
The average person is hard to find, I like we will recommend it to your friends.

On the afternoon, He Yuting took news to Meng Qian, "Meng Ge, Dahe House Industry said that they did not meet alone, if we don't dislike, they will arrange a description in the company, invite us to the past."

"Description? Open?"

"Well, there is an idea software company to participate, these two days to lead the invitation letter."

Meng Qian got up and not (ban jìn) felt more interesting (love qíng), "it is really clever, Sony shouted at this time ..."

In the brain, I will think about the idea. Meng Qian has returned to God.

"What about Mo Mo and Xu?"

"They don't go, I have some other arrangements."

"it is good."

The next night, I was busy for two days, Qin Mo came to Meng Qian's room.

"What new progress is there?" Meng Qian let Qin Mo sits on the chair and sits themselves on (bed chuáng), showing a more comfortable state.

"It can be thought of, and the management layer that can be exposed to the main and housing industry, even if you can contact, it is also necessary to close the business software (love Qíng)."

"It seems that this time really has to hush." ​​Meng Qian has supported (bed chuáng), "Big and House Industry Tomorrow's explanation should be able to further affirm this (love Qíng)."

Qin Mo seems to have some unwilling, "I have time, I will continue to touch."

"OK, I am responsible for the problem of technology, you will find a breakthrough."

Qinmer nodded, there is nothing to say, but it is a bit anxious.

The next morning, 8:45, Meng Qiao has been a big and housing industry with He Yuting and translation. The meeting room is very large, and each company has its own brand name, Meng Qian gave the invitation letter and then the staff of the scene took Meng Qian to his position, a most corner place.

In the case, Meng Qian noted that many people looked at him and talked.

"Can you hear what they are talking about?" Meng Qian asked the translation of the side.

"Listen is not very complete, probably surprising how to have Huaxia Enterprises."

Meng Qian did not (forbidden jìn), read a famous table on the table, and found that the famous brand not only wrote the name of the company, but also a nationality. Today, all companies in the scene, only the Great Broken China's Chinese business.

In this way, he also understands why everyone is in the contest, 2002 Huaxia Enterprise in software, especially the business software in this size, does not have a business.

This occipline suddenly appeared a Chinese company, everyone would be curious and normal.

Nearly 9 o'clock, everyone is basically set, the C bit sitting in the conference room is Omei people, except for Microsoft IBM and Oracle, there are Symantec, Yi Anxin, Si (Love ài) general, etc. Software companies come to participate in competition, and they seem to be sitting in C bit.

The large and housing industrial faces are indeed great. After all, it is a business company in 2001 Niki Enterprise Assets.

9 o'clock, the explanation is officially started, and the general manager of the large and housing industries, Host Fushan, Fushan Poker (set tào), then quickly cut into the theme, publicly announced this (set of tào) this time ) Business software needs.

This (set of tào) commercial software covers the company's management, finance, personnel, sales, production, promotion, etc., is a complete company full-series custom software, Meng Qian has a lot of demand. Down, and almost instinctively begin to conceive design.

Just when I thought about the design plan in Meng Qiao, the Fushan on the stage suddenly came. "We are urgent for the needs of commercial software, we don't want to delay everyone, if you have any questions if you have any questions It can now be proposed.

Three days later we disclose a comparison design plan, and everyone should compare each other's time costs. "

The scene immediately hit.

Meng Qian is the translation of (body shēn) to his own translation of everyone in the content.

"Everyone is discussing that the big and housing industry is directly sentenced to one of more companies. Three days give a design, almost impossible, and the love Qíng), and the attitude of Fushan is also very clear. This big and housing industry is to pick a truth, let everyone spend more, directly in the public, directly compare a best system, everyone will finalize it. "

I have discussed for a while, some companies have put forward their own problems, and Fushan has begun to give you a solution. Meng Qian continues to make a record, while let He Yuting contact Ding Yuanyuan, let him pick a team in the company, back three days ready Playing a hard battle.

Meng Qian also had a few questions, but others just helped him asked, waiting for all people without problems, Fushan arranged everyone to eat lunch in the company's cafeteria.

Although it is the company's cafeteria, the decoration is not better than the hotel, the prepared food is also very rich, Meng Qian played a call on Ding Mingyuan on the way to the cafeteria, and docked the details and let Ding Ming Yuan Limen began.

After finishing the phone, Meng Qian once was arranged once again, and the same table is the representative of the commercial software company of neon country.

"Are you a Chinese man?" Fushan said a few domeies, everyone just started to eat, a man sitting in a not far, suddenly asked Meng Qiang with Chinese.

Meng Qian couldn't help but kneel it, "Well."

"I really didn't think, this time I will have Huaxia companies to participate in the competition. Hello, my name is Xu He, Huaxia, in the neon, a software company to do sales director."

"Hello, my name is Meng Qian."

"Meng Qian?" Xu said that this name is a bit familiar, but I want to think about it, "Meng Qian, what is your company? Previously, did not pay attention to your brand, just listened to them I realized that this time I came here. "

"Great wind code."

"Great wind code?" Xu He also felt familiar again, and this time he reacted, "Hand!"

"It seems that the hynenam is in the neon (taurse tǐng) fire." Meng Qian said, then nodded.

"It turned out to be Meng Gong! I said, how can we have our Chinese companies to participate in the competition of large and housing industries, Sony is really good, is Sony referred to?

I didn't expect that the wind creative is also involved in commercial software. It can have such learning and communication opportunities (very tǐng), but unfortunately, this big and housing industry is so urgent to think about a result, or so big one project is really Learn a lot. "

Meng Qiao smiled (love qíng) has a variety of discomfort, but there is no change in tone, "how, your company is not planning to compete?"

"How to compete, three days of plan, also have this strength, I have this strength, I will call our boss, our boss directly let me prepare the next customer."

"This, but we are still trying again."

"Try again? It is a legendary Meng, but .... Hey, everything is possible." Xu He is conscious, it seems that there is no realistic question, "Come, Meng, I respect You a cup, your hymths can be a Chinese light. "


After a bit of a while, some people began to move the names around. Meng Qian's table was also put down the tableware to start moving. Meng Qian sat in the seat, but there were a few people to change the card, but these Individuals are all rushing and gaming, they recognize Meng Qian.

But more people have been slightly Meng Qian, and their goals are all concentrated in two tables. Not long after, Meng Qian only left him, and Microsoft's table crowded with people.

On the side (body shēn), I appreciated the "landscape" over a while, Meng Qian turned (body shēn) taking this time again to contact Shang Ding Mingyuan, confirming the work allocation of the company (love Qíng).

That's more about a while, lifting it again, Meng Qian noticed that He Yuting's face is not very nice, "How do you ...

"Meng Qian, Mr. Meng."

Just talk to He Yaxing, suddenly appeared in English, turning around, Meng Qian saw a ... Jin Dao Lion King.


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