On January 15th, IBM Headquarters was quite lively. In addition to 162 soft hardware vendors, individual developers, open source community representatives, consumer representatives, and media representatives have added thousands.

The first thing IBM did is to show, showing a more open development environment, which is a new interface, agreement, and standard multi-vendor development environment.

In this environment, developers can make more convenient for multi-platform conversions, which can better obtain development support, can better manage development processes, and make more easily develop communication, and more comprehensive development protection .

Developers will not be compressible like Microsoft as they have passed, and they will not look at Microsoft faces like past.

From development tools to the development language to the database to the system, the data is more open source, more convenient, and simpler.

After the show is over, IBM has officially announced today's focus. In order to give global developers with a better development environment, a new global supplier organization, OpenSoftWareEnvironmentunion, Open Software Environment Alliance, established, alliance core members include: IBM , Novell, HP, solar microsystems and wind groups and other companies.

OSEU is led by IBM, which will also serve as the Standing Committee of the first chairman, Novell, HP, Sun Microsystems, and Great Breele, of which IBM invests by 1.5 billion meters, Novell, Hewlett-Packard, solar micro system, and wind groups. Miyuan,

The money arrived before the end of February, which also gave the wind group buffering time. Now the big style is not borrowing money, it has already taken 500 million yuan, so that the hematopoietic capacity is still very strong.

The news came out, the market was exploded.

During this time, the strong wind group with Microsoft's system is finally the product itself in the system, but from this moment, things are different, OSEU's establishment has begun to challenge the interface, agreement, and standard.

The development of things has fully entered a new stage, and on this issue, the wind group is not a fight.

When the public saw the list of OSEu, in addition to HP, Novell, Sun Microsystem, Great Breene Group, which is not Microsoft's death, and Novell starts to the Linux camp from 2003, the wind group is now following The Linux camp is a absolute alliance relationship, and the solar micro system is not to die in 2004.

As for IBM, all world knows his Cell processor project is going on Intel.

After this activity, many hardware and software vendors in the world began to express their goodwill, because the more open environment really gave everyone a lot, everyone saw Microsoft's face was enough, plus OSEU Have a powerful support plan.

The most important thing is that OSEU has gave a lot of hardware and software manufacturers, because this lineup is really powerful, because this investment is really huge, and this confidence has also changed to pressure, if you don't take care of OSEU Thirteen is really really dried down, after you have mixed it, do you still mix it? Will it be retalled in the future?

When IBM was going to find these manufacturers, everyone was very tangled. He is afraid of sin, and now things are so troublesome, then let's talk about OSEU.

Because the wind group is fighting with Microsoft, most people are actually not optimistic about the wind group, how many people can believe that the wind group can do it over Microsoft.

But if it is OSEU with Microsoft? Things are completely different.

Netizens are even more awkward, and this matter is discussing this in the web.

"Witness history, this is definitely the first world war in the science and technology world."

"I have always thought that Microsoft and Intel's monopoly were invincible, but now I suddenly felt that this time I really pulled down the horse."

"To tell the truth, I really think that IBM may win, Intel and Microsoft's monopoly have already made people complain, one is the master of technology development speed, one is the master of technology innovation, and the reputation of these two goods is fast. Finish. "

"Although I don't know who to lose, the competition should be a good thing for consumers. The Kunlun system has been free. I want to know when the processor cuts the price?"

And in Huaxia, netizens' comments are more local.


"Wow grass?"

"I am!?"

At this time, Yanjing, a meeting room is full of people.

"Mi people engage in standards in the technology industry, never play with our Huaxia companies, even if our business is not easy to squeeze, there is no discovery, now the wind group can be one of the Standing Committee in OSEU, this is very Anything that is exciting. "

"It seems that the development of private enterprises in the core technology field will really bring surprises."

"You, everything is going to go to the people, but the results of the wind group are indeed worthy of praise, but I am thinking, we have something possible to let the wind group become a suitable benchmark."

"I think that the development of private enterprises, we still don't have too much intervention, even if it has achieved good results, we'd better have too many movements, appropriate to some support, let everyone see it, the wind group Can you play a very good benchmark role, in my opinion, I have to see that the wind group does this mean. "

"Say, those things between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises have pulled for more than a decade, and state-owned enterprises have also been very powerful in the past few years. It is better to take this opportunity to see if there is a better solution, don't let Some phenomena ruined our technology development. "



One day at the end of January, the Lenovo Headquarters, Chen Shapeng's face anxiously opposite the Liu boss, "Liu, our 2005 notebook orders almost all canceled, I have just got a certain news, all the officials all have changed. Great wind group's computer! "

"I know." Liu boss's face is very dark, "I have received a message before you."

"This ..." Chen Shangpeng is in the heart, some is not happy, "Even if it is necessary to support the wind group, can this matter is nothing to talk about? At least our Lenovo did not do wrong!" "

"So people just order the Notebook of the Great Breeze Group, if you really don't stay, you can change our desktop to the body of the wind group." Liu Boss is still more calm than Chen Shapeng, "but We must also speed up some steps, otherwise we may have a rendezvous order after several years.

The wind group can now get such a big support, great reason lies in the performance of the wind group in international competition, and our country now needs to go out and require international influence and international competitiveness.

Several guys in Haier Grid also accelerate the footsteps of internationalization, we can't fall again. "

"I heard that Huawei is spent in the past few years, there is an international layout that Huawei is considering Huawei. If Huawei is not in foreign markets, today we are likely to see him."

"Call Yang Yuan Qin in." Liu boss's eyes are firm.


After Yang Yuanqin entered the door, Liu boss asked, "What is the increase in IBM?"

"Their final offer is 2 billion meters."

Liu boss has little hesitant, "as long as they can meet our conditions, we pay this money."

Yang Yuanqin suddenly lowered, "there is no need."

"What do you mean by this?"

Yang Yuanqin sighs sighs. "The news I just received, IBM sold the computer business department to the wind group."

Liu boss looks great, "How much is the wind group spent?"

"1 billion yuan."

Willow boss, "???"

Why do you feel that the wind group doesn't seem to do anything, you have to do it ...

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