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The man named James now in the door of Meng Quan, this is a mysterious legend. People who know a little more understanding of the password will inevitably know that the RSA key is very common.

This is the three researchers from the 1978 Massachusetts Institute. However, many people have said they are plagiarism, and everyone thinks they plagiarize, is the first person invented asymmetric key in the world, now James standing at the door of Meng Qian room.

Just this accusation has been present until the late 1990s, that is because James' s special, he serves agencies. In the 1990s, he leaving him from the newspaper agency, and some things are public, including some of his personal information.

Everyone knows that there is such a mathematical genius in this world, James shows the superman mathematics talent, and his achievements are far more than a non-symmetric key, he is also a well-known world-class hacker, while He has a very deep study on quantum mechanics.

After leaving the British report, James first went to Microsoft as a information security consultant, but didn't stay, I went to IBM, it is said to be dug, I don't know the true and false, anyway to IBM Started responsible for quantum technology.

However, he didn't stay in IBM until later, he only knew that he opposed the quantum mechanics, so he decided to study the quantum mechanics independently, and did not know why, James guess it and guess it. This can be seen in many files.

Meng Qian's three directions have their own purposes. Artificial intelligence naturally doesn't have to say, this is one of the original cards of the company, and the reason why it is necessary to mention Gödbach guesses, for example, try to see if there is an opportunity to attract To James.

However, James is too mysterious. Meng Qian does not know where he is, his only clue is James to participate in the 2002 World Mathematic Conference. After all, as a member of the red guest, James is also Meng Qian's idol.

The people of the technology company understand that the core of the technology company is the war battle, lost safety, and a company will lose everything.

About Ali's technical talents, everyone is the most familiar thing to do Wang Jian, who is Alibaba Cloud, is a safe Wuhanqing.

But imagine that there is no Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba will definitely be alive, but Ali has experienced a few billion attacks every day. If there is no absolute security, it is time to finish.

Quantum mechanics is also the future of the future technology war, such a genius Meng Qian is not a heartless.

"Hello, you are?" Meng Qian naturally pretended to be unknown, like James so cold genius, or it is not well-installed.

"Mr. Meng, hello, my name is James, I am sorry that my Chinese said it is not very good." James's Chinese is actually said.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I heard that Mr. Meng also participated in this conference. She came, I saw Mr. Meng at the Calculation of Gotbach in Kyoto University, I don't know which step is Mr. Meng?"

Meng Qian deliberately looked at the watch, noted that James, which was the expression of Meng Qian, "I have expanded Gotbach to the 10th party."

Meng Qian cooperated with a slight surprised table, then the way, "You wait, let's go to the downstairs conference hall."

In 2002, a person said that he expanded his Gadebach to 10 25 times. Interested is normal. It is not interested that this person can only explain that this person is fundamentally guess. Therefore, Meng Qian can talk to James with this sympathy.

"it is good."

Meng Qian entered the room took the computer and paper pen, and then went to the conference hall downstairs with James. This conference hall is temporary transformation, specializing in the discussion of mathematicians who participated in the General Assembly, nearby Ten, the conference hall is still full, and Meng Qian is brought to James to the logic.

If you bring him into your own room because a stranger is in a word, Meng Qian is too unrestricted.

It's hard to find a position, Meng Qian and James took out their own computers, because Meng Qian said in Kyoto University, but James's abilities did not know, so James took the initiative to show himself. The results of the study.

Gödbach guess is a verification question, Meng Qian can understand for all kinds of verification methods, this is also another reason why he dares to use this thing as a bait, unlike the new one of the new one, look back, look back When you talk to yourself, you will not understand it immediately.

And Gothbach guess a large part of the work is the computer is completed, so the verification of Gödbach guess is a performance of computer development. In 2002, this will, about strengthening Strongbach, the computer can only calculate 10 18 times. Square, about the lamers, the computer can only calculate the 20th of 10.

James uses an elliptical curve verification. He uses a computer to verify the 10th Weindabach guess, and prove its model to the world's 25th Dove of the weak Gordebach.

"Mr. James, is your research release?" Meng Qian deliberately asked.

"Not." James shakes his head, "this range is not enough, I don't want to waste time on something else."

Meng Qian showed hesitant, silenced for a long time, "I don't want Mr. James, I have expanded the range of 10."

James's consciousness exposed a shocking table, Meng Qian continued, "But I may have some special."

"What is Mr. Meng use?" James is busy asking.

Meng Qian looked around and determined a video file on the computer after no one. "Mr. James can look at this."

On the computer, I played a video. It didn't take long for James to react, but my face was full of confusion. "Mr. Meng increased the computer's calculation capabilities to 1028. Meng changed the computing capacity of Computer? "

"It can also be said, but the hardware upper limit of the computer is not what I can change, but I have made a whole adjustment in the calculation method, using a new calculation method, Mr. James can look at some details."

Meng Qiao retreated a video, James is more careful, until a few minutes, "This is not calculated, this is calculated? Men Meng teaches the computer to teach the computer? Is it, this is .. "

"Mr. James saw the problem?"

"What is Mr. Meng this?"

"This is a new artificial intelligence model. I caustered Gadbach through a new artificial intelligence. The computer not only improved the calculation limit, but also achieved self-learning and integration ability. Unfortunately, now the current chip count Force constraints, there is no way to continue. "

James is not from Lenovo, "So Men Meng wants to do a momentary moment?"

"It can be so understanding, the current lighting machine limits the further development of the chip, if there is no evolution of the chip, artificial intelligence will stagnate.

From the moment from the computer, everyone hopes that the computer can replace human work, but so many years have passed, the computer does replace certain human work, but all the most basic rules, this is not a computer. It can be achieved.

So I have been a lot of research on artificial intelligence. I believe that artificial intelligence can truly liberate humanity and push human beings to the next era. "

James has an entangled table. "If artificial intelligence can guess the great help of the Cordbach, the value of artificial intelligence is indeed reassessing. Where is the endpoint of manually intelligent, Or where is the destination of Mr. Meng? "

"I have a lot of people who have a curiosity, I want to know the truth of the world, how is the universe born, how human beings appear, I also want to use technology to change the world like an entrepreneur in many technology industries.

It's just that this road is getting more difficult, and I have encountered a new dilemma. "


"Quantum technology."

James is silent for two seconds, "How do you think of the quantum technology?"

"This problem is a bit big, I have always thinking that the quantum technology is challenging the universe, but there is a little, according to the development of the world must be disorder, but in this process, there is an order, this is the most curious place. "

"What do you say this?"

Meng Qian noticed that James's subtle table change, because this sentence appeared in the document of James, James, that is, this sentence is actually James said, probably before and after 2005.

Since James began to enter, then, Meng Qian will start from him to this question, try to further attract James, "Mr. James, do you know the entropy increase?"


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