Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 338 is not humble

On March 22nd, New York Kennedy Airport, Meng Qian came with the well and Xi Tian Hou Cong, "Two, I arrived so early."

"We also just arrived."

Just wanted to be cold, there is a man to showcase three people to get on the bus.

At the afternoon of March 22, IBM opened a conference. The current president of IBM is a summary of Samuel to the lens emotion. "I believe that the Cell processor project will create a microcomputer, Communication equipment, processor revolution of entertainment equipment, we will create a new era. "

Before he summed up, he made a blow to the Cell processor, and then introduced some details, such as the total investment of the project of 2 billion meters, of which IBM was capitalized for 1 billion meters, Sony funded 500 million meters, Toshiba Capital 300 million meters, the wind group has funded 200 million meters.

R & D will be placed in IBM, Sony Toshiba and the R & D employees of Sony Toshiba and the Great Breeze Group need to work in rice. At the same time, 200 million yuan in investment will take out 5 billion meters to build two production lines, which will also be placed in IBM.

It is basically consistent with the world, and in this seem seems to be the back of IBM, IBM's pay is to open a Power architecture for three allies, providing various technical support, some patents for life free authorization and some private Transactions and a sure to use to a certain extent.

The reporter questioning section of the press conference is basically targeted in Samuel, but there will be an interview with four enterprises after the press conference.

An hour later, Meng Qian received an interview from the Mirand media in an IBM.

"Mr. Meng, today, many people are very curious when they see the wind group, why did the wind group join the CELL processor project, what does the Great Breeze Group mean for the wind group and this project?" A female reporter named Yada put forward her own problems.

Meng Qian looked at the angle of the Ya's mouth slowly raised. "If everyone is willing to spend a little time before presenting this problem, I will understand the history of the wind group, then I believe everyone can find the answer.

As Mr. Samuel said, the Cell processor project will create a new era, and the wind group has been doing things in the era and leading the era. We are just doing such a thing.

You have to ask what it means, that is probably the wind group has to lead the era, of course, more meaningful is that this time we have three reliable allies. "

Ya's original rhythm was disrupted by Meng Qian, and I had to change my angle. "I said the history of the wind group. In fact, many people are very curious. What kind of company is a company, as a founded only 4 years of Huaxia Enterprise, the latest data we have got shows that your company's valuation will exceed 10 billion meters.

And we also saw that there were many reports to analyze the wind group. Some people say that the success of the wind group is because there is a super genius boss. Some people say that it is because of the support behind the Huaxia government. Some people say that because of the staff of the wind group almost Don't rest, what about these analysts Meng Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng can simply share the reason why the wind group is so successful? "

"In fact, I think that these three points you have listed are the reasons for our success. But your understanding may have a little bit of bias, first of all, I think it is really a genius, but it is not a genius in IQ, but in business. On the matter, I have the goals and persistence of different people.

When I was shared by the entrepreneur in China, I will tell them every time. It is necessary to create a great business. As the founder, it must have a goal and perseverance, such as your goal. If you just want to make money improvement Life, you can become a businessman, but you can't make an entrepreneur, because most people are entrepreneurship to make money, you have no unique goals and persistence, but I have.

Secondly, the national support, the success of the wind group is absolutely inseparable from the country's support, but this support is not the support you understand, the wind group is now there are many official orders, but in the most difficult incentive, we There is no such order, these orders are our relying on the product.

The true support of the wind group is the entrepreneurial environment provided by Huaxia Guardian, the talent environment provided, the market environment provided, the cultural environment provided, is the great environment built by Huaxia official, giving the wind group best Growth opportunity.

Last point, our employees have worked very long, and even I believe that the average working hours of our company employees are twice as much as the Silicon Valley employees, but the back of this phenomenon is not the exploitation you understand, it is not your newspaper. Say violation human rights.

They just have to create better personal happiness through multi-work, we can create better personal happiness, and our overall economy is relatively weak, so our people will want to pursue wealth to pursue better life, but Our Chinese people pursue happiness, never begged the mercy of God or the slogan of human rights to give others.

Our Chinese people like to use their own hands to create their own happiness, employees strive to pursue life, the company gives the return report, thus achieving the purest but the most comfortable employment relationship. It is the pursuit of this individual, this individual's efforts, this individual's positive, eventually condensed into strong group strength of the wind group. "

Yadah immediately throwing a question, "Meng Xiangsheng said that Huaxia has created a good entrepreneurial environment to the company, but many rice companies have said that they are very difficult in China's entrepreneurship, and even if you want to find a few experienced technicians can't find it. Moreover, the overall market foundation is very backward, and many local links are not connected, including laws are very uncomfortable, often facing the similar piracy, which seems to be the same as Meng Mr.. "

"I want to ask you a question, the pyramid of the company is serious, the annexal crisis facing startup is more than the market crisis, this is a shortcoming of the company's industry, the large number of barriers restricts the development of Science and Technology, this is the shortcoming? Corporate capital is serious, Silicon Valley is called Wall Street, this is the shortcoming?


"There is no perfect person in the world, there is no perfect business, there is no perfect country, if you put your eyes on finding, I can talk to you all day, are you interested?"

Yada continues, "Mr. Meng can tell the environmental advantage of Huaxia's environmental advantage? And Mr. Meng seems to have a variety of troubles in China in China."

"This thing is too trouble, I will tell you three points, first, Huaxia Guanfu is willing to sink to the market, second, Huaxia talents are willing to be selfless dedication, third, Huaxia entrepreneur never put their own failure Blame on others. "

Yada, "..."

Seeing Yaran was reacted for a few seconds of himself, Meng Qian took the initiative to the steps. "As for the so many rice companies in our Chinese, the company is not satisfactory, my suggestion is very simple, first understand Huaxia.

Huaxia is a very special country. It is a country full of vitality. This is a country that cultivates a miracle. Really, try to understand him, I believe that these entrepreneurs in your mouth can do this One point, their results in China will be completely different. "

Audit's headset suddenly appeared in the voice, asked her to mention a question, "Will Meng Group's four years of performance, what will Meng Mr. Meng is very proud? In your opinion, the future will not become a great Enterprise, what kind of role would you think of the wind group will play a role in the technology industry? "

"Of course, I am very proud, I am proud of my employee, so I think the wind group is already a great company, because the wind group has a great employee, they have a beautiful initial heart, have a beautiful insistence, business Great should be determined by employees.

As for the role of the Great Breeze Group, in my plan, I hope that the wind group can play two roles. The first is the catalyst, can accelerate the development speed of global science and technology, so that human beings can enjoy the convenience of technology. .

The second is to take more social responsibility, including poverty alleviation, including popularization education, including environmental protection, etc. I hope that the wind group can solve more social problems through technology and enterprises, and truly help more People. "


Meng Qian's interview quickly spread online, after all, there is a hybrid of hybrid and brimping network.

Foreign netizens left their comments.

"I like this Meng Qian, the reporter has a prejudice, his answer is really too beautiful."

"Huaxia is worthy of the 5,000-year historical country. I saw a very deep courtesy in Meng Qian, especially like the Chinese people who have always imagined."

"I just searched the history of the wind group. This company is really too cow, I feel that Huaxia will soon appear a Microsoft."

"After reading the development of the wind group, I don't say it, I will download a Wind, and then Idea."

"This is what entrepreneur should look, see the so-called entrepreneurs in rice, have a few of the social responsibility? How many thanks from employees? Is the capital of the country with Huaxia is too shameful."

"After reading his interview, I suddenly wanted to go to Huaxia Tour. I like him. Huaxia is a country full of love. I really hope that I can make me feel love."


In Huaxia, Renren Daily has published a long text, record Meng Qian's interview, and recorded a message from foreign netizens, and also expressed the attitude of everyone's daily newspaper. The title is: "Don't humble, Huaxia sound".


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