When Meng Qian leaving Toshiba, Xi Tianqi is angry, telling the truth, he doesn't know that you decide to go right now, after all, the future is unable to determine.

But over time, in the next few years, the two strong positions gradually stably, the neon graphics card festival was defeated, the Great Wind Group's graphics card is still farming, and Xi Tian Hou Cong thinks that today's transaction feels very presented, still Specially bought a native of neon, visiting Meng Qian ...

Meng Qian took two days in neon countries, and met some cooperation enterprises in neon countries, maintaining everyone's relationship.

Return to China, September 10th, a positive Teacher's Day, Meng Qian donated 1 million to the mother of the mother. This is the first year of his graduation. Meng Qian will donate a money to Jiang Da, Not much money, but Meng Qian's attitude is also a heart.

Pan Yun, who received the donation, gave Meng Qian, first expressed their gratitude, and brought good news to Meng Qian. "The last material has been submitted, and there will be no accident. There is formal reply, when you arrange the starting work as soon as possible. "


Meng Qian's college address is on the side of the Jiangda Saxi campus, the name of the college, the name of the Jiangda West Lake, as a private college, it is very difficult to get the two words of Hangzhou landmark West Lake.

Xihu University, established in 2018, back on a bunch of big.

After all, the habit of name Huaxia is the place name, as a future science and engineering university, Meng Qian must not take any morality, the name of this literary name, what is the best, what is the University of Electronic Science and Technology? Simple and rude name, but I feel regular.

Either is a famous university, helpless in Hangzhou, these names are occupied. It is not that Hangzhou University is not, Jiang Da is merged by Hangzhou University. There is no way, the rest is that Hangzhou landmarks are the West Lake.

Of course, this will only be called the college, so you can wait until you can call Xihu University.

The name rumor of the Western Western Lake University is the pro-provision of the Jiang Provincial government. Otherwise, it will not take the two gold words of West Lake, so that the current wind group has this influence.

As for the West Lake University in 18 years, Meng Qian also can't manage so much, first come first served.

Just followed Pan Yun to the university, and another famous university in the future, there was one of the famous universities of the University of Lakers, just came to the wind group to visit Meng Qian.

In recent years, Meng Qian and Horse boss have maintained a gentleman. When everyone is moving, I often talk to the industry, I will talk to the country, and I will send a message in the festival. The horse is even given Meng Qian. After girlfriend, but I have been grazing the scale between each other, just maintain this feeling, and consider this kind of payment when I really need it.

The horse has a big wish, love martial arts, Meng Qian also has a big wish, and there is a feeling, the two have a good friendship.

"Ma always passed away today." Meng Qian smiled and showed the horse, and then let He Yazing first go out, personally give horses.

"Today is not passing, today is something to find you." The two people slowly slow, when there was a matter of affairs, the speech was naturally directly.

"What is it?" Meng Qian simply bubbled the cup of green tea to the horse, and he returned to the top of the seat.

"Taobao development has encountered a big problem in these months."

"what is the problem?"

"Trust problem."

Meng Qian's eyes are moving, so I didn't pay attention at the horse. "How do you say?"

"Consumers don't dare to give money to the seller. I am afraid that the seller is a liar. When I have, I can only call us customer service, but the problem is that we can't solve the customer service."

"How does eBay solve this problem?" Meng Qian was really curious because he didn't understand.

"EBay did not solve, eBay also had a lot of complaints every day, but eBay charges, trading service fees, login fees, recommendation fees, these fees itself is already filtering customers, plus eBay has another set of customers. The standard, under the double screening, EBAY customers are relatively reliable.

However, our Taobao is a completely free strategy. We also have our audit standards, but the free strategy is destined to mix the fish dragon. In some cases, we are also difficult to determine the seller's credit. We are also deceived, and Taobao's future is more concerned about small business. This problem will become more and more prominent. "

"This is a natural contradiction. If you have a liar, let alone is free, so do you have any ideas now?" Meng Qian is a strange.

"I have an idea." The horse frowned, "but Li Qi is against me."


"Third party payment."

"Third-party payment?" Meng Qian is very hard to make you think, and I don't know how my expression control is doing. "What do you mean?"

"It's equal to our company to be a guarantee. Buyers first give money to us, wait for the product to confirm that there is no problem, we will give the seller again. We have no way to confirm that the seller is not reliable, but we can Ensure yourself reliable. "

"This is quite good."

"The idea is good, everyone has no opinions on the idea, it is, Zhang Shuxin's failure of the first year of failure is there." Ma Wei helplessly sighed, and the body rely on the sofa.

Zhang Shuxin grabbed the telecommunications system, and you are ... you have to eat with the banking system. "Meng Qian continued to pretend to be shocked, and the continuous assessment of the mind is unreasonable.

The horse is both hands, "Yes, grab the meal with the bank, I can't do it, I am the next Zhang Shu, but Zhang Shu has encountered you, I can meet another Meng Qian, I can't say it."

"What do you think now?"

"In fact, I don't think I have to eat with the bank. I have always been, the banking system is also good, the telecommunications system is also good, our country has always paying attention to big business users, if the Huaxia Enterprise Pyramid has 100 layers, the country Always in the 30th floor to 100 layers.

But what are these people below 30? What about those small and small entrepreneurs? What about ordinary users? These people have been neglected by the country. In fact, Taobao wants to help these countries can't help but pay attention to it, I don't believe that I have to eat with the country, but in helping the country to deal with him without energy. . "

"It seems that you have an answer in your heart." Meng Qianshun boat.

"But everyone opposes, I have to listen, so I want to listen to your opinion."

"You are doing things ..." Meng Qian is tight, Alipay can be said to be a thing that determines Ali's destiny, Ma Yong ask his opinion, Meng Qian really does not dare to answer.

After all, Ma Yao said that everyone thinks this thing is not, I feel that this thing can do this. In case, he supports Alipay, this guy is a clear brain circuit, actually some people support, it seems that this is not awkward, then it doesn't pull the scorpion.

"I think this thing will be very important to Taobao, and outsiders still don't give suggestions." Meng Qian selection refused to answer.

"All said that the president is clear, I think I need an opinion of a bystander now."

"All said that things don't have to hang up, and the bystanders will never be able to do their feelings. They will only say some fits."

"I just want to listen to your opinion."

Meng Qian heart: "I just don't want to give you opinion, don't you understand ?!"

However, when I saw the expression on the face of the horse, Meng Qian's heart is put down. He can see that the horse is really tangled, and even a moment Meng Qian feels that the horse seems to be true. Take yourself as a friend.

Thinking of this, Meng Qian did not dodge, since the history of the history of the history has been rushing, then it will come on the new script, "the era has changed."


"I think if I say that the 1990s belongs to the era of the grass, the first ten years of the 21st century is the era of the hero of the grass. You think that the wind group will develop ten years ago?"

The horse is caught in meditation, Meng Qian is self-drinking.

The horse is also true, just in the office of Meng Qian's office, "Meng Da, do you think Taobao free this strategy is wrong?"

"I personally definitely support, use free drainage, use value-added services to make money, it is the strategy that I have begun in the early years." Meng Qian responded, I don't know how the horse is coming to this. "

"So, are you supporting Taobao free?"


"Oral support."


"I am lacking."

Meng Qian, "..."

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