On September 10, Meng Qian, who was busy in New York, finally prepared to return to China, Sun Qicheng personally sent Meng Qian to the airport, before, Sun Man language, some dismissed Hedu.

"It is also strange, Manman does not love to be close to life, but I like you." Sun Qicheng is really interesting.

"Maybe because I am handsome." Meng Qian ridiculed a sentence, kneeling down, looking at Sunman language, "I will come back in the country for a while, when I come to you, do you come?"

Sun Man is not talking, and his mouth is holding Meng Qian's neck.

Meng Qiangui touched her hair, "Sun, let's go, we will communicate more. If it is smooth, I want to start the rice branch before the end of this year."

"Meng always rest assured, I will help you control."

"Hard work."

Sun Qicheng put his hand, "Meng Da, there will be despite the need to open."

"Reassured, I will not be polite."

The two smirked, "" Hummer, how do you think Luo Gao Yuan? "

"Luo Gao Yuan?" Before Sun Qicheng mentioned that Luo Gaoyuan or let Meng Qian unexpected, "said the first impression of the truth is not very good, but now I feel pretty one."

"That Meng always think he has the opportunity to go to the wind group to seek a position?"

"Ah?" Meng Qian was a little confused.

Sun Qicheng didn't think about it. "When Luo Gaoyuan just came to Chinatown, the residents were often bullied. He gave everyone a short confrontation, but he often went in, but he always need legal aid, so I I have been paying attention to him very early.

A few years ago, he had a powerful, went to the hospital to do a comprehensive examination of cancer, but later found that it was misdiagnosed, but he suddenly came to me after the misdiagnosis, said that I want to be my driver, I appreciate it. He is naturally accepted by this person. But later I slowly realized that he actually wanted to find an opportunity to return to China. "

"Want to return to China? Because the misdiagnosed cancer?"

"Well, it is probably because there is an idea that I want to leave the roots, but I haven't been asking, sometimes I can bring him in China."

"It is no wonder that Zhou Zi Ming asked me that I can't recruit people. It turned out to see the plane of Luo Gaoyuan."

"Zhou Ziming, I know, he has always wanted to return to China." Sun Qi Cheng continued to say Luo Gaoyuan, "Recently, Luo Gao Yuan suddenly revealed that you want to follow you, I know that this is very popular, but I know Xiao Luo is a good person, he is embarrassed to open this mouth, I am willing to open this mouth for him.

I mean, if Meng always feels that others are good, not to take him back, after you come to the country, I will arrange him to give you a driver, you observe observations again? "

Meng Qian wants to think, "I know, I will be in my heart."

"Then I will give Xiaolu Xie Xie Meng."

The last thing to follow Sun Qicheng and Sun Man language, Meng Qian stepped on the plane of returning to China.


"Meng, you finally come back!" Just one to the office, He Yuting was excited to go to Meng Qian.

Meng Qian smiled and put a gift, "What are you doing, think about me?"

"Of course, don't just think, the company's employees miss you."

"Pull you." Meng Qian sat on the couch to rest, "They can't go, I can be lazy, I am walking away."

"Which, you just walk, everyone works, but you haven't come back this month, everyone is really miss you."

Can be remembered by the employees, Meng Qian is still very warm, "How do you know that they miss me, they all say?"

"Of course, I know, everyone is saying waiting for you to come back to the middle bonus."

Meng Qian: ITM ...

After the big wind group is big, the finance must be a comprehensive finishing every half year, because the Chinese New Year is generally in February, so the finishing of the year is set at the end of August, and at the same time, it will open a year of middle and high-rise meetings. The department employees have bonused the year, this thing is necessary to meet Meng Qian, so the recent Meng Qian is not, she holds ..

Meng Qian made a year in this year, and the turnover of the wind group in the first half of this year is 89 billion. It does not complete the expected goal. However, the task index of the wind group is a team, and the standard is still a bonus. As for it, there is basically no bonus.

Meng Qian looked at an eye report. The reason why no goals in the first half of the year was mainly concentrated in two aspects. One is that the immersion photolithography is completely unique, no matter how the sales staff work, people are not working, Now you can only continue to live in low-end light technology.

On the other hand, the hardware area is still a fire, the wind group is a software-led enterprise, which has been involved in hardware in two years, but there are many problems in the final product, such as SG series computers, system overall market reputation is really good, but hardware There will be some small problems from time to time, resulting in the sales of the SG series of computers, and other similar cameras, 3C accessories and other departments are also similar, although the core technology is mastered, but the small hairy is a bit more, and the sale is not very fire.

The defects in hardware development are recorded, and it is necessary to face a problem after the company needs.

As for the first half of the year, the gross profit is still more than 30%, but the money will not help but flow with IBM, and the money from Sony's hand repurchase the shares will be 30 billion. It is good to have basically no debt.

At this year's conference, many executives of the company began to refer to the development of diversified development, and began to recommend companies to other fields. Everyone mentioned the fields including real estate, tourism, finance, etc., and some people mentioned ships. In the fields of transportation, port, energy, etc., even some people mentioned investment football.

For the growing diversified development of the company, Meng Qian does not exclude, and Meng Qian's point of view is to steadily develop, reasonable plan, can not see what to make money like some companies, and the results also affect the main business.

So when you put forward diversified ideas, Meng Qian did not say support or opposition, but let everyone know about the industry's own suggestion, back to the report.


Speaking of real estate, Meng Qian just went to a good Liangzhu, and finally bought a "small town" and ready to start.

This thing Meng Qian began to communicate with the local government, Meng Qian intends to buy a large piece of land in Liangzhu, and there are three major construction in the future. The first is to be a science and technology town. After the small town is completed, The Great Breeze Group will hold a global technology conference every year, similar to the Google Conference, but Meng Qian hopes to be larger.

Second, on the side of the small town, Meng Qian is preparing to build an amusement place in an ancient mythology.

The third thing is that Meng Qian is preparing to build a film and television base here. About the shadow base, Meng Qian originally wanted to cooperate with Hengdian, after all, the Hengdian also has been developing for a few years, but the local government is not very willing to move, Meng Qian, In addition, there will be a lot of your own independent movies and TV dramas in the late stage. Hengxin may not meet yourself a few years, so it is better to start to build a film and television city.

At the same time, put the film and television city and playgrounds, plus a scientific town, and then build a theme block, Meng Qian feels very interesting.

Just want to do so big, definitely need a place to support, so in Hangzhou is now quite a big support for the wind group, a wind group brings more taxes, but also a reputation, and more Investors and entrepreneurs in the wind group.

Moreover, Meng Qi is idea to make it out. It is also a big attraction to Hangzhou, like Disney, Global Studios, this kind of playground, where to get Hangzhou, and then think that there is a global technology giant to gather Ju Hangzhou The place quickly made Meng Qian, and the money did not have emergency, let Meng Qian slowly pays ...

All procedures have been completed, Meng Qian let He Yianting will put it as soon as possible, the goal is built in 2008, but it is not good to say that in Shanghai, Disney is directly 5 years, but the top two The year has been going through the process, and if the starting is started, Disney is three years.

Meng Qian began with the government to dock with the government. After all, it was a self-owned company. It's almost a year. This year is ready to start, but Meng Qian's small town is much larger than the Disney size. Now it can only say as much as possible. It is completed within three years.

Take a few days, Meng Qian began to deal with some things in Mi Country, and announced the establishment of the Great Games and cooperation with Macromedia, the response of the former is not very big, but the latter still set off a small wave of fluctuations. , Especially Adobe I heard that after cooperation, suddenly the back is behind.

On September 20, there was news from the neon, and the well was officially unloaded by the Chairman of Sony.

At the end of September, the registration of the Neon Branch of the Great Breeze Group, Meng Qian definitely he had to go to it, but he suddenly received a call from Huaxia Home Appliance Association before Meng Qian. A trip.


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