On March 25th, Meng Qian sat on the plane of returning, but before leaving the rice country, Meng Qian was very low-key, and found this only second only to Oracle, this is facing a software company that is facing Oracle malicious acquisition. Talk about something ...

After returning to the company, Meng Qian began with Herman's details of the meeting of the Hill Database 3.0. On April 2, the launch of the Shanhai Database 3.0 was officially held in Hangzhou.

China's major media is present, and now the wind group is a media attraction, and it is easy to enlarge in one way.

The breeze online also took the website live broadcast, the situation of the full live broadcast, of course, the picture quality is not better than the future, but modern people who have never seen better products have been very satisfied.

The launch of the mountain database 3.0 is still hosted by Herman. Herman is not a humorous person. His conference style is cold, from the head to the tail is a chat technology, chat data, chat product characteristics, and talk.

This post conference, the mountain database 3.0 target is the Oracle 10gn released in Oracle in Octuary, which is a version that has not been there in that.

At the last month of ORACEL 10GN, Oracle made a contrast to IBM, Microsoft, and Great Breeble Group, and showed his product advantage.

However, as the Oracle of Herman, the understanding of Oracle beyond the estimated Oracle's internal personnel, a truly excellent talent, the product that he has been handed more than a dozen years can be said to be said.

ORACEL 10GN released seven major optimizations, which introduced a new database scheduler, providing enterprise-class scheduling function; database can be configured to use ORACEL to provide storage virtual layers, automatic and simplify database storage; optimize automation memory adjustment Further expand the ability of flashing; further shorten the information turn-free time; the improvement of database web services.

The first thing in Hermann is the one-on-one contrast for this six major optimization. It shows that the mountain seasity database 3.0 has made comparison, one one-one explosion.

After that, Herman began to take out six major advantages of Shanhai Database 3.0, including database replay, automatic diagnosis of knowledge base, object-dependent improvement, flip-flop optimization, launching thermal patch and more platform support.

Herman's joining the database of the wind group is really like a tiger, which greatly enhances the overall improvement of the wind group on the data product.

In addition, Herman also solved several major problems that existed before the Shanhai database, which announced that the patch will be released on the spot on the scene of the Shanhai Database 3.0, and the product defects that have always been plagued.

Shanhai Database 3.0 greatly enhances the stability and safety of the product.

"I like this Herman's host conference, the technology is very popular, unlike the beginning of the technology company, don't know how to blow, especially for hardware, just have a few times in the performance of two technologies. I really used everyone as a fool. "

"Ha ha ha, I don't know why he is a good time, hard to hurt, this is the science and technology party, it's like, I can't move the concept, I am coming to choose the product is not to talk about love. of."

"I finally understood that Hermann, why, why Meng Qi, can also take him into income, which is really powerful."

"I hope that the product launch of the technology industry will have this level at least in the product introduction environment. I see that the conference is to understand the product is not to come to see the burger."

Herman uses the fact that when a style is carried out to the ultimate, as long as this style itself is positive energy, it will be very attractive, and Herman's style has surged many people to powder him.

And this kind of personal charm, I like the biggest advantage is that even if I am a person who likes to love the post contest, at least I will not think that you are not good in Herman, I just said that I am more I like other style, so much dry goods, I am uncomfortable.

When the netizens were warmly discussed, Herman's speech has also reached the last link. "At the ORACEL 10GN, many people should pay attention to this Oracle to take the TPC-C benchmark."

TPC-C benchmark is an industrial standard established in 1992 and is a recognized authority and most complex online transaction benchmark test in the industry.

"Everyone must remember, at ORACEL 10GN release, the TPC-C benchmark results they took out showed that Oracle named the world, and our mountain sea 2.0 is fourth, but because Oracl 10gn is held in February. So they used in the fourth quarter last year.

Fortunately, we have got a quarter's latest TPC-C benchmark results before the conference, and about the results of the Shanhai Database 3.0, let us look at the big screen together. "

Herman's voice fell, there was a new global database TPC-C benchmark ranking on the big screen. The fourth of the mountain sea 2.0, the third, IBM latest database, the third, Oracle 10gn ranks Second, the world's first name is the mountain seasury database 3.0.

"!!" The scene sounded warm applause. This is the first achievement on the first time in China's authority.

Almost all products of the Great Breeze Group have won by innovation, but almost all products have an unstable situation, so the wind group has never got the first in various mainstream authority standard test list.

So this first to the wind group, a kind of exciting for the Chinese science and technology circles and even the whole Huaxia.

Herman is in the appointment of more than a minute, now the video website has not launched this thing, but there is a message, many people don't understand, start brushing up the wind group cattle, Huaxia cattle Forced class.

I didn't have long after Hermann, and the scene was warm, because Meng Qian is going to stand up.

"I have already been a long time without hosting the company's product launch." Meng Qian's typhoon is more and more relaxed, "But today I have to go to the stage, one side, I want to tell you, the Shanhai Database 3.0 is really worth Take a look in the whole world, there is another reason, I want to introduce you to the good friends of the three wind groups. "

Meng Qiangang finished, the first name appeared on the screen: SAP.

"Great Breeze Group and SAP reach a global strategic cooperative relationship."

After that, the second name appeared on the screen: Renke.

"Great Breeze Group and Renke reached a global brand partnership."

Finally, the third name appears on the screen: IBM.

"Great Breeze Group and IBM reach a global product supply cooperation."

The on-site rang for three consecutive times, and Meng Qian also made a collaboration in the scene with the president of the three companies and took a group photo. The president of the three companies was in person to live in the scene, especially IBM, IBM brilliant When the president came to Huaxia, they were directly seen in Huaxia.

At the same time, when the Great Breeze Group was released, when the media rushed to report, Huaxia Time, when Nasdaq had just opened, Oracle stock directly plunged 15% ...

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