Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 392 Technology Globalization

Meng Qian is a interesting thing to meet Bill Gates, it is a interesting thing that can not be thought of in the Internet.

As for why it is noisy, maybe because the wind group competes with Microsoft, maybe for their own favorite, maybe I want to find a place to vent the emotions, I don't know how to quarrel.

"Meng Qian is too weak with Bill Gates, which is the difference between the world's first entrepreneurs and the first big flicker of Huaxia."

"Yes, Meng Qian is a big flicker, and the brilliant river is fooled. How can you force you?

"Meng Qian's Huaxia's richest is indeed, is there a problem? How much is the country gives a big wind group? Otherwise, what can he do so?"

"The country does not support their own business, it is difficult to support other people's business? Your Microsoft Dad is not to be in the rice country. Now it has been disintegled. If the Silicon Valley of Miki is not bundled with rice, what is the need?"

"Don't say that I have used it, I have used the Kunlun system and the Windows system. The Kunlun system is garbage."

"Do you use the freedom mode of the Kunlun system?"

"Have used it, what happened? Isn't it garbage? Want to refute what? A group of mad dogs."

"The Kunlun system has no free mode."


"Don't quarrel, live broadcast, live peace of mind."

This time, the company's entrepreneur is actually more than Bill Gates, but most of the people have only known Bill Gates, these rice entrepreneurs will first have a public exchange meeting, talk to Huaxia entrepreneurs. Things, there will be some private communication.

The theme of this scientific and technological exchange is the development trend of technology globalization.

Bill Gates and Meng Qi will speaking, respectively, as representatives of Chinese entrepreneurial representatives and entrepreneuries.

The advanced bank is that Bill Gates, Bill Gates, "In the environment in the global market economy, the trend of technology globalization is unstoppable. In other words, technology globalization is an objective process of global development. Any country The road refuses or avoids participating in this process, which will only make your own technology in the process of globalization of technology, and finally go backward.

At the same time, Bill Gates also pointed out that "Different countries have different effects in technology globalization due to their scientific and technological foundations, economic strength, and scientific management system, and the gains and lost, so every country should look for their own positioning. To maximize the use of your own advantages, play your role in technology globalization. "

When it comes to this, it will naturally put a view on the performance of Huaxia in the process of technology globalization. "Huaxia as a emerging market, in technology development, is a powerful vitality, I think Huaxia should be based on the current The foundation, integrated resources, providing strong support for technology globalization. "

Bill Gates' speeches relatively official, but this is normal, he is not true for the purpose of China's business to come to China, although it is good, such a manuscript, although there is not much dry goods, but at least Chinese rules.

After that, I was in front of Meng Qian to speaking, Meng Qian's speech, more on the scene, "Mr. Bill Gates I have been doing notes when speaking, I have a little bit of my opinion. Yes, technology globalization is an unable to block a big trend, and the concept of human fate community will cover all aspects.

However, there is a little bit of the views of Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Bill Gates mentioned that every country should find his own positioning, play your own advantages, playing your own role.

If this is really so developed, such technology globalization may not be a good trend, because everyone can strive to struggle on their own acres three times before the globalization of technology, and can make the world world The arrival, in order to integrate into this technological globalization, many countries may have to bear more such their roles.

From a long-term perspective, such technology globalization will imprison more technological breakthroughs and technological innovation, simply give more examples, which will allow more labor-intensive countries to become technical-intensive countries, although finally Technology globalization, but may limit the development. "

Meng Qian's words made most people in the scene, this problem did not understand in a group of entrepreneurs in this year, saying that they don't know how to buy it, who is not asked, who is bought, who is the beneficiary of technology globalization? ? Who is the promoter?

Of course, it is rice. Why is Migi to engage in technology globalization, because he has mastered the upper technology, he wants to give him the world.

Moreover, Miki is intelligent to bind technology globalization and economic globalization. Many countries are working on Mi State, but they really develop, so they are happy, but if they are willing to be asks of rice in the same life, doing this There is no problem, it is also really developing a domestic economy.

But if you don't want to be the younger brother of the country, then from the long run, the technological globalization driven by Miko will become a huge pressure on the top of the head in the future.

In the face of everyone's reaction, Meng Qian continued, "So I think that we are realizing that technology globalization is an objective trend, it should also be aware of global science and technology research and development resources free flow and configuration this objective trend.

Only by realizing scientific research globalization, academic globalization, education globalization, the technology companies in the world can better achieve their own value, in order to better play their role.

So I guess that future technology globalization is not simple to make a global industry chain together, but to make knowledge and technical resource, so that more people can participate in the process of technology globalization. To play more countries, more companies and even more individuals, jointly promote the development of technology, and true benefits all mankind.

As for how it is achieved, I have two possibilities, one is the parallel model of the commercial enterprise and open source community that we have been respected by our wind group, through increasing the support of the open source community, let more technology open source, let more Talents in the trend of technology development in the new technology.

Another possibility is to achieve intellectual property platform through the cooperation of the company, and future enterprises are more intellectual property as the core profit point.

But in any case, my mind is globalization, it is open, it is cooperation, it is shared, it is consistent, that is the true globalization, the true sense of human fate community. "

" !" The scene sounded warm applause, Meng Qian and Bill Gatez were completely different for future technology globalization, or that sentence, Bill Gatez said the technology is rice. I want to be highlighted by technology, let the world work in Milan.

But Meng Qian said that no one is working, it is true technological globalization, although it is too ideal, but the key is to work.

Any area is a class struggle, and the ruler is always a few people, the field of technology, the company's company is the ruler of the minority, is the company in other countries is really willing? Really only Huaxia is not willing?

At the same time, Bill Gates is synchronized with the rice government strategy, Meng Qian also synchronized with Huaxia Guanfu strategy, has always been monopolized in Milan, Huaxia Open, Mi San Sanctions, China Dedication, China Donation, China Donation.

Although many people are stupid, but from the long run, the time will give the answer.

Meng Qian only knows that the first guidelines of peace are cultural identity. How many people in this world agree with strong thief, Meng Qian is willing to wait and see.

As two of the two are full of different prospects of technology, they will be discussive by many people. Everyone will have their own tendency.


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