Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 389 Sony Situation

The second day, the king is directly, please follow Meng Qian to the Great Breeze Group, even the weekend, Wang and Wang and in Hangzhou three days, then turned to go back to Yanjing resigned.

Like the online rumors, of course, in fact, Wang Dang didn't care about Ali or now, there is a selfishness. Let it feel that it feels a greater development space, although he has also in Microsoft in the past few years. The development is good, but in Microsoft, his biggest can always get a good play. At the Microsoft Research Institute, even if it is also engaged in big data, it is the problem of research direction is too conservative.

For Wang and this kind of person, after all, it is not a person who is struggling at the warmth. It has been working for more than a year, and he does not affect his life. He is more careful to do what you do.

On July 19, Mi State suddenly made a Huaxia military report, and began to blame Huaxia to invest too large in military. The line in the 45-page report word in Huaxia, and the military input will reach 90 billion yuan in China 2005. .

Meng Qian, who saw the news, had donated 10 billion to the country to take a lot of money.

Although this money wants to make up the amount of rumors look a little cup of water.

Of course, donating money is not full of the aircraft carrier, the country is not embarrassed to take so many, some are directly the shares of the two companies.

On July 20, the two enterprises that have far-reaching influence on the future of Huaxia, the first company is Longqixi Technology Co., Ltd., the Huacai Group is 61%, and the wind group accounts for 39%.

The second company is Qinchuan Electronic Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the company is located in Chang'an, Huaxia Electronic Technology Group, accounting for 67% of China, and the wind group accounts for 33%.

On July 21, Huaxia began to implement a floating exchange rate system.

On July 22, Microsoft announced that the next-generation system Windows Vista will be on the line within two years. On the same day, the second summer camp of the Great Wind Group began.

This year's summer camp also came to some names that were more familiar with the later generations. For example, Hung Xuhao, Bart, and Barter.

Compared with the summer camp last year, this year's summer atmosphere can feel completely different. Last year, more students are curious about the wind group. This year, more students are coming, the wind group has recently been too troublesome.

On July 25, an old friend came to Meng Qian, but the best state of this old friend has not been very good, he is Sony's out.

Sony's performance is still going to decline, and the well is also started under the pressure of the company, and it is still the same as the most spacious Howard Stelinger in Sony's history. 7 years In CEO, Sony is only a year of making money, Sony ADR plunates 80%, so Sony is rated as garbage-level enterprises.

If there is no accident, Sony's dark black is open for 7 years.

Meng Qian originally thought about not pulling a moving well, after all, the cooperation with the out of the well is still very smooth, the wind group has a lot of benefits from Sony, Howard Stelinger heard that it is not very good to deal. People, but Meng Qian analyzed the situation and found that he did not have the ability to help out well, the Sony tray was too big, and the performance of the performance is still a few billion meters.

Therefore, the resignation of the out of the well, the handle of Howard Stelinger, or to be in the original script, but some things can be different.

Meng Qian did not receive out the well in the company, but in his own home, it was a friend who came out today, and Meng Qian also wanted to create a more comfortable environment.

"Mr. Meng is really a person who knows how to enjoy." I took a long time in Meng Qian's home, and I laughed and laughed.

"I just want to go home to create a clean environment to you." When I finished Meng Qian, I was going to go to the mountain. "What is going on after you?"

"I plan to open a consulting company." Like history, after leaving Sony, I went to the consultation company. In 2007, the independent directors of Cai Du, 11 years join the Lenovo Board.

Meng Qian laughed, "Mr. Outing is also a clean?"

"Can't talk about it, it is also a good anti-provision." The complex expression is exposed.

In an instant, Meng Qian has a distressed heartache, and it is very realized because of the great Sony now, but Meng Qian is slowly realized in the cooperation of Sony in the past few years. Ineeric things.

At the time of Sony, Sony began to grow towards internationalization. At that time, Sony more than 60% of employees were foreigners, and more than 70% of the business were overseas, but Sony has always been very traditionally conservative. I have never been able to take advantage of the international lack of internationally, and even the big knife, even the older lifelong employment system in this year is overthrown.

At the time of being resigned, the Sony's Board of Directors still recognized the great contribution to the internationalization and the development direction of the science and technology industry, but he defeated defeated the core electronics business that made Sony collapsed.

The problem is that these years have collapsed in the electronic business, but they are all neon.

The rapid development of Gaoli in the electronic business puts the neon electronic business, but Sony originally stood high, it will be more touched, these years of neon old electronic enterprises are basically decoy. I have to face a crazy impact from Huaxia in a few years.

"Gao Li is fully supported from Miki," Meng Qian directly

Laughing slightly smile, "Don't find a reason."

"Also, since the sake of the opening of the work, I plan to engage in the consulting industry, help the wind group put the pulse."

"I said that I don't understand your letter?" The well shrugs are strange. "The Great Breeze Group is too strange, this is the common impression of our entire neon entrepreneurs, the development model of the wind group seems to be very Simple, you don't know why you can always step on the rhythm of historical development, too incredible.

Even in Sony has a saying, the most successful thing I have done during the period is to cooperate with the wind group. "

"What do you think of myself?"

"I also feel very honored to know Meng Gong."

"In fact, the success of the wind group is really simple."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Asked with the well.

"It's just looking for all the friends."

Out of the well, then smiled with Meng Qian, Meng Qian immediately seriously, "To tell the truth, I think the overall environment of the neon has affected your play."

"I have thought of it before, but later I want to understand, the environment is not the problem I should face, I still think that I still think about this world, but I really didn't see the development of our neon , Including me, there is no need to see the wind group, this is not enough. "

"Mr. Out, I have thought about it again, what do you do?"

Outlook shaking his head, "Even if you come again, it is still not changed."

"That is not necessarily." Meng Qian means a deep side of the outside, "Mr. Outna," Mr. Out, is so bright, the wind group wants to go to the neon country to open the company, if you look at your eyes, Can you help me? "

Observing Meng Qian's expression is observed under the well, "The wind group is rising rapidly, you shouldn't find a loser like me."

"Say you fail, but some people who can't see the situation, as for those shareholders of your company." Meng Qian firmly smiled, "I bet with you, wait for Howard Stelinger, they will miss your."

Meng Qian took the shoulder of the out of the well to continue to go, "I don't say empty talk, the wind group wants to go to the neon country to create a branch, which is to better dive the neon industrial heritage, so I need one Understand neon, people with resources in neon state have resources to help me manage this company,

At the same time, I need him to know the big wind group and recognize the value of the Great Wind Group.

One thing is, I hope that the Great Breeze Group can become a hub between China and neon countries, which can promote the common development of the two countries. I feel that there should be more cooperation, otherwise only Will get the little person on the side.

So in addition to you, I don't think the second more suitable candidate. "

There is no response for a while, Meng Qian began to play the feelings, "After the cooperation in these years, we have already known each other, maybe we are doing better together."

Meng Qian's emotional card touched the soft ribs in the heart, how much Sony's people can understand him more, but not.

Talk to this, the two have embarked on the top of the hill, and the woods are not managed. "I will feel like an escape every time I stand here, but I know that I can't escape, because whether it is going up the mountain or Every step of going down, every step of myself is decided, Mr. Out, do you want to go to the mountain now, still want to go up? "


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