"The overall management of the wind group is very advanced, and it can also be seen that the problem that will often encounter during the development of the company. If I guess, the wind group determines the management system from the beginning, Considering a variety of mainstream problems? You can feel that Meng Gong is very useful for the research of enterprise management. "Zhou Wei first held a sentence.

Meng Qian laughed, as a senior in the later generation, all the management training courses, many people in this age seem to have a very advanced thing, and it is a common sense, "I like more to see some Failed business experience, in management, from failure, what you can learn from success is more than successful. "

"Meng Mong's idea is always very interesting." After five days, Zhou Weikun showed Meng Qian, although Meng Qian still can't judge whether it is really true, this kind of old rivers and lakes are too difficult to see, "But before The problem of guess is indeed still in the wind group. "

Zhou Weikun said, "Talk about my personal opinion," I think that the wind group does have some hidden dangers now, especially two hidden dangers need to pay as soon as possible. "

"Appreciate further details."

"The first question is excessively humanized. I understand that Meng always wants to be good for employees. It is in the company's humanized management, but what is management itself is a self-discipline, why is military management? It has always been advertised as the pure but the most effective management mode, that is, because military management is unified from the beginning, everyone's consciousness, such as obeying awareness.

Interestingly, comrades often is the most struggling emotion, currently in the West, an enterprise of military management is a mainstream development trend.

The Great Wind Group currently seems to have a certain sense of belonging, and there is also the spirit of the owner, but these more are your consciousness and welfare policies. Whether the staff of the wind group has a unified ideology, this It's hard to say, at least the different management status of the various departments, it should be not.

If the employees do not have a high degree of consciousness, there will be no problems in the Shuxiang, everyone can rush, and even enterprises and employees can get the most profitable, because everyone is struggling for themselves, people are Obviously you can harvest the biggest motivation and output when you struggle.

Once an enterprise encounters problems, especially when encountering huge dilemmas, this state will lead to difficult to unite, it is even more difficult to have a heart, which is very easy to lead to the long-term development of the company. It is a state of a cheating and profit. "

Meng Qian's expression is relatively calm, "We always believe that I have given the employee's autonomy, especially the autonomy of consciousness."

Zhou Weikun chewed this sentence, "can be so understanding."

The respective silent thinking, Meng Qian decided not to discuss this matter, but asked first, "What is another problem in Week?"

"There is also a question is you."


"In fact, this problem can also be summarized in a unified consciousness. For a company, how to unify consciousness, need strategy, need a core person.

You are too humble, this kind of humility can add points when communicating, but will be reduced during the internal management, you can't be so humble in the enterprise, through my days, I have experience with the wind group. Communication, I realize that you have been strengthening the influence of company executives and some outstanding employees in the enterprise, but is biased over the influence of your business.

I asked a lot of underlying employees. They only have genius and affinity to your impression, the boss should not be affinity, but you can't give employees feel just affinity. Affinity is a plurality of phantom, but it should not be the core characteristics you have left to employees.

If you want to lead the wind group to create a shocking move, if you want the wind group to become a world of top companies, your employees must have their spiritual leaders, and this spiritual leader, it should be you, you must It's you.

The staff of the wind group needs to know more about what kind of person is what they are. It is necessary to have internal influence. Any great company will have a spiritual leader who will be willing to follow. This spiritual power It is quite important in management. "

Meng Qian fell into Pens, Zhou Weikun saw Meng Qian, did not speak, actively added, "To tell you, I didn't know you in this year, but I have been interested in the achievements of the Great Breeze Group. But just the performance at the IT Fortune Annual Meeting, I have made me see you very obvious qualities.

You have a strong self-confidence. If you talk about Western companies, you have never seen it in another Huaxian entrepreneur, you have your persistence, you have a very high research The enthusiasm, while you are still a priest, like Xiao Huo said, Huaxia's cultural kernel has chivalry, but in the current Huaxia entrepreneur, we are hard to see the love of chivalrous, even the whole Huaxia The nation is slowly abandoning the love of chivalry, and it becomes more and more private.

In my opinion, you are a very good spiritual leader template, passionate, love, confidence, righteousness, if in the West, I can say that your entrepreneur is even a batch of believers, Can be in the wind group, but as a boss, the employee feels flat, which is a pity. Your humility, use the wrong place! "

Zhou Weikun said that there were some excitement, so it was very sorry for Meng Qian.

Meng Qian understood that Zhou Weikun said, and I couldn't help but start reflecting myself. Meng Qian has always really don't love Zhang Yang, it is like this, but listening to Zhou Weikun's words, Meng Qian realized that he was just a executive, and then A powerful executive is only a high-management, and there is still a natural difference between the boss, and put the successful management model when he is doing executives, it seems to be a point that is negligent by the chairman of the group.

"What is the good suggestion for the Question of the Great Breeze Group?"

This turn, Zhou Weikun was deeply thought, but he thought about it. "If Meng is interested, our IBM can give the wind group first set of programs, and Meng always thinks that there is further communication. We can send a team to make a comprehensive management system optimization to the wind group. To tell the truth, the management system of the wind group is much mature than what I imagine, there is not a lot of places to improve, and it should be better docked. "

The two of these days have already opened the words, Zhou Weikun has contacted Meng Qian, a very direct purpose is to do the business of wind groups, and now there is very few companies that can pick up a large number in management, Zhou Weikun's occupation sensitive Let him feel that the wind group is hoping to be such a big customer.

"Yes." Meng Qian has promised, "But I am thinking that our wind group can have a chance to cooperate with IBM."

"Cooperation?" Zhou Weikun is a little unexpected, "What does Meng always mean?"

"My thoughts are like this, IBM can be used as a partner of the Great Wind Group Training Center, undertaking a certain training in the management and other fields, our Great Breeze Group pays a training fee to IBM every year."

Zhou Weikun's smile has a subtle change. "It is also a good idea, but talent cultivates this kind of thing, once cooperation may be a long-term thing, and in the future, our students, I think is it to consider sharing."

The two don't help but laugh, it is not the oil's light ...

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