Luo Gao Zhi Zhihe is the oldest Chinatown, the oldest Chinatown in the country, is also the largest Chinatown, San Francisco, San Francisco, San Francisco. California even set the Lunar New Year to the official holiday.

There is a saying that I found a deponnial building, I found Chinatown. The archway of San Francisco Chinatown is called Longmen by many travel directions, because its top crown is a double dragon play bead. The horizontal of the archway is the world is the public, left is Xinyi peace, and the right book is loyal to the fellow.

"This year, this year, there have been a lot of high-end apartments. Before 2000, it can be not like this." When I entered Chinatown, Luo Gao Yuan began to explain Meng Qian, "I have been discussing recently, I haven't been discussing. The money will live in Chinatown. I will become a lot of money to live in Chinatown. I lived three times in the building. "

"How can this be?" Meng Qian asked in the mouth.

"The businessman saw the business value, and the young street of Chinatown was a place we warm in the rice overseas Chinese, but the development of the city in the past few years, the development of China's influence, let Chinatown gradually become an attraction, you see, this There are more and more white people on the road. They used to come to Chinatown, and they think that they are garbage piles, calling Chinatown as the stinking ditch. "

"Then do you face this change, is there any idea?"

"Take a step." "Luo Gao Yuan is uncomfortable to advertise." Many overseas Chinese organizations are negotiated with local, and there will always be a plan. "

A girl in "Rochet" suddenly greeted with Luo Gaoyuan, and Luo Gao Yuan waved.

I walked for a while, and several young people shouted a rocon, but I just walked two hundred meters. Meng Qian did not pay attention to many people enthusiastic with the gods, and they were a little curious. "You are very good. Cooked. "

"I have lived in this for 10 years." Luo Gao Yuan responded with a sentence.

In 10 years, it is not a long time for Chinatown. This is obviously not an explanation, but Meng Qian is not too curiosity to this matter. I haven't been deeply refreshed. In addition, the Sunman language, and suddenly I am awkward. Meng Qian's hand, "How is Manman?"

Sun Man language is clear and translucent, the small face is slightly red, the milk is torched, "I am hungry ..."

Meng Qian turned over to Lao Gao Yuan, "What is delicious? I also want to eat something."

Luo Gao Yuan wants to think, "Is Meng Yang eating ?"


"Manman, then we go to Lijia Po family to eat?"

"Good!" Sun Man is very happy.

Not far, there is a Li Ji shop, the store is not big, now in the afternoon, the store is full of people.

"Rochet!" The people in the store almost all met Luo Gao Yuan.

Luo Gao Yuan greeted one by one, then shouted, "Apo, come to three, a small, eat it for Manman."

Not far from a grandmother, a little grandmother, nodded. After a few minutes, the grandmother came over, and Luo Gao Yuan was busy picking up.

"Is this young man asked Meng Qian, a grandmother looking at the wearing mask.

"Sun's friends, from the boss of China, Sun Mong makes me bring my boss to Chinatown Turning." Without Meng Qian's consent, Luo Gaoyuan will not reveal his identity.

"From China?" The eyes of the elderly became more gentle, rushed to Meng Qian, "I am so good, I am right, have you gave you the address for you this time?"

"You give me the address, now it is high-rise building." Luo Gao is afraid to eat.

"What is the high building? What is the high building?"

"Apo, you don't know, the domestic changes are very large, especially in the big city, all the high-rise buildings, you give me the address, which may be in the country in Shanghai, but there is no country in Shanghai. The city center is called a stylish, which is almost like rice. "

"Rochet, you are really fake." A very clear young man is not welcome to sit by Luo Gao Yuan, but also greeted Meng Qian.

"Of course, you usually get online without seeing domestic photos and videos."

"The company said that it is all fake."

"You don't believe in you to believe in what dog fart meters. Mr. Sun said, China can become the second largest economy in the world."

"You are aware of every day, I know how to blow." The young man turned to Meng Qian, "The boss is not a domestic thing, is it convenient to talk about what happens to China?"

Meng Qian, who was feeding Sun Mandan, suddenly asked, laughing, "he waraver."

"You see it!" The young people were proud to look at Luo Gao Yuan, and many people smiled.

Luo Gao Yuan's face wronged, "Meng Ge, Mr. Sun is indeed so told me."

"Mr. Sun also has a mistake." Meng Qian fed the scoop to ravioli, "For up to five years, Huaxia can become the world's second largest economy."

Everyone smiled again, and the young man couldn't recognize Meng Qian but at least one eye, I can see it is a young man. I thought it was not a big boss. I didn't think that this boss can still Tear. "

"So I said that you have not yet!" Luo Gao Yuanzhen worked with the back of the young man, "Mr. Sun is said to Meng, then it must be such a thing."

The young man smiled and did not argue, but asked Meng Qian, "This boss, what business do you do?"

"foreign trade."

"Is there a business between Miki and Huaxia?"

"Calculate it."

"The boss also can't recruit people, I have learned the market, I can work hard, I want to find a job that can go back and run in the rice country and Huaxia."

"Why do you want to find such a job?"

"This kid is to smash the ticket." Luo Gao Yuan took people, "Don't bother Sun Mr. Mr. Sun."

"Do you want to go back to the country with your work?" Meng Qian reached out to the other party.

"That is not, I am born from a small birth, I just want to see Huaxia, but I really can't afford the ticket." The young man is very straightforward, "But I will do it, I will definitely do it, absolutely not misunderstanding "

"What is your name?"

Zhou Ziming. "

"Do you want to see what?"

"Look at what you can live in China." Zhou Ziming said this time Meng Qian noticed that many people next to him appeared, "like this born in Xiaoxia in the rice country, I don't know Huaxia. What kind of, but I grew up in Chinatown, I know that I am a Chinese man.

However, what is the place in Chinatown? It is difficult to listen to it. Many Chinese people in Chinatown can't go out of Chinatown.

It seems that life in the rice, in fact, it is only living in Chinatown. The rice country outside Chinatown has nothing to do, so I will want to return to China, we don't belong to Mi, but I am too strange to us, like I born from birth. I didn't have to go to China, like an Apo, I stayed 40 years, I will not be able to adapt, everyone doesn't know, especially people here, I don't know what I will come later after going back. When I stayed in Chinatown, I had passed in my life.

My dad said a word, some people left, but the heart left, some people left, and the heart was gone, and many of the Chinese people in Chinatown are not only giving us the body. Places where you live, it is a place where our soul lives. "

"Your dad is very cultural."

"My dad is a writer." Zhou Zi Ming took a mouth, "wrote a lot of books, this is the poor run to Mioguo to live."

Meng Qian did not know how to respond, "China's cultural gap is indeed very large, but everyone can survive in exotic hometown, I believe that returning to China can survive, more possibly, the cost problem from head, so Say like your dad, Chinatown is a very important place. "

"Hey, these two years of Chinatown major transformation, no one knows what will happen to pick up." Zhou Zi sighed.

"Tang people will not have something." At this time, a full-hearted female voice is incomeping, Meng Qian finds, seeing a 40-year-old middle-aged woman's heroic and cool, "Apo Come to the bowl. "

"Ben." The people in the store greeted the woman and greeted her, and I got everyone to meet her, and I like her very much.

"Buman, this is a party." Luo Gaoyuan introduced Meng Qian, "She is the superhero of San Francisco Chinatown, the San Francisco Police Department Director.

Director, this is a friend of Meng Gong, Domestic, Mr. Sun. "

At this time, it was the first Chinese female police station, the Secretary of the San Francisco Police Department of the San Francisco, in 2004, is the first Chinese female police station, which is the city level of Metropolitan City, and grows up from the San Francisco Chinatown.

"Come in China?" Fang Yuwen came with Meng Qian's a few eyes, "Is it a business in San Francisco?"

"It is very likely, I will also take care of the director in the future." Meng Qian said with a smile.

The two didn't talk more. When Sun Man was finished eating, Meng Qian continued to go out with Luo Gaoyuan, and did not know why, Meng Qian suddenly be more interested in Chinatown ...

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