Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 148 Decisive Battle

At this moment, the hall to the conference room is arranged to have an aviation scene of ancient times. The three people are particularly conspicuous, and they are the Yellow Emperor of Handheld Xuanyuan Sword.

Three people form a confrontation, there are many classic characters around the same period, and the classic NPC in "God Biography".

But the reason why the reason is conspicuous is in realivity, the realistic and environmental arrangements of the game characters make people look bright.

At the same time, the staff of the windy and entertainment wear the character in the game, swimming in the environment that was arranged, and there was a little through the feeling of the ancient times, and there was a strong visual impact after it entered the door.

The three people have time, but now there is a bit of crowded feelings, so that mobile phone photography in this year is not popular in Huaxia. There are fewer people with cameras, otherwise it is more crowded.

"This is a coherent story." In the lobby, Shen Jiawen's first reaction, "Beginning in the door, walk into the ancient times, feel the ancient environment, then here, will enter the classic battle, and After this battle, it is the main battlefield of the Great Breeze Entertainment, and some of the themes of this conference, the battle, and one touch. "

"If you say this, the panda in the door may also be deeply well." The golden jealous of the side, "Panda is the mount of Yuxi, and the theme is on the one hand, but the panda who considers the door is so cute, I I feel easier to let people think about our panda diplomacy.

Meng Qian didn't say this launch will come to many foreigners, put the image of the cute panda in the door, meaning it far. "

"Hey, your guy actually has a bit of literary literacy?" Han Mengqi smiled.

Jin Yu is white, "You should also see some points, don't know the fishing Kai!"

Seeing that the two began to mix the mouth, Shen Jiawen will smile, simultaneously pick up the camera, she suddenly, I really want to leave some photos, as for why, she can't say it.

Shen Jiawen thinks more, Han Mengting also wants to take more pictures, three people stay at the hall 5:50, more and more people, get getting closer and closer to the post conference, three people enter Meeting room.

After entering the meeting room, the etiquette of the door guido three people to the signature wall at the signed wall and receive their own badge here.

The venue is divided into three districts, guests, media areas, and audience areas.

Three people are naturally a ticket in the audience, but Jin Yu is curious from the guest area around the guest area, I want to see who everyone is in the guest.

Han Meng Ting also swept with Shen Jiawen, although there is no view, but several names are still very conspicuous, such as neon Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Jinger, Gaolia Samsung, Entertainment Company Three giants, etc. Wait.

The guests invited by Great wind entertainment, not only the business of the game industry, but also a business in the fields of film, anime, social platform and other fields.

Turned to the audience area, the three tickets were the first row, and their side is Kangheng.

See Shen Jiawen, Kang Heng's consciousness, "Mad."

Shen Jiawen, "..."

Jin Yu and Han Meng Ting did not know Kangheng. Shen Jiawen naturally sat around Kangheng, "Kangheng, I will call my sister, know?"

Kang Heng did not know what is thinking, and finally nodded.

At this moment, several boys came over. The first row of the audience area took 10 people. The four people sat in the four positions of the left, and the new five people sat on them. The five people saw it. together.

Sitting in the most inside of the four people saw the boys on the side, smiling and smiling, the other party returned a polite smile.

"You are a friend of Meng Qian?" The habit of doing business and makes Jin Yu asked.

The boys around me responded. "We are Meng Qian's classmates, and roommates."

"It turned out to be a college classmate, we are his high school classmates, my name is Jin Wei."

"Hello, my name is Feng Yufei."

"Hello, my name is Han Mengting."

"Hello, my name is Shen Jiawen."


Everyone introduces each other, just waiting for the launch conference to be a bit boring, will chat.

Talking, I feel that Feng Yufei should have a good relationship with Meng Qian's relationship with Meng Qi, "Is there any people who have any favorite people in front of you?"

Feng Yufei asked Han Mengting, the lights in the venue began to change. It is not hidden expectations.

As Meng Qian's good brother, Feng Yufei knows that Meng Qian is in love, it is a wooden fish head. Some things are naturally to help, "It seems that he didn't say anyone who liked him, it was more drinking more. Calling a name, it seems to be Han ... Han, what Ting ... "

Han Meng Ting, "???"

Jin Yu, "???"

Shen Jiawen, "???"

Looking at the eyes of the three people, Feng Yufei, "???"


"Dear guests, the press conference is about to begin, please return to your position as soon as possible and adjust the mobile phone to mute or vibration, thank you for your cooperation." Just when a few people were inexplicably embarrassed, the release will finally start.

At 6:15, the host started the final site order, at 6:18, the field light was extinguished, the big screen on the stage lit up, there was an animation.

The picture first appeared, a desert that gave a broad and desolate, very fast, a man wearing a Chinese wind warfare, behind a man slowly appeared from the picture, the picture started to shrink, give The close-up of the man walks forward, every step is solid, leaving a deep footprint on the desert.

After walking forward, the picture once again pulled the distance, and there was a heaven and earth vision, and the dark purple thunderbow was destroyed. At this time, the man pulled the giant sword, rushed to Tianlei, a knife Under the earth, the sky is shocked, and the sky is recosited.

When the man put the giant sword, the vision disappeared, and there was clear sky, and he was so angry in the desert, a wind blowing, a text effect: Great wind entertainment.

And the background of this moment is the painting of Fuyi and others in the year. Later, I was painfully painted on the paper, and now I hang up in the background of Meng Qian office.

After that, the screen turned, entered the newbie village of "God Biography", started a three-minute animation short film, the short film encompasses the main line of the whole story, depicting the blood of the ancient times heroes, depicting the different races Resentment of enemies, also depicts the complexity of human and evil.

Of course, the subtitles are attached to English, neon and high rendering.

Just attracted by the plot, when I look forward to the end of the Yellow League, the animation is abruptly abroad.

The big screen returned to today's theme: Decisive battle, one touch.

are you ready?

When the text is displayed, the big screen is secretly moved and started to move.

A young man wearing the most popular character of "God Biography" stepped on the confident footsteps and walked to the stage. "Hello, I am Meng Qian, welcome everyone to the wind. The night theme launch conference. "

"Hey!" The warm applause sounded.

From a further detail starting from the gate, many people have made many people in this conference, so they are willing to express this favorite with applause.

Meng Qian made the applause to last for a while, and continued. "Tonight, let us feel a feast!"



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