Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 321 Employee Entrepreneurship

For all winners, Meng Qiben meet alone, understand their situation and plan, give the invitation card to them.

Everyone's specific information Meng Qi has made He Yiping recorded a unified student talent library.

In the Student Talent Talent Talents of the Great Breeze Group, there are many companies that have been touched by Meng Qian personally, and some are to contact other management, and this information has a special department in the company to be tracked.

For example, if the internship occurs, the internship situation is, these people have graduated where, do you participate in what game, there is no achievement, the subsequent overall development analysis of the library talents, etc.

Then, according to the analysis, timely docking, contact talents in time, timely recommend talents, and take talent in time.

This is a sector that seems to be a mainstream, but it is actually very complicated and very important.

After returning the company the next day, Meng Qian contacted BYD's Wang Chuanfu made him sent a team to help guide the factory's acquisition and management.

It must be no longer too late to build industries, because there are two months of Hai Lu Tong's universal charge, Meng Qian does not want to buy Hai Lu Tong, and the price is too low, and it is not convenient to manage.

Doing universal charges don't need high-end factories, there are many optional acquisition targets in Hangzhou.

In the end, the Great Breeze Group 1 million acquired a battery in Yuhang, one important reason for choosing this company is the surrounding land, Meng Qian has bought these places after communicating with the local government.

For a while, a management team of BYD left a factory to help Meng Qian did some pre-work. Of course, Meng Qian pays a management fee.

On the morning of September, the Great Breene Group rushed to the month of the meeting, and every one of the management of the meeting was great because there is good news.

The first good news is that the wind group has completed 20 billion annual goals in advance.

"State support is different." Meng Qian couldn't help but half a year, the official order of the country has increased by 42 billion yuan in a single national government, the key is that this is just beginning, I really want to put the country. All local government unit orders are covered, and there are less than two or three years of hard work, and the money behind this is not anger.

"This figure is indeed unexpected, probably because our products have no competitors in China." Xiao Bo knows, "Don't be as computer, the country must support multiple companies, as long as our products are no problem, In the past few years, we can eat it. "

"But domestic orders pull our profits." Meng Qian ridiculed a sentence, everyone couldn't help but smile.

The wind group has always been a high-profit company. The profit of the game does not say, the Great Breeze Group's overseas sales profit is more terrible. I have said before, selling 10 Meng Qian selling 9 in overseas people, but The problem is that Huaxia employees, even if the staff of the Great Breeze Group also has no way to follow Omei.

There is too much artificial cost, and 10 of the Omei sell 10 pieces is high profits. The wind group sells 9 yuan than their low labor costs, and the profit can be imagined.

It can be said that most enterprise software profits sold in foreign countries in foreign countries are at 50.

Another reason for completing 20 billion goals in advance is the outbreak of games and hymen, especially for two months.

"Meng Mong's last time on non-mainstream is greatly enhanced the image of the company in the heart of consumers. In these two months, the sales of hymths and games reached 40, and the dance group was created in more than half a year. 3.6 billion sales. "Gu Junhui explained on the side, and also completed the emotions." When entrepreneurs have social responsibility, society will also reward enterprises in its way. "

In addition, the sales of candlelon sensors and the sales of candlelong architecture have increased by 280 after the seagull camera came out, and the future potential is expected.

"The company has now developed in the current investment," Meng Qian is over, and He Yiping.

"21.5 billion."

Meng Qian nodded, then looked at the company's current water, because the sales outbreaks in the last two months, so the money has not yet come out, and now the funds have reached 2.8 billion.

"I feel more and more unstable to Meng Gong, the situation in the Emperor Emperor." In addition to good news, there is also a bad news. "The ICAC is very big, and the Emperor is not good.

If the Emperor is fell, our plan will be affected next year, even if it doesn't fall, I am worried that the remaining wave of this thing will affect us. "

"This thing will soon pass, and I can't talk about any remaining waves a few years, and the Emperor is only one of our partners. We want it that it is good for us, this matter is not too much. "

"How is Meng always so affirmed

"The things of Xiangjiang Entertainment Circle, you can go to the street casually, you may be more than the clean government, and you think that Hollywood is very clean"

Everyone is looking at it, no more words.

The case will end after an hour, but after all the people left, Song Zhen Luo left Meng Qian's office, "Meng Qi, I have something to say to you, do you have time now?"

"Well, sit down." Meng Qian was a bit important, but it should be very important to see that Song Zhen Luo should be very important, so stay with him.

Sitting in Meng Qian's opposite, Song Zhenli strives to look at Meng Qian's eyes, but it is more and more bureau, "Meng Qi, I want to leave."

Just said that the exports, Song Zhen Luo still took the eyes of the eyes.

Meng Qian's first reaction is also a little accident, but it quickly adjusted emotions, "What's wrong

"Our game engine is well played, the new game development is smooth, counting the time of hand, this time I will leave too much impact, so I think I want to start business."

"What do you plan to do" Meng Qian is really hope that more employees go out to start business, but the company is not four years, Meng Qian also thinks that they get from the company is not rich enough.

"I plan to do business software, start starting from General Edition and small businesses."

"Corporate software, although the first echelon of the company is now doing business software, but there is only a big wind group, but there is a lot of people who have the same idea, according to I understand, whether it is Dongwei Hua Soft's powerful companies or some enterprises that have just started I have a bit more now. "Meng Qian said sincere worry.

"I also know. But it is indeed that this is indeed a trend. The success of the wind group has actually promoted the understanding and recognition of domestic enterprises on digital management. This market has just begun to develop, and everyone's technical level is Due to a lot of difference, I feel that this is a good time for entrepreneurship, just like you said, entrepreneurs, free of gambling spirit. "

Meng Qian looked at Song Zhen Luo as firmly appeared after his words were infected, I would like to tell him that I said that I have to find a reason for rebirth.

However, Meng Qian's understanding of this industry now, the trend is indeed, the future market is indeed great, but Song Zhen Luo can eat meat, he doesn't know, "Then do you have any long-term planning "

"I know my ability, so I just want to focus on the start, first can't get started, slowly accumulate customers to accumulate reputation and grow big business development, my goal is to do this kind of business software, do it. If possible, even in this field, there is a day to surpass the wind group. "Song Zhen Luo said that the last sentence is a bit hard to say.

Meng Qian understood that after all, he was dealing in these years. Song Zhen Luo said that there is no problem, it is soft, but the heart is actually a lot, this is the reason why he can be a manager.

He is not a very popular person, nor a person who will encourage the subordinates. He is in order to serve people in the case, and it is very unparalleled, and it is also a more distinctive. Entrepreneur character.

This kind of person is easy to eat some of the losses.

However, when Song Zhen Luo decided to start a business, Meng Qian naturally won't stop, even really happy, but he left himself, Meng Qian simply consulted some details, "How much do you have to prepare?"

"It's almost 300,000."

"Is there a partner?"


"Is there anyone who is with you?"

"No. I will never dig the company."

Meng Qian smiled and said that he thought about him. "You can dig it, you can dig from the wind group, indicating that you are very good, this is a good thing."

"That is not, the company people will never touch."

Meng Qian helplessly, Song Zhen Luo is such a person, sometimes too straightforward, Meng Qi is really a bit worried about him, "Since it is because of entrepreneurship, I will not leave you, I will send you two gifts, you have to do it. Enterprise software, the company's related patents are free to give you a year, I still want to use the second year, I will not be cheap.

The second gift, I promise to give you an investment opportunity, but the premise is that your company will have the baseline of the Great Wind Group to investigate the standards, this basic line you should be clear. "

"Meng Human is not, I will go to the industry with the wind group, you don't limit, I am already giving the footsteps, I really don't have," Song Zhen Luo has a true embarrassment, "you just arranged I went to IB to learn, I haven't returned the company again, I don't really feel that it is now to grab the market. I didn't want to start this business so early.

I can't really want anything else. I only hope that I can do more for the company. Although the company has developed to this point now, I can't do too much. "

Meng Qian is inevitably feeling, "Okay, now I am chatting with friends, don't pull this there, I will call you Song."

"Don't don't don't, Meng always, you still call me the name."

"You are a few years old, I have been calling your name, I feel awkward. I will call you that Song's anti-fall is natural. I have a good time, and I will remember to pull me."

"Meng always kissed me, I can have a bit of small achievements."

"I heard that you have just been looking for a girlfriend in front of you" is already set, Meng Qian also said, thinking about chatting with a few words and then.


"How, not suitable"

"No, she said this is her first time to fall in love."

"That is not very good, the first love is more pure."

Song Zhen Luo's face slowly black down, "When she first followed me, I said that I can't do it."

Meng Qian, ""

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