothes, a big brother carested the younger brother, "Who?"

Meng Qian turned his head, looking at the boy in cold eyes, "I am Kangheng Tang."

"Today?" The boy grabbed the hand of Meng Qian's clothes clearly unloaded, and the consciousness looked at Kangheng. I saw that Kang Heng's eyes were complicated to see Meng Qian, but did not deny it, "He is really your brother?"


Meng Qian suddenly became great, scared his boy, and the boy looked at Meng Qian and looked at Kangheng. "It is your brother, I will go first."

This kind of student mixed generally heard that the parents will hurry, wait for the other two, Meng Qian doesn't know why there is anger, "What happened? You don't say that you will play when you are idle. What is your game extorted outside? "

"The game team is dissolved!" Kangheng secretly looked at his two "partners", as if it was sure they were willing to say this, "What game!"

"When did this happen?"

"last month.."


"Our National Day is going to play, and I have given a remember after being known after school. Everyone is almost killed by my parents!" Kang Heng held a punch, and his face was full, "no one dares Play the game again. "

"So you run out of crime?"

"I followed A Fei came out to discuss the opening color, I didn't do anything!" Kang Hengli scored himself, while secretly looked at Meng Qian, it seems that he did not want Meng Qi to see him.

Meng Qian pays attention to Kangheng's little movement, but I have said, "You come to me today, if you don't handle things, I will call alarm immediately, and contact your parents."

"Don't tell me my parents!" Kang Hengshi said that the appearance of the feature on his face, and even if you didn't react, Meng Qian said this is his business.

"Then you return me."

Kang He looked at the 50 dollars who grabbed their hands, and looked at the direction of the other two boys left, "the money was taken away by A Fei, I only have 50."

"What is your previous extortion?" Meng Qian maintained a strict table.

"I have two times with A Fei," Kangheng looked very sincere look, "the last time, it is 50 yuan."

"What is the relationship with you with you?

"A school."

"Why do you want to follow him?"

Kang Heng lowered his head for a while, "I want money."

"What do you want to do?"

Kangheng small channel, "I don't want to spend my parents' money."

"What do you want to do."

"I want to make money yourself, they can't ask me."

Meng Qian's heart sinks a bit, maybe many children have a similar idea, I feel that my parents have given them their own money, so I have to listen to them, so I want to make money early, I want to be independent, I want to get out of my parents early. I haven't realized the meaning of my relatives.

In addition, there are many Chinese parents who have been working hard to educate children. It is not easy to make a little time, and more tend to fight this kind of education, and they have made a lot of problems. You can be wrong, who is wrong, who Also said clearly.

After all, the future will begin to advocate not to fight, and there are many problems, how to educate children, is indeed a very difficult thing, no one eligible to simply evaluate the wrong.

"Come with me." Meng Qian thought for a while, "I took the Kang Heng to go."

"What are you doing?" Kang Heng said some resistance, but there is no resistance to any resistance.

Perhaps because of that night, let Meng Qian want to do something, and maybe because the night's intersection, let Kangheng trust Meng Qian.

"Open two machines." After back, Meng Qian is golden.

Jin Yu looked at Kangheng, and did not ask more, helping Meng Qian opened two temporary cards.

The two machines logged in to the competition area, Meng Qian entered a station and downloaded a game on both computers.

"What game?" After the game download was completed, Kang Heng looked at the game that was completely never seen.

"A game that will be online immediately." Meng Qiao Waiting for the installation, then logged in to two accounts on the computer you and Kangheng, "You look at the game instructions."

Kangheng quickly browsed it, "then?"

"Let's sing a few more."

Kang Heng does not understand, but still nod, "Okay."

Due to the unfamiliarity of the game, Kangheng was easily abused by Meng Qian. At the same time, Meng Qian has been observing the table of Kangheng.

He didn't see angry and violent, more, more serious.

After the five games, Kang Zeng became skilled, and after the tenth game, Kangheng successfully defeated Meng Qian.

After the three games, Meng Qian no longer continued, "Is there any time on December 10th?"

Kang Heng looked at an eye, "Well, my parents are overtime."

Meng Qian took a ticket from the pocket, "I came to the scene."

Kangheng took the ticket, "How do you have a big wind entertainment conference?"

"You manage me, remember, or I will report." Meng Qian said.

"Don't play?" Kang Heng just played the table.

"Hurry and roll."

Kang Heng took the mouth and wronned to Meng Qian.

Going to the front desk, Meng Qian saw a familiar back, a tricks, a perfect leg shape, a white sweater plus rice color, this person can always feel comfortable.

"You're here."

I heard Meng Qian's voice, the girl's body seems to have a sense of consciousness for half a second, which turned to Meng Qian, showing a clean smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Just finished, Shen Jiawen noticed the Kangheng of Meng Qian, two people opposed their eyes, and Kang He looked at Shen Jiawen suddenly stunned, he looked for a long time, "nephew."

"Hey!" Meng Qian has worked in the back of Kang Heng, "What is it?"

I saw that Kangheng also wronged and uncomfortable to Meng Qian. "Isn't you said that you are my brother!"

Kangheng said this sentence to Meng Qian, but Meng Qian continued to be in the face, "I am your grandfather!"

Kang Hengnu Nuki, turned to see Shen Jiawen, some don't want to say, "big mother"

Meng Qian, "11

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"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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