[Silk Literature Network] Mobile Website: I like to share

"After deepening cooperation, it will involve an important purpose of our domestic enterprise alliance. That is to establish standards." Meng Qian took some time to explain the standard barrier, this era needed too much, "is obvious Establishing a standard barrier is another big weapon for technology competition, and its killing is more than the patented barrier, because the patented barrier has an empty drill, the standard barrier can completely block you outside.

But establishing standards is a very complicated thing, at least one of the authoritative industrial alliances will be voted, and now the entire IT industry is almost mastered in Oimi, they are both athletes and referers, this is their advantage.

So if we want to participate in international competition, we must have its own standards, but a two Chinese companies are difficult to have this ability to present a standard and have been internationally recognized. This thing needs everyone's common involvement. achieve. "

"If we have your own complete industrial chain, we do your own standards, then it will be simple." Someone mentioned.

But Meng You shakes his head. "We build an industrial chain is to ensure our production capacity, but the standard is still on international standards, and it must be a globalization of globalization. It is difficult for the skills that can't go out. "

See the latter no longer talk, others do not ask questions, Meng Qian continues, "mentioned this question, just right, today I said so much, I will gradually realize that international competition needs a crisis awareness, We must abandon the idea of ​​buying, must consider over-relying on the risk of foreign companies.

However, because of our weak, there will be some cooperation with foreign companies in the process of international competition. For example, our wind group has cooperated with Sony and Canon. What should I do this? Here I will mention a small suggestion called spare tire thinking.

When we are not as good as foreign countries, we can buy their technology and products, but it is best to develop spare tires. This spare tire can be done. You can also hand it over to others. Reflect the value of the alliance.

For example, we have purchased some products from Sony before, and we have self-developed by purchasing authorization and reverse design. The products we currently do are not as good as Sony, so we still have to meet our products by purchasing Sony products. Daily demand.

But a day, Sony is going to flush our face, we can take our spare tires, maybe the spare tire is not as good as Sony's products, but as long as you can probably, then this spare tire has the meaning of existence. . This spare tire can also be handed over to other companies. In this way, we will leave behind himself, after all, a long way to compete. "

"This concept is very novel." The leadership of the Ministry Department suddenly spoke and fell in thought, and I realized that everyone was watching him, and smiled, "Meng Mong continued."

Meng Qian smiled and nodded. "After the standard, it is the last thing I want to say today, ecology. The concept of ecology may not have everyone, and even if the concept of ecology is also very easy to follow the industry chain. It is confusing, in fact, the ecological and industrial chain is two things.

From essential, the industrial chain industry chain is a concept of four dimensions including value chain, corporate chain, supply and space chain, is used to describe a corporate community structure with some intrinsic contact, and the core of the industrial chain is A large number of up and downstream relationships are a relationship between enterprises.

The concept of IT Ecology has no official explanation, but we can look at the nature of the ecology, and the ecology refers to the status of all organisms, and the relationship between them and its ring loop between them.

Obviously, the difference has come out, the concept of ecology is greater than the industry chain, because the ecology is a dynamic concept including enterprises, employees, users, environment and other factors, establish a perfect industrial chain, allow us to meet the production needs, and Not subject to people.

The establishment of a global IT ecosystem-led global IT ecotrus, which enables Huaxia to become a global IT industry, affecting the development of the global IT industry, this is the end of international competition and needs to be pursued. "

"What can I do to build an ecotropic circle?" Some people ask questions.

"In fact, the establishment of an ecotropic circle is a natural result. It is like nature gradually developed to this balance state today. As long as we build the foundation of the ecology, the flowers will be self-opened, the bird will come, and the foundation is Everything I said before, I will make a summary here.

Establish a patented barrier, promote scientific and technological flow, deepen internal cooperation, build a whole industry chain, propose global standards, and finally create an ecological environment. So everything we did before, in fact, in creating the environment, there is an environment, user, talent, will naturally come in, slowly, we can dominate a global ecotropic circle. Really in that step, I believe that every kind of benign companies in this ecotropic circle will get their own results.

Everything is that we can reach the consensus of the internal alliance. I know that this balance between competition and cooperation is difficult, and the company has spent many years in today's balance.

But I want to give you an example may not be a particularly appropriate example, but maybe you can help understand, this is like a basketball game, usually everyone is competitive relationship when you have a domestic competition, and even find foreign aids to fight the game, but At the Olympics, the original opponent will become a teammate, and foreign aid is impossible.

As long as you always remember a thing, foreign companies will cascase our neck, and how much they can compete, how much can they leave a bottom line, because even if there is a business, the country will come, But in the face of the national dispute, only you die, there is no bottom line. This is the cruelty of international competition.

I believe that our Huaxia can win the technology war that has arrived, I also hope that these ideas I will bring you today can get everyone's recognition. "

Some of the scenes, everyone has their own thinking. After a while, the leaders of the Ministry of Information suddenly walked to Meng Qian, "Meng Human said very well, once the IT industry entered the international competition, that is, the argument of the country, not the individual's individual, this is one One glory is around the industry.

I personally think that the Chinese IT industry competition and cooperation in parallel is a very good proposal, it is worthy of discussion. "

The leadership so straightforward, everyone's heart is understanding, because everything that Meng Qi is really selfless, from the head heard the tail, is the overall development of the country, is in all companies for Huaxia Considering that there is no doped private gain for the wind group, and even the things of the spare tire thinking are shared, it is a clear thing that is selfless or selfless.

Most adults will become self-sufficient in society, but this does not hinder the respect of adults from selfless people. Most people see Meng Qian's eyes at this time, they are different, have always been a 20-year-old young creation of wind groups.

But now there is no question in most people's eyes.

In the face of everyone's response, Meng Qian's heart has followed a bit of a bit, this world's IT industry development should be not the same ...

[Silk Literature Network] Mobile Website: I like to share

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