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In the spirit, Dongping is a company worthy of respect. He has put his eyes abroad since its establishment in 1991. It can export to technology in 90 years, so Huaxia Technology Enterprise is very rare.

However, in the 90s, Dongsoft has received many setbacks on the road of technology exports, and after Dongping has a very famous to learn to renovate the research strategy.

The way of this strategy is to use the company's Ministry of Education, and the establishment of the college directly cultivates a large number of employees, then crazy abroad, through outsourcing, learning the actual combat technology, and finally cultivating their own research teams.

In 2005, Easoft is the largest overseas software outsourcing provider in Huaxia, which is maintained for a long time.

The strategy that is very ideal and can be implemented is very good. Easternoft has slowly rely on this strategy from outsourcing projects to have their own technology and successfully has their own product market around the world.

Overall, Eastoft's achievements are really good, but in Meng Qian is still a bit unfortunately, because Dongping has always imitated, and she has grown into imitation thinking.

By imitation, you can do in this market, but it is too lack of innovation, it is difficult to make great achievements, this is the reason why Dongping always gives people a good but not name.

And Meng Qian's reason why I want to stimulate Liu Jiren, one reason is because now Dongping's three skilled artists have already made a good technical root base for Dongping, if Dongping is willing to put more energy in innovation, Easoft is likely to have more achievements. Of course, it is also possible to innovate.

Therefore, Meng Qian just said his idea. In the future, Dongqi will not be affected by these words, Meng Qian does not intervene, anyway, Meng Qian, although it is intention to say to Liu Jiren, but it is true It is your own heart. In his opinion, Huaxia Technology is really competitive, it is to rely on innovation, can't think of low price.

Liu Ji is silent for a few seconds. It is probably aware that his dispel is immediately pulled back, and explains. "I just remembered the development of the wind group all the way, some of the reasons for the success of the wind group, you Products, actually win in innovation. "

"It can be said, innovation and research are the foundation of the wind group. I share a fun thing to Liu, and I have found a rare metal in a short period of time. We have found that a rare metal is likely to make the light source system of the moment.

However, this rare metal is currently only rice in the world, and the country is to export in China, in the face of such a problem, and someone else has put forward a brainstorm, let everyone think about it. any solution.

As a result, a team put forward a solution, they said that this rare metal in the moon, they believe that the company can cooperate with the country or private enterprises with foreign companies to engage in the moon, bring this rare metal back through the robot, is it a little absurd ? "

Liu Jioren nodded, "I really listened to some absurd."

"But I have sent a bonus to this team." Meng Qian smiled at Liu Ji, "They brought more than such a ridiculous idea, they even gave the proposal to cooperate, gave a probably budget, give it out This rare metal can bring long-term profits from the company, giving us the return rate of this matter.

They are really serious, think about this ridiculous idea, just they ignore some details, including the company's creation of invisible investment, including the right to use rare metal private companies on the moon, including our moon The understanding is actually very small.

I believe that many people will feel that the wind group is a sick corporate, which will feel that the employee has this idle manager to write a few lines of code is not good.

But this program is in my work desk, I am also a little bonus that I am afraid of not much, this may be that everyone feels a ridiculous phenomenon, but this comic, It is the difference between the wind group and most companies. "

Liu Jiren listened to Meng Qian to share this story. I don't know why I have some inexplicable excitement. "Can Meng Men not worried that such an environment will cultivate some people who do not work?"

"I don't worry." Meng Qian shook his head, "I can tell you this way, first, my employees, at least most of the employees, have their own inch, their work will never fall, second, I I am really not afraid that the company raises a bunch of madmen, I am afraid that the company raises a lot of pillages.

I always believe in the development of technology. The progress of the world must be a crazy person, and never underestimate human creativity, that is the ability of human beings to be respectful. "

Liu Jiren couldn't help but ask Meng Qian how to cultivate employees' creativity, how to make good use of employee creativity and how to manage employees. But Meng Qian is euphemistic.

It is willing to say that it is already for the recognition and expectation of Dongping, but the deenefic says that there is no need, this is also the management confidential of the wind group.

I understand that Meng Qian's degree is, Liu Jiren is also very interesting, but also turning the topic to his original purpose today. "For Meng Gong, the wind group is now, the greater, I don't know if I have No software outsourcing? "

"This matter has recently been very considered." Software outsourcing is a common phenomenon of IT companies, and everything is too big for the company. The more enterprises, the more enterprises, can reduce the company to a certain extent Pressure, but the wind group is now in fact, Meng Qian is also intention to give the eastern soft point, "said this, Liu always wants to consider the technology authorization."

"Technical authorization?"

"Well, about our software innovation, the recent patent application is all, so we are considering authorization, everyone develops together."

Liu Jiore is shocked. "Mr. Meng will not engage in patented barriers in software?"

"Can't you?" Meng Qian is a big way, "Otherwise, how to live the offensive of those major companies."

Liu Jiren laughed two times, "It is a patented madness."

"That Liu, is it interested or not interested?"

"Of course, I am interested." Although how to set up a patented barrier on the software, Liu Ji is a certain question, but if Meng Qi is really doing, this is really a chance to challenge foreign companies, Liu Jiire is not ambitious. People, he is just too conservative, but if there is such a chance to put in front, he will not completely don't care, "if Meng always wants to negotiate, I will visit your company to visit."

"Okay, wait for a big driving."

In fact, Meng Qian saw that Liu Ji Ren was more excited to have a very important reason. That is to look at Liu Jiren in the Ministry of Education resources. Dongping has already run a college very early, and then set up his own private school, but all this is because Dongoft is founded in Northeastern University, and also has its own portfolio.

Meng Qian also wanted to engage in Jiang University but before they didn't discuss it now. This 985 university should engage in a college too complicated. In fact, the company wants to engage in civil society, can't find too Good school.

Meng Qian also has no other resources, and the Ministry of Education is even more deserted.

So he is ready to take Liu Jiren, this matter can be found to find a breakthrough, but this thing is not to mention, the first time I said too much bad, this matter, wait a few with Liu Ji After returning, Meng Qian talked to him ...

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