Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 258 IT Fortune Annual Meeting

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Continue to chat with Liu Ji, Meng Qian probably understands what you need to know (love Qíng), from the big floor, now Huaxia IT development is confused, and in this confused process, For many practical problems, the impact of the globalization caused by the addition of WTO.

In the evening, I took a quick meal with Liu Ji, and Meng Qian returned to the hotel and began to start his own speech. Although she used to be born, it did know the future development direction, but it impossible to directly put the future direction in the plane. A bit, because people will not believe.

When people believe in you, it is already a thing (love Qíng) has developed into that, what is used.

Therefore, how to write it is very important. It is necessary to tell everyone the future development direction, but also give a reliable implementation plan, and to take the way to advance and trust to promote development, this is not a one Easy things (love qíng), after all, Meng Qian is no longer a person, but it has not yet arrived.

Time is very fast to November 30 (Japan rì), Meng Qian is attended the 2002 Huaxia IT Fortune Annual Meeting, and the conference held the Yanyin Hotel, the scene was arranged in the scene, from the outside, the reporter gathered, Huaxia IT Fortune Annual Conference is Oscar in IT, and there is really some taste.

After the red carpet, I was sitting in Meng Qian. It was Zhang Shuxin. In 2000, I didn't come to the IT Fortune Annual Meeting of the Year of the Year of the Year. Last year, this year is also the same because of personal reasons. Zhang Shuxin participated in the first time.

The year begins, first leading the speech, expressed the encouragement and expectation of everyone, and then the informationologist and economist representatives began to speaking.

Economists are almost all of them, which is the unique in the Huaxia economy. In the past few years in the global economy, China's 2000 GDP growth rate is 8.5%, 2001 GDP growth rate is 8.3%, 2002 GDP growth rate 9.1 %, Of course, the 2002 GDP growth rate data has not yet come yet, but it is because of not coming, these experts pre-proclaimed GDP growth rate may break 9 and become more topic (sex xìng).

The speech of economists is like laying a throne of the whole year, the global economy has declined, and Huaxia has economic rises. Well, if only the surface is, it is indeed (very tǐng) to inspire, but Meng Qian is very It is clear that the future is only a few harm of digital economic development model, but many people seem to cover their eyes, and there is no reason to be aware of the risks.

And the information scholars will come, almost everyone will mention a sentence, IT is the new economy in Huaxia.

"New Economy." Meng Qian did not consciously shook his head.

"Meng always seems to have some nose of this new economic concept." Zhang Shu, who was sitting on the side, told Meng Qian's reaction.

Meng Qian looked at Zhang Tao's new, there was an internet + bubble, sharing economic bubble, artificial intelligence foam, block chain bubble ...

Meng Qian has always firmly determined a concept, and the technology (body shēn) is not wrong, causing the bubble to be capital, future things (love qíng) naturally can't talk to Zhang Shuxin, Meng Qian, "Economist talks about the economy, not thick , The informationologist also talks about the economy, and it has not been absurcted.

Technology is really linked to the economy, but everyone needs to create wealth by technology, rather than simply telling you to creating wealth, so engaging in technology. "

Zhang Shuxin wondered for a while to understand Meng Qian, "purely to do one thing (love Qíng), it is likely to destroy the reasonable development rules of this industry, the development of rhythm, and even destroy the entire development ecology."

Meng Qian nodded, "Capital Drive Development Ben (body shēn) is no problem, but must respect objective phenomenon, know that pig can make money to raise pigs, this is certainly no problem, but you can't make money to make money Pig hormones, if everyone does this, one side will quickly lead to excessive production capacity of pigs (meat Ròu), causing bubbles, while causing a lot of social hidden dangers, such as the public (body shēn) health problem,

And once exposed, these pigs (meat ròu) are actually destroyed, and benefit is only the first batch of people who have not aroused pig hormones. But what did they bring for the pig and the whole society? It is all the drawbacks. This is the consequence of pure capital drive.

What's more, IT industry has a huge difference from traditional industries. So why do an economist and an informationologist such that economists tell us what to make money, and the informationologist should tell us what the essence of this thing should, how to make money, especially in this kind of IT Special industries, informationologists must do a good job in science. If the informationologist is just talking about the economy, it is obviously a problem. "

It is good to have a different voice at the scene, although there are not many, such as Wu Jinglian, such as the famous economist, "The first two days of information industry economy annual meeting, the Minister of Lao warned us not to meet the so-called 'a branch, we are more It should be sober that China's information industry also has many new changes and uncertainties in China's information industry in the main environment where the global economic growth is slow, China's information industry has also seen. In general, China's information industry still exists. The world IT strong country is larger, the core technology is subject to people, the company is small, the management level is not high, and the industry added value is low.

So everyone should not think that the Zhizhi is coming, the IT industry is in the recession, everyone is looking forward to the recovery can start as soon as possible. But the most important thing is to see how we cultivate, because when the harvest season arrives, it is not entirely determined. During the decline, it is actually a major reorganization period, and our company compared to foreign companies, the average is clearly done. "

After that, IDC Global Vice President Philip reminds everyone, the global IT industry is full of opportunities for the Chinese entrepreneurs, but it is full of hidden dangers. You must not ignore these hidden dangers. Otherwise, once the problem will be exposed, the consequence will be unimaginable.

This is the second time Philip to participate in the annual meeting of Huaxia IT Fortune. He has repeatedly reminded everyone to go only to develop, it is necessary to calm, to objectively, pay attention to risk, but no one listens, so that he once again reminded again, according to Meng The understanding of the world, everyone still didn't listen.

But for Meng Qian, there are two kinds of sounds on the scene today, then it is enough, because Meng Qian prepared speech today is destined to have a piece of man, and even unveiled a blockbus for the Huaxia IT industry.

But this thing (love qíng) Meng Qian knows himself, if everyone is still such a mentality, don't want to change in this world.

And if Meng Qian did not even show the courage of the shame, then don't mention what changed the technology, and went home to enjoy the clef.

Now I can listen to two sounds on the spot, at least indicate that Meng Qian is here to say that he wants to say, it is certainly no problem.

After the leaders and experts of each road, the next important link is the announcement of the three people in the China IT industry in 2002.

The entire award process is very high, and the winners are Wang Wenjin, the chairman of the UF Group, 3 District President Deng Yuanjun, Liu Ji, Chairman, Dongqi Group, Hualia District, General Manager, General Manager Yang Yuanqin, President of Lenovo Group, General Manager Yang Xu, General Manager Yang Xu, General Manager of Intel Huaxia Co., Ltd. , IBM Huaxia District Chairman Zhou Weikun, Shenzhou Digital Chairman Guo Wei, Tang Jun, President of Microsoft Huaxia Co., Ltd., and Chairman of the Great Breeze Group.

After the awards, naturally the speech time representative of entrepreneurs, five people in this year have been arranged, including Liu Ji Ren, Yang Yuanqin, Guo Wei, Wang Wenjin and Meng Qian.

Everyone has its own speech theme. Guo Wei talks about hardware development. Liu Jiren talk about talent training, Wang Wenjin talks about market characteristics, Yang Yuanjin talks about global opportunities, and finally Ming Qian, his speech PPT The first page is: the strategic layout of the development of the domestic IT industry.


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