Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 427 Two Conference

On February 12, the Great Breeze Group will disclose the news of investment Taobao, but today, this news is not too much attention, because the technology circle has two major events today.

Apple's computer cooperation with Intel will be released in Yanjing Time Tast night, IBM, Great Breeze Group, Sony, and Toshiba Cell processor project will also develop in the middle of the night.

Involving these companies, there is no accident in the global science and technology circle, and in China, there is a big wind group naturally and less attention.

As the parties, Meng Qian has treated some things in Shanghai today. It is the same as that once, the Li Jing semiconductor still acquires Wang Hong Electronics factory, with the death of the Great Wind Group, Crystal semiconductor joint venture factory, Huaxi Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is listed in Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industrial Park.

The wind group accounts for 70% of the stocks, and the Lijing semiconductor accounts for 30%, and the two companies will invest 5 billion to build a 12-inch wafer factory. It is expected to be put into production at the end of 2007 and 30,000 pieces of production capacity.

In the morning, the opening ceremony was ended. Meng Qian visited some companies in the industrial park, near the evening, I went to a company to understand the latest situation of the momentary moment.

According to the report of the Guanwen, the quality of the company's telelancatal is no problem, the market reputation is getting better, because of this, companies such as Russia, Gaoli, Singapore come to the company to order the lightning machine, and because of the first light It is very good to buy it back to buy back. It is also a lot of companies that continue to purchase. Now there are 16 customers, more than half of them set two lightning machines.

According to the production capacity of 1.8 units in the Great Breeze Group, the order has also been ranked for a year.

But in the Omi region, it is still a customer, which makes Meng Qian a little idea. After coming out of the factory, Meng Qian gave the Canon to a phone call, about it, I have been talking about Huaxia.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian returned to Tomson, and he heard the kitchen in the cooking voice.

"How do you be cooked by yourself, let the aunt do it well." Go to the kitchen, Meng Qian saw Shen Jiawen is wearing apron.

Shen Jiawen screamed Meng Qian, etc., after stirring the vegetables in the pot, put the bucket to Meng Qian, "You don't mean that I like me to do it."

Meng Qian looked at Shen Jiawen, and some were lazy to hug her.

"What happened?" Shen Jiawen asked some worried.

"Nothing, I want to hold it."

Shen Jiawen looked down with Meng Qian's back, and the two took a quiet a few minutes.

After a meal, I took a while, nearly 9:30, Meng Qian opened the projection of the living room, ready to watch live broadcast.

Miki, Apple Headquarters, Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Intel CEO Paul Outrini jointly appeared in front of the camera, they will jointly launch the first IMAC desktop with Intel processors in Apple history with MacBook notebooks.

At the conference site, Jobs is very friendly, a very friendly friend of Paul.

"Apple is very good to talk to Intel?" Shen Jiawen, who was around Meng Qian, asked with the live broadcast.

Meng Qian couldn't help but laugh. "Apple passed the Intel before, when the end of the 1990s, Apple's TV commercial was directly satiric Intel, and the identifier of the collapse II was posted on a snail, and it was also published many times in public. Can't look down on Intel's remarks. "

"Really? Look at them ... I thought they had a good relationship."

"Jobs is all IBM, but at the end of last year, Apple slowly turned to ridicule IBM, this may be life."

"I remember that IBM is all the allies with your big wind group?"


"So you will use IBM processors after your computer?"

"It is also a CELL processor that will also develop a conference. It is a cooperative processor. Although Jobs is a master, he has not seen it, that is, the IBM's home is so thick.

In the past two years, Intel has indeed performed very good, especially after the launch of Centrino mobile computing technology in 2003, it is a big breakthrough in the computer processor field, and launched a dual-core processor last year. It has also launched a new generation of Pentium last month. M M processor core Yonah.

This is also Apple chooses Intel's core reasons. If you are not intended, the Apple's computer should be used in the Yonah dual-core mobile computing processor.

But then IBM will play an apple's face. "

Shen Jiawen nodded did not ask more, because live broadcast arrived in the release product link.

Jobs mobilize the atmosphere of the scene with his unique personality, Jobs said that MacBook is used to replace the POWE.

OOK, since then Apple enters the Intel era, say goodbye to IBM.

Jobs continues to introduce, "For different consumption, MacBook provides 2 dual-core processors, in fact, it is the latest Yonah dual-core mobile computing processor, Intel Reduo dual-core processor, bus is 667MHz Hardware technology includes PCI-Express interface, DDR2667 memory technology, SATA hard disk interface technology, etc. "

At the same time, I also mentioned that MacBook will built-in camera, um, this year's computer built-in camera is a fashionable technology.

As for Apple's new iMac, the Intel's Reduo dual-core processor is also used. The graphics card is ATI's Radeonx1600. Of course, the operating system is definitely MacOSX.

At the same time, Apple's latest ILIFE06 software is equipped with an ISIGHT camera. The 17-inch version of the new iMac hard drive is 160GB, 20 inches is 250GB.

After introducing the product is published, it is not forgotten when Jobs is not forgetting when the price is announced. "MacBook will be more than the original POWE.

OOKG4 improves at least three times in performance, hey, old love is old love, who is still your face. "

MacBook has two prices, 1999 meters meta, 512M memory, 80G hard drive, X1600 graphics card.

2499 meters, 1G memory, 120g hard drive, X1600 graphics card. Tv startup

As for IMAC, the minimum is configured to start at 1299 meters.

The press conference, Meng Qian contact Su Tianyue allowed her to collect online news, especially the news on the overseas network, and send themselves a summary for himself. At the same time, I also started brushing the wind.

From the online reaction, many fruit powder are a bit less happy. They are two reasons why they are unhappy. The first is that Apple does not cooperate with IBM. This is not very happy, the other The reason is the price, which makes more fruit powder unhappy.

Fruit powder that accepted Apple and Intel collaboration has questioned online. You cooperate with Intel actually sell the same price as before, is so embarrassed?

And this situation, in the world, it is true. Even if Jobs can indicate that Intel's chip is better than IBM, but more fruit powder, especially Omei powder, always firmly believe that IBM is a high-end synonym, Intel is medium and low-end The synonym, so with IBM, your Apple is in the price, cooperate with Intel, your apple should be price cut!

Even "Forbes" published an article that Apple gave up IBM is to give up the high-end and personality. It is in the market, and it is disappointed with the people who have been built by Apple.

This is the impression of IBM for decades to create a high-end synonym. Even more than ten years, but in the field of computer mobile phone chips, there are many people who have lost the future generations. .

But the basics of disappointment are fruit powder. If it is not a fruit powder, there is not so much ideas. There are also many people expressed their expectations, because Jobs is very powerful, and the color of MacBook is high.

Just like some variety show, many old fans will feel can't stand it, but not old fans will feel this, the show is not enough.

In 2006, this will not be very large, plus Intel and Apple's marketing follow-up, overall, online or expectation.

Waiting to the end of Apple's conference, and Meng Qian, who is also brushing the wind circle, has received an international long distance from Samuel. "How is Meng Xiaolei?" TvHttps: /// https: ///

"I feel ... um ... okay."

Samuel smiled in the phone, "Mr. Meng brought huge changes to the Cell processor project, I hope that the Cell processor can become a birthday present that Meng is worthy of memories."

This is like it seems to be very touching, and Samuel also specifically specifically sets the launch of the launch at 11:30 in the evening of Huaxia, and then according to the process, will perform the core explanation of the Cell processor at 12 o'clock.

Well, it is very touching, but in fact ...

Samuel is accountable to some extent.

About the development direction and product details of the Cell processor, Meng Qian has a few times with the other three old people, almost noisy to the union, after all, some things as the rebirth is a normal computer enthusiast, know what to do But at the time of this era, they couldn't see it. If it is seen, the Cell processor project will not fail.

So they still firmly determine their own mistakes, and finally in Meng Qian, the strong and persistence of other three companies, of course, more importantly, Meng Qian took out technical principles and product applications. More convincing things.

But Samuel has always been uneasy, and it has always been a little distrust of Meng Qian, so if he fails, he will definitely give the pot to Meng Qian, this is very clear, this so-called Birthday gifts, but also on the floating pot for future.

However, Meng Qiao himself is still very confident.

So the CELL processor at this time is in fact, it is no longer something that I used to CELL processors.

What is the performance of this world CELL processor will have an answer.


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