After leaving Taiwan Power, Meng Qian did not leave the province, because he still had another very important thing to do, and Meng Qian made himself not to spend money, that is, the acquisition.

The semiconductor's own foundation is too weak. The advantages of reborn can also be relatively small, so Meng Qian often needs to use external forces, including acquisitions.

After all, the acquisition of this road can get talents to get resources from the original enterprise in this area.

What's more, don't say it is a big-founded business, which is the foundation, even if there is a basic semiconductor company, the acquisition is also their essential business model.

Therefore, there is a very unfortunate thing to Taiwan, the semiconductor enterprises in Taiwan are basically bought by Western companies. Even if they have not bought, it is also a large number of Western capital infiltration, TSMC 2019 foreign foreign investment proportion 70%.

There are many things that people don't know, the semiconductor explosive period in the 1980s, more than 1,000 enterprises in the semiconductor field in Taiwan, can be relentable, but there are hundreds of small hundreds, and the remaining companies are closed. But more actually being acquired.

The biggest acquisition is in 2008, there is a conspiracy theory that the financial crisis of the Rice country is also self-directed, and true and false can't know, but some things look strange, after the financial crisis in 2008, neon A large batch of semiconductor companies in the country, Taiwan and other places were acquired by rice country. The light is a magnesium light to acquire or share more than 30 semiconductor companies in neon and Taiwan provinces.

The entire rice semiconductor industry is also hushing more than 300 semiconductor companies in Asia, and these acquisitions are very low-key. At that time, everyone's attention was basically on the financial crisis. Nothing did not pay attention to this, or, the media deliberately did not pay attention to this, But this tide of this acquisition is a very terrible thing. It was in 2008 that the scientific status of Miki seems to be more monopoly.

As for the economic loss caused by the financial crisis to the rice country, people are originally the world currency's printing machine ...

Therefore, it has not begun, now there are still many companies to choose from Meng Qian. After the 2008 economic crisis, many companies face closed, so the West uses a very low price acquisition, Meng Qian is now acquired If the price is relatively high.

But in order to develop now, it is impossible to wait until 2008, Meng Qian is preparing to take some additions in these years. It has established a place in the semiconductor field before 2008, and then grab the company with the West by 2008 It is not a self-directed self-beginning. Anyway, this is a cheap Meng Qian must occupy.

Just acquire this matter, I originally wanted to wait for my funds to be more sufficient, ready to sufficient, but now I have to top it by Tajima and Asak, Meng Qian can only speed up the first round of acquisition efficiency.

On the evening, Xiao Bo saw the plane came to Taiwan and Meng Qian, Meng Qian also specially made him on the Qin Mimi.

"How is the matter of money?" Meng Qiao directly talks directly.

"I found Zhang Shu Xin help, the bank can loan from 1.5 billion, 5 years." Xiao Bo took a document from the briefcase, "the company now available is 1.2 billion."

"Company analysis?"

"All here."

Just as before, now there are too many semiconductor companies in Taiwan. Meng Qian needs a round of screening. It is not like sales. You can't run a family, because this thing will pass, you are in funds Limited circumstances, a family runs to ask people to sell without selling companies, it is easy to leave the impression of playing tickets.

Meng Qian first, the first screening criteria are currently concentrated in chip design, and there are many semiconductor companies. In addition to the wafer factory, there are equipment companies, components enterprises, design companies, test enterprises, etc.

The entry point of the wind group is design, because this matter is in the rebirth advantage and its own technical advantages to maximize it.

After that, by some memories of Meng Qian and the company's analytical table, the company has finally finalized several goals.

Since the next day, Meng Qian has a group of He Yam, Xiao Bo knows with Qinmer, and the soldiers began to act.

Next week, Meng Qiao successfully talked about the sale of five companies, including Zhou Jing Technology established in 1998, has a strong college talent resource, one of the top ten chip design enterprises in the world, But this will not operate because of serious lack of money.

Old chip design Enterprise Lingyang Technology, has a strong heritage, but because the biennium paved is too large, it is urgent to supply blood.

The Lingwei Technology established in 1996 is a rapidly developing star in the chip design industry, but the original boss is kicked out because the capital problem is kicked out, leading to the company's continuous loss for three years, but technology and talents are still there.

Emo, established in 1993, has 120 designs talents, which have been doing computer chip design. In the past few years, it has begun to transform, just in the planning of the Great Breeze Group.

The last family is just a new company that has been established for two years, Meng Qian looks like this company in neon people.

Meng Qian did not acquire leading enterprises designed by Tailo, Ruijing, but the five cards now are now enough.

On June 7, Meng Qian took back to Hangzhou and stayed in Xiaobo to continue to dock the acquisition in Taiwan.

Not long after the company, Kikai, who is coming back today, comes to Meng Qian's office, and the look is a bit complicated. "I told them about Asahi and Taiwan. In recent days, the company is There have been some subtle changes in the overall atmosphere. "

"Everyone is afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, worry, concerns, there will be some ideas, the immersion photolithography is not only our base card, but also everyone's chance, now I suddenly know that Asah, two companies, such as Taiwan, to come to us. Competition, everyone is hard to think.

So much, I look forward to so long, I have been seeing hope now, if I last is already embarrassed, no one is not good. "

Meng Qian thought for a while, "I know."

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, near-get off work hours, the employees in Shanghai microepass suddenly received an internal mail, the sender of the email was Meng Qian.

"Everyone in Shanghai Micro 5 is good."

About Tajim Electric and Asample Cooperation, I have personally confirmed that it is true, and through communication, their research and development direction is immersing lightning machine, almost consistent with our direction.

In a sense, we have encountered the greatest opponents since its establishment.

But not the biggest hindrance.

Because if you encounter a good thing, things are worth worrying, then the problem must be on my own body.

Insufficient experience, after technology, lack of funds, shortage of talents, these are the obstacles we have encountered.

Looking back in the past year, it hinders like a non-tumble, no matter how we work hard, he always stands up again in our front.

However, in such cases, from the automatic system to the nanoscale operation, from the laser emitter to optical lenses, we defeated countless hinders, just because we have a spirit.

That is, fearless.

Translation is that it is not shameful, and it is shameful.

I am often inspired by this spirit, I have never hesitated and firmly forward.

TSMC and Asak cooperation, but it is just another identity after weighing the non-tumbler of us again, but this time may need to be more effort, then we will work together.

That's it,

June 7, 2002, Meng Qian. "

At 6:45 in the evening, Liang Zhiguo took a team, "Director, we apply for a period of time in Shanghai."

"How long do you want to stay?"

"Waiting for us to get out of the moment."


At 7 o'clock in the evening, Changguang, Wang Da Yan personally personally, "everyone's idea is, how much can improve a little efficiency, always on the phone and hyconsive communication or inconvenient, so we went to Shanghai microelectronics Last time. "

"We? Do you have to go?"

"I put old bones, see what can I do."


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Office of Jiang University, Pan Yun gave Jikai, "" These people are going to contact. "

Pan Yun glanced at his eyes and was ubizes. "Are they willing to come back?"

"I will go out of the old face, and they will still give it."


Take a few days, more and more teams go to the microelectronics collection in Shanghai.

On June 15, 2001, the strongest combination of China's lightning machine field was established.

On June 15, 2002, the strongest combined assembly of China's lightning machine field surface was continuously expanded.


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