Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 167 Creating Projects

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Margen, of course, I really want to figure out what Meng Qian said, but Meng Qian is like this, and he has no way. You can't do this, you can only leave the scene.

"You specifically run to ask his name?" After leaving, Qiu Ming couldn't help with Meng Qian.

"That is to play with him, leave an impression." Meng Qian simply explained a sentence.

"What about it?" Qiu Mingcheng asked.

Meng Qian thought about how to answer, "then ... then call the convenience point again."

Qiu Mingcheng can not understand, but there is no more asking.

Ten Chinese people went to a room to continue to chat. With the understanding of the previous dinner, everyone has a understanding of each other's basic conditions, and some mustard is gradually lifted. For example, the incompetence of Meng's eyes is full.

So after returning to the room for a while, Meng Qian asked very directly. "Ask you a few questions, I will open the company, so talent is especially important, especially for the scientific research, how do you say how I said? Can attract talents like you are in overseas. "

Meng Qian has always been a very strong desire for talents, and also understands more in different circles.

Since I don't want to give up the line of my classmates, I have access to such a group of communication with such a group through this line. I naturally know more about their ideas.

Perhaps someone thinks that the boss will be as high as the emperor to point in the championship.

It can only be said that this is not the three views of Meng Qian. Meng Qian is "low-looking" in front of talents, Cao Mengde can be in the peak period can "ignore it", Meng Qian is not right, I don't have any qualifications Tallful at the entrepreneurial period.

"The concept of scientific research is too big, or you can score one point." When everyone gave a view, "the common distribution, basic scientific research, application scientific research, development scientific research, first basic research, the talents, You can basically give up. "

"Why?" Meng Qian had an answer, but he asked.

"Brainstorming is a non-bottom hole that can't see tomorrow. It is like researching ABC guesses. It may be a study that is a lifetime. The country is not willing to raise such a person, let alone entrepreneurs, crazy."

"How do these basic research, how do you support yourself?" Meng Qian continued.

"The truth is that many people have suffering ... But in the West may be slightly better, if you have a little famous, some of the schools, some laboratory, they have subsidized for basic research, at least enough to support one People. "

Meng Qianshun thought of a matter, "Our Huaxia seems to be very small in this area?"

Everyone nodded, from a few people, you can see a helplessness, Qiu Ming has never retired, "basic research is actually the foundation of scientific research, the development of technology, the key is that their basic scientific research is too developed. Who I can't compare. "

"That if I am a entrepreneur today, I am willing to spend a batch of basic research. Can you shout talent?"

"It is estimated that it is also suspended." Several people have expressed their negation with Qiu Ming, "The large environment is not good, the country is now lacking the current research growth, if it is a rare number possible, physical chemistry has returned to China Too much loss.

And tell the truth, truly basic research, there is not a few things that care, this is a paranoid, and they are not interested in entrepreneurs. "

Meng Qian is nodded, "That talks about application research and development research."

"Applying scientific research and development scientific research can be put together, want to shout back, meet three conditions, have projects, money in place, have achievements. Just as you mentioned.

Your illuminating machine project is absolutely not shouting. "

Meng Qian pays attention to every person in overseas people, everyone looks firm to this statement, "Why are you so definite?"

"Because people who want to return home abroad are really a lot." Qiu Mingcheng laughed, "I even said that people who want to return to China are a bit more than exaggerated. If I can, who I don't want to go home.

It is now a big problem that is too lack of projects, especially in the application of scientific research areas, like your lightning machine project, national support, the Chinese Academy and major universities, you are willing to open high salary, company Location in the future business card city in Shanghai, after success, it can also pay for the national semiconductor industry to achieve self-value.

There is money, there is something, valuable, guaranteed, such a project absolutely a bunch of people rushed back, the problem is, how much is this project in China?

You have not lived abroad, many people regret it from the country, but everyone regret is not a wrony or how it is, nor, does not like foreign countries, but many people still obsessed the prosperity of foreign countries, and It is too much to consider after going abroad. It takes too much things that need worry and trade-off. It is a matter of which is a very simple problem.

In particular, you have stayed abroad, the more you are in it, the more complicated this problem. "

Meng Qian deliberately smiled, "According to your statement, I want to attract overseas talents, so I have to build more items like illuminating machines?"

"This is the most reliable method, but each project of the company is not realistic. Anyway is around the project content, project value, project returns to these things, there is always true. "

Qiu Ming became a look, indicating that everyone added, everyone just nodded, there is nothing to say.

"So if I can provide more items such as a lightning machine, are you willing to come back?" Meng Qian asked with a joke.

"I still don't know if I will take the direction of basic scientific research. If I don't go through the road of basic research, I personally willing to return to China." Qiu Ming became very straightforward.

In addition, two people also said that they would come back, but they also have two people chose to be silent.

Meng Qian didn't care, laughed and laughed, "Then you are waiting, I will go back to you to create a project this time."

Several people didn't completely put Meng Qian's words, and I should be in the world, after all, the field of learning is different, how to make so many projects, at least now they can't think of it.

The next morning, it is a public communication link.

Yesterday is a new one of the new months. Today, everyone will communicate around the ABC conjecture.

Whether it is Chinese genius Tao Zhe, the United Kingdom's Andrew Wells or Russian mathematics Big Grigo Perelman and others have issued their own views.

But let Meng Qian have some unexpectedly, Maleni also has a personal point of view, and the content is also valuable.

"Maleni is the genius of France." Qiu Mingcheng noted that everyone was a little accident, explained, "and he didn't focus on scientific research, he usually went to be unwrapped, spend a lot of time every day, But even so, he still has a small grade, he can say that he is really high in the field of mathematics. "

"I probably know why he likes to ridicule Xia Xia, especially why yesterday, I have to run it over and ridicule us." The Yunxi sitting suddenly opened.

Qiu Mingcheng is busy, "Why?"

Yun Wei faintly said, "He is the same international Olympics competition, I am a champion, he is a runner."

Everyone, "..."

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