
It is close to 12 o'clock in the evening, and the wind group suddenly came to a guest.

"How is Pan President?" Meng Qian unexpectedly looked at this point to come to our company.

A little thing (love qíng) to talk to you, Pan Yun looked at the people to tell the people to talk separately. Everyone got a reason to find a reason.

"Pan President suddenly ran over so many nights, is there any important thing (love qíng)?"

"How is your lear?"

Meng Qian's first reaction is a bit surprised, "Amount ... How do you care about this thing (love Qíng)?"

"Suddenly, some people entrusted me."


Pan Yun refers to it.

Meng Qian nodded, "he did the database, I also do the database, business competition is inevitable."

"Business competition, more than your big wind group has, how can someone don't have you so much?"

"This is Oracle's first."

"Yes?" Pan Yun's face wrote all the words I didn't believe in three words.

Meng Qian looked at Pan Yun sighed, "Ok, what do you mean now?"

Pan Yun faces, "Do you know how many partnerships in our China?"

"Probably know."

"People compete, they will first grab someone else's customers, and they are almost torn. You are fell, and you will close your face. There is such a big plate in China. If you have problems, you pick it down ? "

"Next." Meng Qian is uniform, "" Domestic Oracle customers, our big wind group sooner or later. "

"You are confident is a good thing, but is your order?"

"President Pan, this is the contradiction between me and Oracle. It is the competition between enterprises and enterprises. I have a number in my heart. I will never rise to the country, and whether it is Oracle or a wind group. (Love Qíng) Cool, domestic cooperation can continue, the impact will not be large. "

"Will not rise to the country? Are you sure?"

Meng Qian suddenly did not understand, "What does Pan President What does this mean? Is it feeling that the wind group will happen?"

Pan Yun is silent, so staring at Meng Qian, Meng Qian began to be inexplicable, but slowly calm down with a new idea, "Is it worried about me?"

"Do you know the relationship behind Oracle? What resources have the wind group now have? What is the influence? A hyacinth, a few games? Do you have any pressure on the rice?

Today, Today, I need a scruple, but what I want to make a tricks if I want to come forward, do you understand? "

"I understand. In the confrontation of the company, the country now I can't help it, I need my own. So, I hope I want to try as low as possible."

"Meng Qian, in fact, I am very strange, you have always seen the problem, I have always seen the development thinking about the development of the light, why is you so impulsive on this matter (love qíng)?"

"Teacher Pan, the overall idea of ​​the light, I still haven't changed, but the saying goes well, because of the local conditions, due to the situation, specific things (love Qíng) specific analysis, can not use a thinking to go (ban jìn) All things ( Love Qíng).

As a company, I chose to have a special advantage to raise a mistake under the pressure of the external environment, but some special (love Qíng) I need to consider special interests, and even sometimes the impulse is a test.

As a company developed internationally, I can't hide forever. After considering the loss, sometimes it needs to explore the head.

All of this Oracle's reactions have been in my expectations, and the realized market effect is still in my expectations, because he is Oracle, I will do this. "

"So you have done the worst plan this time?"

"The Great Breeze Group's current influence and ability are not to let Miki spend more mind to deal with it. In the most, from the rice country, it is better than the revenue brought by the database, and I think I think that Mi is very May not shoot. "


"We have a situation with Oracle to this situation, no one is hard to go again, just like you said, then go forward, it is going to move back, but the country is now busy, a small wind The Group is only afraid that they can not be dispersed. "

"Busy? You said ... War?" Pan Yun understood Meng Qian, "Do you think it will fight?"

"Mr. Pan does not think?"

"It is unlikely." Pan Yun did not feel that "" the lack of sufficient reasons in Mi State, the anti-war (love Qíng) of the people in the rice is very strong. "

"Reason?" Meng Qian did not (forbidden jìn) laughed, "Why can Zhao can refer to deer?"

"You will be a bit far away, and the rice is not Zhao Gao."

Meng Qian smiled and didn't talk. Pan Yun saw him. Some helpless. The concern is good, the above recommendations are good, you have a lot in your heart.

Next this sentence, I personally send you. "

"Pan President please say."

"Since ancient times, the famous ritual history and the ."

Meng Qian's eyes became a great, in the process of opposition with Pan Yun, Pan Yun used a point to point with his finger, "more cautious, more care, more weeks."

Meng Qian didn't know how to respond to Pan Yun, and finally only said, "Thank you."


On the other hand, Ellison appeared in an office. "Do you see the influence of hyacinth? This is a Chinese product product, we let go of it."

"I said, you can find someone to investigate, find some reason to give me, we will come out."

"You just find a reason not to do it?"

"We now also need to consider international image, can you not take us more trouble because of your business competition?"

"Hey, I have so much money every year, I am not white."

"Ellison, how much is we give you? But you can now take a look at the news before going to a Chinese company? You can't see us now?"

"Isn't it just fight? It's hard to fight, I have to agree with Huaxia."

"We are really don't want to take Huaxia in Huaxia. Over Ellison, you have seen it (love qíng), I also see it, it is a commercial gun, you don't also say the wind group Limit your product.

Looking back, we will deal with the wind group (love Qíng). "

Although Ellison's temper is not good, it is not a unreasonable person. It is also possible to fight for a little helping. After all, what is going to fight (love qíng) he knows, "That case, you will help me first." Send a statement, against a hymth? "

"We come out? Ellison, are you not crazy? Just because of your database, the people now rose contradiction to us, we should do it now is to avoid the wind, not come out."

Ellison deliberately express helplessness, "Ok, I will go to the evidence first, but I have to give some color to the wind group, and I will go first."

"Waiting for Ellison."

"what happened?"

"Since I come, I have to spend money, you have donated it."

Ellison, "WTF ..."

Many people know what is behind Ellison, but the incident does not continue to develop, just like Meng Qian assessment, although the database has also involved the underlying technology, now the big wind group's database is only just with the Oracle database. Some technologies collide, but there is no much better than the laying products.

Since there is not much better, I still have to spend too much energy for the rice, and the database of the wind group is still not working. If it is very stiff, it is possible if it is very stiff to the Huaxia relationship. By the way, but this will be busy with the things of the old Yi (love Qíng), temporarily, no heart (love qíng), come back to Huaxia.

Of course, the rice country at this time can not think about it, it will be in the old Yi.

Huaxia naturally can't make it easier for the wind group to limit oracle, so things (emotions qíng) have not been developed to greater the broadening.

The final ending, both sides put forward the prosecution of technical stealing, naturally someone believes in the wind group, some people believe in Oracle, after all, do not copy anyone, never have a certain answer.

But for Oracle, believe in him, all those who believe in him, people who can't afford to understand, are those who can't afford to see Huaxia, what did he get? It is very little to see.

However, the name of the Great Breeze Group is open from the world. In the next few days, the Great Breeze Group received an invitation from the world's 100 companies, behind a contest, which seems to have no win-win, is this world. The start of the database development pattern changes ...

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