Meng Qian received emails and phones on July 25, but the test results were actually coming on July 21, that night, Sony opened a small meeting.

However, this is not the general meeting of shareholders, not involving the Sony's upper level, but only the well shouted his own one's heart-catching and chatting, he did something like to listen to everyone.

Outing the test results in front of the participants, let everyone look for a while, "San Isles will give you a brief explanation."

"Yes, the president." "Responsible for the Sony Sensor Project got up, put the advantages of the chip design of the wind group to analyze it in detail."

The three island voice is just, and some people immediately put forward, "I think this big wind group is too unscientific. At the beginning, everyone felt that" God Biography "is just a luck, but the" God of God "follows the game platform Everyone has seen his innovation ability and pattern, and the wind is in the beginning, plagiarism, but now everyone is plagiarging.

Some time ago, he defeated Microsoft in the software industry, and now make such a chip design? This company has been developing for two years. Is this too screaming? "

But there is also a refute immediately. "There are always some legendary characters and companies in the past generation. This is a normal thing. Many people see Einstein and feel unbelievable. Now some people have doubts this world. How can this world? .

Everything you said can only say that Meng Qian may be a hi-tale, but we can't stop this world will have a genius, anyway, we are partnership with the wind group, and their shares, they develop Ok, it is not a bad thing for us. "

Then, a round of arguments began.

"If the wind group does not touch our territory, I also hope that he can develop well. How long will he have come to touch the image sensor, and how many of our industries will he touch in the future? If one day, his industry is distributed What should I do with us? What should I do? I think this is a healthy. "

"All the performance of Meng Qian and all the developments of the Great Breeze Group confirmed that he is a genius in the field of algorithms and software. According to the information we inquired, all semiconductor companies he acquired in Taiwan is designed, which is very compliant. His realistic situation, I think it is a controllable, and a controllable tiger can be used to bite others.

Besides, we have priority purchase rights and cooperative sales agreements. We have some technical sharing rights and patents, even if he is a tiger, he is not to hurt our tiger.

So many companies with our competition, the power of the wind group can help us, this is a good thing for us, you are too sensitive. "

"We do have priority purchase rights and cooperative sales agreements, but the agreement also wrote that the wind group has independent sales rights, but they are not only designed."

"So? Now the design is already in this, do we want to tell him that the flow fails?"

"Of course, you can't tell him that the flow fails, this is not realistic, but you can suspend the release, compatibility, interface problem, just find some understanding, I suggest that we reverse design, first understand the chip design of the wind group first."

"You think about it is really stupid, do you know what the outer number of Meng Qian is called? Now he is called him to be a patented mad."

"I don't want to steal his technology, but we have to understand his technical principles first, the wind group can be designed to be better than us, but we can't just fall behind him.

Besides, after understanding his technology, in his technology, we can try to do a further innovation and optimization, Meng Qian brought a new design concept, the concept of more components is a foundation, which can be There are a lot of things, we can't really take this technique to take your nose in this technology.

If we really can't realize further technologies in a short time, it is not too late to release his products. "

"But you have to know that the next month is the urgency, the design of the wind group can help us, we don't know what Kodak Magnesium light is in the end of their hands."

The more fierce the two-party speech, the more fierce, but it began to go to the gods. As the old man of Sony so large, he is known as killing, but it is because he is rich in business experience, but he can't be like other people. Going to see this question, I only feel that I don't understand Meng Qian, I only feel that I can't say it in Meng Qian.

His business sensitive, he had always been resolutely hesitant, because he also felt that Meng Qian's home is really unscientific, his belongings feel that Meng Qian is a math and software genius, he does not Denified, but he is not so simple. As for what is going on, he can't see it, and his people do not know a young man, it is a very uncomfortable thing.


The Meng Qian, who hangs the phone, told the situation to the situation, Xiao Bao and Ding Mingyuan sitting opposite him.

"So, we have to miss this opportunity in August." Xiao Bo is somewhat unwilling.

Meng Qian brain quickly rotated, "Sony's words are absolutely unbelieved, this time you do image sensors, a purpose is also to see Sony's specific response, maybe our allies have begun to increase the protection of us."

"We have the first time the sensor, Sony's response is too much too much." Ding Ming disdain.

"So they didn't lie to us, I said that the flow fails, and I guess the test data they sent to me should be very objective. He Yaxing, I forwarded the email to the chip design department, you will supervise, let them write as soon as possible The result came out. "

"What should we do now?" After Hoying, Xiao Bao saw the consciousness, "" Waiting for the old man? "

"How is it possible." Meng Qian smiled, "Big melee, can attract so many people's attention, how can such a good time miss."

"Since Sony said, it is definitely not to push our products."

"Sony does not push, then we will push itself, his post will not mention our products, then we will develop a conference."

"OK?" Xiao Bo knows that Ding Ming is looking at an eye. "We don't have any foundation in this industry, time is so tight, but we don't have product assistance, no professional chip test equipment, single release a sensor plus one Pile of bulld data, if Sony, everyone may pay attention to, if it is us, everyone does not believe it is normal.

More importantly, in this way, we are also turning your face with Sony, how much will affect the last long working. "

"Sony is not a long-long cooperation, dare to do this, so I need you to go to a neon country to help me make a bottom. If you have it, we can't get it first, we have no bad rules, really turning your face. I can't always be used to him. "

"As for the product." Meng Qian's mouth slowly raised, "We don't have it, but don't mean that there is no country, this matter doesn't want to bring us, then I will bring domestic friends to play, I believe that they must be happy. "


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