Three days later, Meng Qian took He Yuting and the translation came to the big and housing industry again.

The person who came this time was more than the last time, Meng Qian naturally arranged in the position of the corner. At the scene, the president of the big and housing industry has also come, but he is only quiet, and the scene is still hosted by Fushan.

It is still 9 o'clock in the morning, it is simply opened, and everyone will enter the theme. All people who want to speak today have been submitted to the plan before, because they have to try out the effect.

Fushan looked at the list of more than a dozen enterprises, suggesting some neon national enterprises to come first. The neon country companies that participated in the program competition have seven, then three companies have just finished their own solutions. In Fushan still considering the next time, Microsoft's Andre suddenly took the initiative.

Since people have opened the mouth, Fushan naturally impossible, invites Andre to go to the stage, Meng Qian pays attention to the representative of several other enterprises next to Andre, I have smiled a few words.

After Andre came to the stage, I briefly commissioned the equipment. "Our program, from the ERP system, the demand for the big and housing industry has also seen it, as such a huge company, in the development of commercial software systems The biggest difficulty is how to achieve high integration.

The large and housing industries involved more than 20 areas. If each area is made separately, it is obviously unreasonable, but how to put all the fields together and maintain the unity of data, this is the core difficulties of our refinement.

For this consideration, our design will be launched around this core. First, since the big and housing industry is difficult to unify because it is too large, then we use modular development ideas.

System modularization has three major advantages. First, there are existing data parallel processing advantages, and the other is to reduce system redundancy, and third, any changes in future companies can be solved by adding or decrease the module, reducing the subsequent workload.

Secondly, in our design, real-time dynamic information is uploaded, the larger the company, the more information that appears per second, and the butterfly effect that can affect the overall development of the company has increased, so the information is timely uploaded. Be important.

...... "

"The president of the big and housing industry is called Shangye?" Andre said in the stage for half an hour, caught the warm applause of the scene, when he stepped down, Meng Qian sighed.

"Well, yes." He Yiping is certainly sure.

"Mr. Shangye, maybe it is a person who can deal."

He Yuting thought about asking, "Why do Meng always say this?"

"One side is his attitude towards work and company, on the other hand, you have heard the content of Andre, don't you think of competition in such an open plan?"

"What is the problem ..." He Yuting thoughtfully, shook his head.

Meng Qian continued to remind it. "Since so many neon companies know that they have not played, they are not ready to plan, why are people today more than last time?"

He Yiping immediately respointed. "I understand, like a big company like Microsoft, if you really want this order, you will do our best to do this program, and he wants to do a good job, will not disclose some advanced The concept. Then these neon companies can learn!

Moreover, it will do this kind of business in large and housing industries. If a large number of companies is small, Microsoft will not care about him. "

"If we are guess, do you think that Mr. Shangye is really worth a trip?"

"It's like this, for neon countries, he is a very good entrepreneur, is not right." He Yuting suddenly realized what, "Then, the advanced concept of our company is not learned?"

"Nothing, Oimi is now monopolists, we are breaks, so if we really have been recognized by the market and have been widely used, we also have benefits to us. As for disadvantages, as long as the company's staff is enough, they are not afraid of being Beyond. "

He Yiping nodded.

After Microsoft, several companies such as Symantec, Yi Anxin, and Simple and other companies have talked their own programs, and then they went to noon rest time, large and housing industry gave you a simple lunch.

"Why didn't I see Mr. Meng go to step?" The afternoon gap, I don't know if Andre, I really happened to say hello to Meng Qian.

"Why, Mr. Andre is interested in our small company's program?" Meng Qian semi-ridiculous way.

"Mr. Meng is modest, I have been looking forward to your program."

"Mr. Andre is assured, I will not let you down."

"Hahaha. The Meng always remember to go to the stage early, and the few guys behind them were all words."

"Well, Thank you, Mr. Andre reminded."

The two means a deep eye, and Andre is slightly left.

In the afternoon, the oracle, etc. Oki Company is making each other to make each other, just getting up, just at this time, Meng Qian suddenly raised his hand, "Mr. Fushan, or let me come first."

Everyone stunned, including Fushan, after Microsoft in the morning, some neon companies have already played the drum. Fushan is also ready to return, if you don't want to go to the stage, you will understand it to everyone with time. .

Before the Fushan arranged neon businesses, this is a chance to show everyone. After the Microsoft robbery, everyone is very embarrassed, but this is also a show muscle, you are not enough, people are pressing you What is it?

As for the Great Wind, this Huaxia company has long been ignored by Fushan and the scene.

But since Meng Qiao opened this mouth, Fushan is naturally polite to invite him on the stage, just a little uncomfortable.

"I don't know the splitting occasion."

"Huaxia people are this virtue, don't face."

"Unexpectedly, I really think that this show will have any effect, will only let everyone hate."

"Huaxia Technology has never been acted to the international technology stage, and it is not normal."

"Hey, I sleep, call me in a while."

Meng Qian does not understand what they say, but look at their expression and know what they are saying.

On the same simple debugging equipment, Meng Qian's color is coming to the face to everyone, "Be a self-introduction, I am the boss of the wind, Meng Qian, the creation of the Daruto is only two years, and everyone may not Very familiar, the time is limited, I will directly find us by showing our previous production, "

"No, it's really going to sell."

"Mr. Fushan can't drive him."

"Really, take up your time, or don't you go ... I am going? I will go!"

Meng Qian quickly showed several interface interfaces, and the scene suddenly sat quiet.

A series of enterprise commercial software systems, including ERP, CRM, there is a concept in the 1990s. In 2002, this will be a leader in this field because of long-term software experience, but it is I have just started to develop things, and now everyone is in the future, it seems very scribbled.

This is the most intuitive manifestation of this scribble is the interface. In 2002, this will be an Oracle or Microsoft's business software, interface and interactive experience are very poor, which is completely supported.

Therefore, Meng Qian showed everyone, first of all, after ten years, time precipitated interface, plus the cultivation of more than a year of high wind science and technology department has capable of achieving these interfaces, and the interfacia change of the hymths is before Successful case.

Obviously, the maintenance of the main style is optimized and improved on the interface, and directly kills the bloated and complex software interfaces on the market.

Seeing that everyone is "stunned", Meng Qian continues, "These are part of our company to give other companies, in fact, when you just show the interface, everyone should pay attention to our company's unique features and new How to use.

Next, I will introduce our solutions in the demand of big and housing industries. First of all, one of our proposed is: Knowledge type automation management. "

Everyone is in a face, they are forced to be normal, because this is the concept of 06, and today, here, their just started ...

After all, what is the Microsoft's bone, a bunch of soil ...

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