Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 440 reverse osmosis

Just a small restaurant near the hotel, Xiong Xiao said a few dishes and a beer.

I was old with Shao Yibang for a while, and Xiong Xiaoge began to enter the theme. "A wave, how do you feel in big wind investment?"

"How do you feel?" Shao Yao felt that this problem was too vague, "this problem is not good."

Xiong Xiao Song also realized that he was not quite right. "I talked to you Meng Mong this evening. He said that he would like to make big wind investors in the world?"

"Yeah." Shao Yibang nodded with meat.

Xiong Xiao's eyebrows are moving, "Do you seem to have confidence?"

Shao Yi Bao carefully thought about it, "Eight of the way."

"You are taking into contact with sewed capital and Jingwei venture capital, this is a bit can't believe in your mouth." Xiong Xiaoge said his true feelings.

"That's because you didn't enter the wind group." Shao Yelo lifted a wine glass to take one.

Xiong Xiaoge immediately asked, "How do you say this?"

Shao Yibang stressed, "Some things, I am not convenient to tell you too deep."

"I understand, say something to say."

Shao Yao took some time to think about it, "Let's talk, before I know Meng Zheng, I have always thought that a qualified venturer is actually an excellent researcher, and we have found the so-called gold from countless reports every day. After all, Buffett is so dry, but since I entered the wind investment, Meng always made me aware that I might think is a bit simple, at least now, I personally think that a qualified venturer should be an excellent entrepreneurial By.

The so-called risk investment is not simple to study the risk of goals, but learn how to control risks by yourself.

Meng always truly understands the capital parties that the enterprise and the wind surroundings need, and as a subsidiary of the wind group, I am full of confidence in the development of the wind group. "

Shao Yibo's answer makes Xiong Xiaoge more complicated, "What is convenient to say?"

Shao Yi Po Limao was cautious, but the face is very polite, deliberately ridiculed a new question, "The old bear, how suddenly, I am so interested in us, you won't want to come to the wind group?"

Xiong Xiaochi is now still not to come to the wind group. It can only say that he is getting more and more realistic about the wind group and Meng Qian 's interest, picking up the wine glasses in front of him. I really have this idea. "

Shao Yao is a bit of a time, I can't figure out true and false, laughing and responding, "Old bear is crazy? Mi State International Data Group is heavy, what do you think?"

"The world's first wind investors, I have the idea is also normal."

When Shao Yi Bo didn't understand the true thoughts of Xiong Xiao song, he said, "said that you don't care, even if you really want to come, Meng always will not pay."

It's still a bit uncomfortable to see Xiong Xiao song. "Why?"

"Because you stay in the rice company, I may not be very good." Shao Yibao suddenly lowered the sound, "I told you so much, Meng Mong's thoughts, more advanced than the West, he is really me I have seen the most terrible genius in my life.

About Meng's statement is that the alien says, in fact, it is from the inside of the wind group. "

Xiong Xiaoge did not consciously picked up the wine glass and drunk a cup. "Do you help recommend it?"

Shao Yao is really can't do what Xiong Xiao song wants to do, and it should be, "You really want to come, I am sure welcome."

The two fake a drink, as for Xiong Xiaoge to do it, he is now a bit unclear.


The next day, it is also the last day of the Global Great Conference. The Posteder Competition was held as scheduled. The entrepreneurial projects and product sections of the participating guest conference were divided into two major categories. The top ten of the product will have bonuses, entrepreneurial projects The top ten will be investive.

This money is naturally a wind group, and the product bonus pool is 5 million. Outside the money, if the product has market potential, the wind group will pay another money, or buy product patents.

Entrepreneurship entrepreneurial fund pool 50 million, of course, the wind investment of the entrepreneurial project is investing in the shares ...

Therefore, ten entrepreneurial projects have also have a chance. If the project is really good, other companies that may be present can be seen, they may invest, and even wind investments will continue to pick it from the remaining projects.

Only the top ten of this Great Games will be owned by the wind group. As for why, because the activity is the wind group.

When this game, the company has reached 15 companies, and there is a beautiful picture show, where everyone should have heard, where to go, and Meng Qian feels that it is possible to replace the company that has appeared, such as There is a orchestra, the technology is in place, the model is novel, the team is very energetic, and it is also in this investment project.

Shenzhou car rental is finally selected, the reason is very simple, the judges feel too burned, this era, there is still no such popular burning mode.

At the same time, the Great Breeze Group bought a patent for more than 50 design after this conference.

The domestic Captain General Assembly ended successfully, but Meng Qian carefully carefully, in fact, in foreign countries, especially Omi.

Because in the last day of foreign countries, there will be an investment, but in Oimi is investment in the name of the Gabo City, the company, but Meng Qian has purchased the company.

However, Meng Qian's first acquisition was very low, and the creative guests in the rice country were too inconsistent, and there was no more concern at all. After a period of development, I didn't know that this company is actually a wind group. Holdings, even some people think that people think that Huaxia's Wucker is a branch of the country.

Then this time the Mioguang Great Conference is the same as once I have, more than the imagination, the aggregated products and entrepreneurial projects are more than the imagination.

Millennium companies and European companies investing in the Name of Mi Chickens, will be all entered by the Great Wind Group.

In addition to the truth of many people, I don't know the truth of things, and one is that most of the entrepreneurs participating in the Great Great Conference are start-up. This start-up company is impossible to manage them by Miki company or by Huaxia Company. Investing, as a start-up company, it is now entirely worth worthy of the rice government.

However, the winners of the Great Vacker Contest representatives represent the innovation, representing the future, these companies are indeed not glare, but the future, how many success in them?

Just like this investment company has a Meng Qian's eye, Bitto

ENT, this invented BT company was founded in 2004, but it has experienced two-year development. It is still just a billion-meter-level company. In 2006, Bitto

Ent realized that BT found financing around the development prospect of the entertainment industry, so I will also try it to Captain.

Moreover, Meng Qi itself does not ask what future giants, as long as it can do a certain amount of middle-layer companies in the rice and European companies, this is not simple ...

In fact, many middle-level companies in Huaxia are foreign-funded shares, these companies do not have BAT, but they have certain influence in their own field.

Terrison of foreign investment is not only on how many upper-level enterprises they penetrate, and middle-level companies cannot ignore.

And Meng Qian is doing, it is reverse osmosis, and the Great Winncom is only one of them.

As for neon, they know that this company is a wind group, but Meng Qian is now Hui's economic exchange ambassador, in the neon national monument, investment is investment, everyone does not mind, but neon The ability to design this area, all the world recognizes, Meng Qian is of course very interesting, this time neon national light is a product patent to buy more than 100 items.

This world, Meng Qian not only wants to prevent capital invasion, but also want to pursue capital attack ...

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