The spikes are quickly attracted to the corporate owner and the public. After everyone inquiries, I know that the staple is from a Hangzhou company called Shuiko. The founder of this company is called Song Zhen Luo, Net The biography is a technical control, so the company's management is responsible by Li Hongzhen, general manager, and this Song Zhen Luo quickly digs out one of the earliest employees of the wind group.

As for Li Hongzhen, I have been working in NetEase. In 2001, I joined the wind group to engage in commercial software channel sales. Soon after Song Zhen Luo, he found Song Zhen Luo Shangri-business.

On the list of the Sunda Shareholders, there were four words of the wind group, and the controlling of the wind group was up to 39%.

When Song Zhen Luo said, I said that I want to do commercial software, I feel that there is still a big market below, and he is really doing, and then he suddenly realized that most of the country Small enterprises are reluctant to buy a software to assist the office, even if they may have thousands of dollars or even hundreds of people, they are not willing to spend this money.

At this time, the consciousness of the Great Breeze Group has helped him and Li Hongzhen. They first judged that domestic companies must have this demand, but everyone didn't have this concept, and I talked about spending money, SMEs began to resist So they suddenly thought if they did a common free business software, they could not open this market for free, and then make money through value-added services.

So such a product concept came out, as for why the nail, Meng Qian is also very curious, this is not his first time I have discovered that this world is a bit inexplicable.

What is the reason for this, maybe.

Because of the free and advertising effects, there are many companies to download the staples online.

Song Zhen Luo, the staple design is actually a universal version of the company software and then adds instant messaging, but this is a simple combination, but it has become a very characterful of nails, because now the business is mostly Enterprise software and instant messaging are separated, software belongs to software, communication services or MSN.

Enterprises can obtain simple organizational management, attendance management, document management, and work management, enterprises. At the same time, the nail-colored instant messaging is more important to communicate within the enterprise, and it is very clear from the positioning. Go to the conformance, unlike the MSN to locate the white-collar workers and conformity.

So the staple can make a small and beautiful, implanted a lot of ideas.

Such as a voting function, you can use the staple to initiate some comments. You can vote by staples. The results can also be displayed directly on software without manual statistics, and there is an anonymous voting function to reduce some embarrassment.

In video conferencing voice meetings, multi-design such as varnish function, temporary interrupt function, meeting record function can improve the efficiency of the meeting.

There are also small designs in daily communication, such as read, such as urging functions, such as file temporary, such as work.

As for the news, the staples cooperate with major domestic digital media, providing online subscriptions, more and more convenient than MSN online consultation, but also to classify each business, and blacklist, etc. Simple and practical design reduces the harassment of invalid consultation.

It can be said that the biggest shortage of domestic staples is not to go online, and many of the 2G networks are not movable.

So in the next neon, the nail function is more powerful, because you can go online, you can easily have a lot of outdoor workers, and the mobile phone through the mobile phone will be more saved, for example, before get off work. The company has a summary of the day for more than ten or twenty minutes, and now you can write through your mobile phone on the way home.

For example, I have to go to the company to see some of the work information of the company. Now I can see the content on the way, this is the time saving.


Under a few days of bombing publicity, more and more companies have begun to try to use staples, of course, most important because of free.

However, although the function of the staple is very powerful, there is a comment of both polarization.

"I don't have to use MSN's garbage products. I can't pass a few more than a few more than half a day. The company will not use the letter as a stupid."

"Playing two days, the function is really much, if it is only for the job, the staple is better than the MSN, the function is more human, the interface is more comfortable, it is a big wind group, product I didn't say it. "

"MSN can still be targeted? Now, who is socially used to use a letter? MSN is positioned to die, not upside down, the product is doing so garbage completely rests on Microsoft's signboard, now a nail MSN is waiting to die. "

"The biggest problem of the nail is like it is to communicate with foreigners, and do foreign trade or use MSN."

"We also use the foreign trade and use the staple. The staples will be interoperable. You can add a friend to add a friend. Now you have a worldwide letter to use the MSN's msn, in Asian hymthry users More than MSN. "

"The hyacinth is a bit embarrassed. This is a bit embarrassed. Is this in response to MSN and Yahoo?"

At the same time, there are also many people in an anger nail.

"Don't ask me why I gave a star, because there is no spoof! Since I used a nail, I have doubled the workload of the Nail, and the staple is yours."

"The staple is really good, don't give you a star, I am sorry for me 500 yuan for a month."

"Do you dare to consider our fishing party? Ah? Strongly ask the staple to get out of the shelf, everyone brushed a star!"

"Nail classmates, please figure out your slogan is more happy, but I am not happy now! A star gave you!"


On March 1st, MSN and Yahoo Tong also tried to trial in 6 countries around the world, including Huaxia, Neon, Gaoli, Miki, UK, Maple Leaf.

Two weeks later, Kevin sat together with the team.

"Talk about the latest situation."

MSN Market Director Some somewhat put a document in front of Kevin, "We have fallen continuously fourteen days in Huaxia users ..."

Kevin did not read the document, and the face didn't see it seriously or asked calm. "What about it?"

"Huaxia took out a product called staples, specializing in corporate users, through free strategy, the speed is very fast."

Kevin took the document to learn about the situation, "What about the situation in other countries?"

"The situation in neon and Gaoti is not very optimistic, especially neon, our users' active fell is the most among the users of neon."

"Neon? This is why?"

"Neon starts piloting at home in January this year, and puts forward the goal of vigorously promoting office in the country in 2006, so they need a software that can effectively improve the remote office, but nail, seems to be them. One choice.

Let's go to understand, the staple seems to start with the neon country in discussing cooperation with neon, of course, behind it is pushing.

Because the neon 3G has developed more mature, the staple is online in the neon country, shouting out the slogan of the mobile office, and the domestic user feedback is also very good. After all, more people are I hope to work at home, so they are welcome to nail this software. "

Kevin unconsciously narrowed eyes, "Software is not the strength of neon, but it is our country to provide software support for them. Then our own market?"

"Our local market is very strong in MSN and Ya Ti Tong, and users have risen all the way. The user's recognition is also very high, and it is the same in the UK and Maple Leaves."

Kevin hits the desk with your fingers. "Is it in the market in Asia, we really have no way to get a letter."

"We have lost money in East Asia and Southeast Asia in these years ..."

Kevin said with a person, "this company gave us a lot of support, so we must find a way. If this time we don't do anything, you will be prepared to get unemployed together."


On the other hand, Meng Qian is also understanding the market reaction after MSN and Yahoo.

"MSN did not make white lead cards in Oimi, and the foundation is that, it is difficult to shake." Meng Qian shook his head. "I listened to Lao Li said that the staples are now difficult to enter the market. "

Xiao Bo knows the reality, "The channel is killed by them, saying that the truth is that the West can have today's development is very difficult."

"The channel is taken, then you jump through the channel to do this article directly." Meng Qian sat down, "We must not only hold the Asian market, but also to attack the Omi market, now the user base is actually already, poor It is an active, try it, see Nokia and 3G can drive this wave of trends. "

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