Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 196 Sales Foundation

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Two minutes later, Sun Xiaoyi came to Meng Qian's office with the man named Qin Mo, and saw the information he wrote, Qin Mo was 35 years old.

With the man after Sun Xiaomi (body shēn), the eyes are sharp, but there is a temperament that makes people will talk more about a few words, but he is obviously thin (body shēn) body and thick eye bags and slightly rough The palm revealed a vicissitudes of a difficulty.

After playing a greeting, Sun Xiaojing leaving, Qin Mo first expressed his gratitude, "Thank Meng always willing to accept such unreasonable requests."

"I have always been eager to talent. If Mr. Qin really has two brush, I miss it, I am afraid I will regret it for a lifetime."

Meng Qian said that the face is also gave, and the pressure also gave it. Qinmer received Meng Qian's attitude, laughed. "I want to come to the wind to create a sales, but I don't want to experience too long newcomers, so I I want to talk to you directly.

If my understanding doesn't have an error, Great wind creative this year is the market that wants to develop commercial software this year. "

Meng Qian wants to think, nod acknowledge.

Qin Mo continued, "The domestic commercial software market is very bad, the company either uses, or uses pirated or cheap universal version, the Great wind creative even has such a big customer, still can't open the domestic market, this is this Want? "

"It is not complete, but there is indeed such a general phenomenon."

"Do you want the company to have the company that is basically the customer who has been sentenced to death?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Meng You can give me a customer casually, I will help you talk about the customer."

Meng Qian is not (forbidden Jin), "From the entry, you have been asking questions, I don't even understand your basic (love qing), do you want me to give you company customers?"

"Not a company customer, is a customer who has proclaimed death penalty. If Meng always wants to take the interview process, I can also accompany you, I just feel that there is no meaning.

I am a sales, I have no academic qualifications, I have no technology, I will only sell things, and I can't see a very good history because of some reasons, but I think I can be competent, I can win this job. I can think of the best interview method is direct performance.

If you feel that a customer is not enough to explain the problem, two, three, no problem, talk about me, I don't need the company to provide any help. Meng He, I know that my performance is very uneven, but I am really eager to work, I really hope that I can create a bigger development space in the Great Style. "

Qin Mo said that the last sentence, the eyes of the last sentence, let Meng always touched, in the meantime, Meng Qian seems to see himself, no one is willing to give yourself, no one is willing to give it a chance, no one understands her own Desire.

Although Qinmer's overall performance is a "reckless", it is like he said, any company will have a customer who is sentenced to death, he is willing to prove herself in the actual performance, Meng Qian does not mind, too engraved Recruitment mode, this is not Meng Qian likes.

I took into account for a while, Meng Qian login company CRM system found it. After a few minutes, He Yuting took a printing document to Meng Qian.

"Yaxuan, a foreign trade enterprise, the company is not small, more than 1,000 employees, before sales of the company, the other party does have the idea to do ERP system and CRM software, but the other party can't accept our custom price, even if we press When I arrived at the bottom price, I feel that it is an astronomical figure. In the end, this matter is yellow.

By the way, do you understand business software? "

"Understand, enough to deal with customers." Qin Mo looked at Meng Qian while looking at Meng Qian, "How much is the price of the company?"

"Two (set tào) custom system, 500,000."

"Does the other party say that he can accept?"


Qin Mo's consciousness shook his head, and then finished all the information.

"So you can still get it?" Meng Qian asked directly.

"What is the company's commission to give employees?"

"Look at the performance, gradient commission, 5 to 30 points of net profit."

"How did the public relations cost do?"

"Calculate costs, but need to approval."

"Understand, the Meng always calculates a cost price."

"Yes, I will let the secretary give you, what else does it?"

"no need."

Meng Qian's eyes are moving, and it is intentionally, "" big customers sell, there is no resource person, there is no time paving, no company cooperation, you determine what you do? "

"Uncertain, but you can try it."

Since Qin Mima said, Meng Qian didn't ask, although the normal people could not do it, but dared to sell their own. If it is necessary, it is a person who has a wrong understanding, or it should be a bit energy resistant. Meng Qian There is also a silk expectation.

After Qin Mo, Meng Qian left a look forward to returning to his own working condition, 24 (Ri Ri), Sunday afternoon, Meng Qian was in the office with He Yutian to go to Neon's trip, suddenly someone knocked door.

"Qin Mo?" Meng Qian got up and down, Qinmer's eye bags were heavier than before, this time it also matched a clear dark circle.

However, at this moment, Qinmei has more difficulty than the first time, but although it seems more embarrassed, it can feel a lot of spirit, "Meng Gui, technical team can Take over, the previous program needs to do certain modifications, the other party needs to add a few functions, out of a draft as soon as possible, I have a good offer, let the other party pay for it. "

Looking at Qin Mo's firm look, Meng Qian still (very ting) accidentally, after all, this only over the past four days, after reading the documents on the hands of the Qinmer, "there are few sectors that are not complex, in the original design plan. On the basis of modifying it, you can make it, the price, the price is not too much before, and the other party accepts? "

"Of course." Qinmer nodded.

Meng Qian stigrated him, "What did you do?"

Qin Mo took a document from the briefcase. "This transaction is my interview question. I naturally prepared a detailed solution process, Meng Mumblebleble.

To be honest, this is a very high quality customer, but unfortunately, the previous sales may not put enough mind on this customer (body shēn), so that the information that will eventually submit is so small. "

Meng Qian looked at the new document, and the first page attracted him, because this is the relationship between Yas Xuan's entire organization and organizational architecture, "This is a family business."

"Yes." Qin Defen referred to several related lines, "Yaxuan is a standard family business, the company almost all core positions are the relatives of the boss, but such an important thing (love Qing) before Not noticed. "

"Why is it important to say family companies?"

"The previous sales found Yas Xuan's procurement, and gave him ten points of rebate, I don't know how Meng Chu knows that this is not known (love Qing)."

"Sales (love qing) I don't have a question." Specific to this user Meng Qian does not know, but the company sells basically gives a rebate (love qing) Meng Qian knows, big customers sales, public relations fee, The rebate is the rule of the industry, and everyone is clear, but the general boss will not put it up.

After all, it seems to be a competitive means of not very brilliance, but everyone is doing, you don't do it, you are not useful.

Recognizing that Meng Qian doesn't want to talk about this detail, Qin Mo will no longer say more. "In fact, you can talk about this business before, just take a less.

To make sales, it is a process of continuous excavation of demand and meets the needs of various strategies. It is the foundation of sales. "

Qin Mo turned to the next page, Meng Qian saw the corresponding needs of the company's core members, "Yaxuan's Wang is clearly interested in our company's business software, this is his needs, he I hope that these software will improve the efficiency of the company, but the price is too high, let him hesitate.

But his demand is true. It can only be said that the price is compared with the demand. He lowered his needs. After all, this thing is difficult to predict.

So this time you need to find something else to add code, let Wang always enhance his needs, before our sales find the company's purchase, it is indeed a very common way.

Because (body shēn), the suggestion is one of the important reasons for a person, this is why shopping guide especially likes to ask men your (love ài) people wear this dress, because of the general (love qing) Men will answer.

The problem is that in this company, it is not convenient to open this mouth. "

"Because he is a little scorpion of the boss." Meng Qian looked at the relationship of the above.

"Not only that, but also the king of the king, Ya Xuan's Wang, like a lot of bosses who have earned some money, and raised the small three outside, and they were discovered by their wife. So the company will have a lot of such (love qing) Like the company, the boss and the boss have an alive.

So this king always will not care about this little scorpion, and even hate this little nephew. At this time, if you want this little uncle to go to the Wang, you can go to the hair.

However, the demand for this procure is also true. I talked to him that he really wants to make our money, especially if his sister is not good with his sister, maybe it is divorced, he will be natural, he is not natural. It must be kept, he is now able to fish a mentality.

This is his needs, he is actually demand, he just doesn't know what he should do.

As mentioned before, commercial software is impossible to judge the future. We can't make a boss spend hundreds of thousands of bosses, but we can let the boss see the current problem, there is no commercial software. , The problem of the company.

Employees are also demanding, and employees' demand is to live more, so employees do not want the company to introduce the system, especially the sales department, once the system is introduced, and their lazy opportunities can be less, "

"Then how do you let Wang pay attention to these questions?"

"On the one hand, it is naturally me to mention, on the other hand, it is in the company to find other needs, that is, the management of the Sales Department, the sales executives of Yaxuan are the brothers of Wang, which is what he believes, and They also hope that the company can use the system, because the employees do more, they can make more money.

But Wang always doesn't want to spend this money, they are not good to say. And our benefits are not good to send them in their hands.

At this time, I can do something. Although he is not good with the boss, he is a company's old employee. Some mutants can always go out, plus him there is a chip, his Sister is the company's finance.

Although Wang always has a good relationship with his wife, the data on the finance is objective, the issue of the Sales, as long as it passes the data, I only need to get this data in advance, I am intended to guide it when I negotiated. Some psychological hints will appear. "

Listening to Qin Mo said this, Meng Qian is not (forbidden Jin) smile, "You do selling it with a scientific film."

"But this is the normal customer sales and even sales, more understanding customers more than customers, this is the basic quality of qualified sales, continuous excavation of demand, seeking demand breakthrough, this is the most basic sales strategy, all listen It seems that it is very complicated, in fact, it is a matter of sales (love qing).

It's just that most of the sales are not willing to spend so many minds in a customer (body shēn), and will not let the brains will be solved when you encounter suffering.

Today, this thing (love qing) sounds like a movie, that is because this customer needs to dig on this, and there is a complex relationship.

Some customers may be much simpler, and some customers may be more difficult. If a few billion orders are placed in front of today, what is Meng Gong feel that this is a thing that is moving the mouth (love Qing)? It is necessary to pay behind this, maybe it will be more exciting than a spy battle movie. "

Meng Qian and Qin Mo have paid a look, "these things inside Yaxuan, how do you understand in such a short time?"

"I have my resources."

"What resources?"

Qin Mo hesitated for a long time, Meng Qian saw a table (love qing) who didn't have to say first, "Is there a passport?"


"I just asked you the resources in China, but I am very curious that you have no resources in the abroad, I have to go to the neon, talk about business, is there interest?"

Qinmei horse recessed, "Okay."

Meng Qian turned his head to see He Yuting, "How many days have you been last business visa?"

"Take an acjected channel, three days."

"Line, after three days, let us start together."


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