On January 6, five days, the activities of the four companies continue to advance, but the news of this day is definitely on the other thing.

That is to start now, Huaxia has officially started 3G trial operations in Yanjing, Shanghai, Yangcheng, Jinling, Hangcheng and Chang'an six cities.

Unlike the 5G attitude, the Chinese users at this time are very expected, because the 5G Times Huaxia is walking in front, the users don't know what to use, many people not only don't expect, but also cast aside 3G is too late, while ridicule domestic 5G is so uneasy, I don't know when the first year of my neon is in 3G, many people also feel that it is useless ...

So 3G because of the backwardness of Huaxia, other countries have developed for a long time, users know about 3G, but they are quite expected.

However, although Meng Qian has driven 3G's advance, it is precisely because of this, destroying a generation of memories, that is, Xiaomongtong.

The history of Xiaomongtong also belongs to the public's knowledge point. In the year, mobile telecommunications could not be moved to the mobile phone, but the move will go to the neon country to introduce Takongtong. Later, Telecom aware of Telecom aware that domestic 3G licenses have been waiting. Just diamond the policies, define the small pony into the supplementation and extension of the fixed phone, and then because the small spiritual machine is cheap, the package is cheap, and the family network package for unlimited calls is also launched, and it is very hot.

However, Xiao Lingtong is not long-lasting, because 3G is coming sooner or later, waiting for 3G. Of course, Xiaobingtong has to let the road, so after 2009, Xiao Lingtong took only two years and said to the public.

This world, because 3G is in advance, telecommunications has long known this, so there is not much vigorously developing Takongtong, it should be that Xiaomingtong's peak 2006, now it is flat, this is really Meng Qian. .

With the emergence of 3G, Xiaomingtong estimates that up to one or two years will be retracted from this world's historical stage.

But the words come back, although this world is lost to feel the people brought by Tamaron, it is immediately enjoyed a new moving era brought by the wind group.

On the first day of 3G trial operation, a question that everyone care is the price.

From now on, mobile Unicom telecommunications is almost exactly the same, 5 yuan 30m, 50 yuan 500m, 100 yuan 2G.

It is very close to the price of 3G when you launch.

Among them, telecommunications also launched a package of time, 300 yuan for 360 hours.

Of course, the three major operators of this will not be willing to launch the pure flow package, and the package is the mode of call time plus traffic. If traffic is not enough, you can buy it according to this price.

Once the call time is counted, there is 68 yuan like moving the lowest package, 100 minutes to take the initiative to add 150M traffic and add 100 SMS, and the other two gaps are not big.

Students have a special student package that will relatively discount.

For this 3G tariff, the market reaction is always a bit expensive, because these two years have just begun to become a package concept from monthly rent, but now popular package is different from the future package, generally a 30 yuan package, was Call free, call the local two or three hair a minute, more expensive, SMS has a text message package, 10 yuan 130, you look at it, don't buy it, one thing is like this.

Therefore, in addition to some business people, more users, especially students, they are used to spend two or thirty, and students are generally reluctant to call.

Suddenly the lowest package is 68, I will feel more expensive, plus the lowest package is only 150M traffic, and I feel not very enough.

But there is no way. At the beginning, 3G just launched everyone, 4G everyone is too expensive, 5G is also expensive, priced, Meng Qian, there is no need, can't intervene, but about the big wind group own things he can do.

While the 3G topic is hot, a hot search on the wind group is rising.

The topic is a hand letter free.

This thing is could not be familiar with everyone in the later generation, but in 2006, let everyone feel amazing, using hyacinth, no traffic? Can you still do this? Who is this money?

Of course, the wind group is out.

In 2006, the country is still unwilling to let go of the license, so the wind group is not qualified to engage in something such as big wind card, but the three major operators are willing to achieve a particular application from the wind group to achieve a particular application through cooperation, this things technical difficulty Not high, mainly the price can talk about it.

Now 3G is just out, Meng Qian learned that the operator does not know this pricing, but once free, how much traffic can be pre-judge once a day, it is possible to pre-.

The final wind group signed a gradient price list with the operator, paying the fee, according to the annual national user traffic usage, 100 million top.

If you count according to the user's traffic price, it will take 100 million users, and spend a flow fee of 1 dollar in the hybrid every month, it is 100 million.

However, the problem is that the operator gives the charging standard to the Great Breeze Group and the individual users are completely different, there is a lot of difference, so it is not too likely to touch 100 million ceiling.

But I really touched it, and the big wind group spent this money.

Now exemption from two products, one is a hycnus, one is a nail, and it is 200 million.

When I learned that the hymn and staples were free, I would like to know that netizens had a good feeling of Meng Qian, and I have a praise of Meng Qian, but also dug a video of Meng Qian attending a program last year. .

This interview video is what I said is this problem. Meng Qian said in the video, users arrive in my shopping mall, I can't let users rent a house, this room rental is also traffic, affirmative I have to come out.

In the first batch of 3G experience users in six cities, they also express their gratitude to Meng Qian.

"The first thing to open 3G, all the all-in-one set of people's diamond VIP."

"Buy two sets of hymths to dress up, talk about gratitude."

"My husband is excellent, I didn't see the wrong person."

"The sister upstairs is waking up, Meng Qian is not your husband, he is my father."

In fact, in this era, it is more free of traffic, because this will have a traffic expensive, and the future flow package is not moving more than a dozen g. Mobile is often sent 10 g, brush QQ that traffic does not care at all.

But now different, brush the traffic, especially the traffic, call the traffic, but also quite money. And if the phone bill is called, the phone bill will save it. This era is not only expensive, but also a long-distance roaming fee, but after the speech is speech, there is no need to roam!

For operators, although there are fewer people who call, there are more people with traffic, and he can earn millions of or even hundreds of millions of traffic expenses every year from the wind group. This is also very good.

More importantly, in fact, 3G just launched, the operator did not have the end, what would I develop in the heart, I don't know, I want to hurry to develop customers, and the free current of the hymth can boost everyone to 3G needs, mobile phones The promotion of hymen is actually equivalent to promoting 3G.

This is a three-win situation, but there is no loser under the three wins?

At this time, Microsoft Huaxia 's chairman of Yahoo Huaxia always thinks how to sit in, eBay is comforted there with Amazon.

However, the good play has just begun.


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