As a result, the market and public opinion first fooled the pan is the neon country, Nikon's failure makes neon countries fall into sad emotions, but this time Canon stands up, I will give everyone confidence, neon technology stocks. A big rose together.

The neon companies in the Asamples of Asamples are instantly turned out, do not let me buy the lightning machine of the wind group, can I buy Canon's lightning machine? This is our local company!

After the neon domestic excited, the impact of the external market has also begun to spread, the same truth, does not let me buy the lightning machine of the wind group, can be, we are also worried about the level of Huaxia, we also worry about various sanctions regulations. Will you can't make the Great Breeze Group's lithography, but I will always buy Canon's lightning machine?

In these two years, the rice country, but the neon is our best allies in Asia. Are you so embarrassed not to make your best allies make money?

For a time, Singapore, Malaysia, Gaolia, Taiwan Province, some of the European countries have run towards neon countries, and even Samsung has went, after all, Samsung can't buy a lightning machine, the first time I have finished. The second ghost knows when to queue up.

However, when everyone came to Neon to participate in the Canon lightning machine, I saw a familiar face, Meng Qian ...

Canon President Royal Hand Wash Fujifu's passion in the conference, the brief introduction of Canon's immersion photolithography, and many people in the Taiwan can't help but have more eyes Meng Qian, and in the final meeting, the royal hand washed Fujifu's enthusiasm to the public. Introduce the road, "Canon will reach strategic cooperative relations with the wind group, and work together to develop and produce in the fields of lightning machines, microscopy."

Public expressions are to express some things to the whole world, and the two companies have indeed deep cooperation needs.

I also involved the wind group, although there were more concerns about some companies, but Canon was an Canon. After all, they were a neon enterprise, and 12 lightning orders were signed on the same day.

After this is known, I will have Intel and other shareholders, "Huaxia, Neon, Gaolia, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, these countries, almost half of the lightning machine market. Finish. "

Asa's response Intel and other enterprises have their own hearts, but what can I do now? It is not willing to increase the sanctions in China, and let alone, but although it is neon. Too much sanction, but such a cutting-edge technology is so unlikely to allow tolerance.

Therefore, when Canon's facts in the development conference, a large company headed by Intel is actually a secret meeting with the rice official government.

After the meeting, Intel came out, sent an email to a number of enterprises and institutions.

Intel's researchers are not vegetarian, when they realize that the Chinese people have mastered the core technology of illuminating machine, they have set up a special team study related technologies.

In recent recent reports, the report submitted by Intel's researchers, whether it is the lightning machine of the Great Wind Group or the lightning machine of Astrol, the use of fluoride, the source wavelength is 193 nm, but with the mole The decline in the law, the cufluoride is obviously unable to meet the future needs, and the immersion photolithography has achieved a big breakthrough, and the next breakthrough is the light source.

So Intel's special group put forward the research on new light sources, because Intel actually studied extremely violent light from 1997, so they are found, and they are completely engaged in Nikon. It is also Intel in extreme ultraviolet light. R & D foundation.

In this email issued by Intel, the company's core institutions including the Miginal Energy, Lawrencelmore Lab, Lawrberkeley Labs and Sandia National Laboratory, and Intel even invited. Your opponent, AMD, member is almost the same as the once EUV LLC, and the biggest difference is that it is earlier.

At the same time, Intel once again increased the investment of Astrol. It is necessary to turn the Asample to a company controlled by the company. Although the heart is in a little uncomfortable but still promise, only his family is immersed. He agreed to the lightning machine, let alone two opponents now.

Intel realizes that it may be difficult to suppress the wind group, then it is simply from the next generation of lightning machine research and development, and this organization is established, in addition to achieving extremely violatic light, there is also a particularly important purpose. In order to monopolize the ultra-violet light, once the results prove that ultraviolet light is feasible, when Intel wants to make Huaxia and neon policular pressure.

One represents the top level of the country in this field, it is so forced by the wind group.

Intel has issued an email to start the layout next generation of lightning machine, Meng Qian is washing Fujifu, and it is very fun to wash Fujifu, and it is very happy to have a manner in the field of lightning machine. It is finally turned over. And the Canon of this will be advertised by some neon companies, can you be happy?

Taking Your hand is so happy, Meng Qian naturally has something else, "Mr. Fujifu, the market in your neon is really difficult."

"The Great Wind Group is not very good in our neon development?" Royal hand washed Fuji to looked at Meng Qian.

"That is not to rely on a lot of cooperation." Meng Qian said to be a little straightforward. "I was not long ago, the NPO Journalism Exchange Ambassador, the NPO Journalism Exchange, I don't know if Mr. Fujife knows this thing?"

"Know." Royal hand washed Fuji to laugh, "I also saw the report."

"Even if I have been held to exchange ambassador, I still feel that the survival of neon countries is really tired, so I am thinking about it, since I have been exchanged by the Guitsu Judge, then I also have this Responsibility carefully promoted the economic and trade exchanges of the two countries, I passed some institutions in China, I wanted to do a Hui Trade Exchange Conference that can continue.

Neon, I hope that the Neon Economic Group Federation can sponsored this event. "

Neon Economic Group Federation, with the Neon Industrial and Commercial Conference, Neon Economic Tongbei will be called the neon economy three groups, and the largest economic team, members cover almost all giants in the neon country. Enterprises and institutions, and the neon economic group federation has three presidents in history. The second place is sitting in Meng Qian opposite to Fujifu.

I just sorted by the Royal Hand Wash Fujifufu last month, in May 2006, he will formally take any of the President of the Neon Economic Group Federation.

Meng Qian is doing, it is really a two-country exchange ambassador, it is to constantly promote communication between the two countries, especially between enterprises, and Huaxia Enterprises are because they are not big enough, so there is not too much. Many opportunities to communicate more international giants, then Meng Qian will help you create more such opportunities.

And Meng Qian as the chairman of the wind group, can also have more opportunities to exchange cooperation with neon companies through the Royal Hand Washing Fuji.

Royal Hand Wash Fuji is a good mood, and exchanges exchange anyway, no loss, you will agree.

After that, the two no longer talk about more things, open a heart-hearted drink. Before the family, Meng Qiao jokes, don't forget to make money.

Canon's photolithography pricing is almost more than 150 million, but many people don't know, and Many people will give 20 million to the wind group every time I sell a lightning machine.

This is the benefits of intellectual property, you can also build products, others have used your technology to sell products, you have to pay you money.



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