Meng Qian's own thing, to a certain extent, the atmosphere of today's meeting, just as he said, no matter what this thing is true, will not appear, at least one possibility, especially Meng Qian, said that this is from IBM is heard, everyone is quite believed.

This makes this originally rushed to in the meeting, there is another theme. If the Omei is confronted, what we can get to get.

Just thinking about this problem, Meng Qian took out his own content, "From the current situation, I think there are some things we can have started to act.

The first thing is the neon, the neon, the merged tide, no matter what the purpose of this combined tide is, this is the neon country that has been half-disabled, it is absolutely snow, from the latest news, Nokia After the merger with Siemens, the stock of Neon Electric Co., Ltd. fell sharply.

The reason is also very simple, from the merger results, although two companies hold 50% of the shares, Nokia is obviously dominant, then some companies who have cooperated with Siemens will be affected, especially neon electric appliances. Co., Ltd. is preparing to have a company that cooperates with Siemens in the communication field.

Siemens is now tied together with Nokia, and there is no neon Electric Co., Ltd.

And such things, with more companies in Europe, will have more and more neon companies, what do these neon companies do? They have worked hard for so many years, and the result is here. I originally want to leverage the europe, now there is a neon country that has a big way, must seek new opportunities.

And our Chinese, perhaps become new opportunities for neon. "

"Meng Human means that we will find these abandoned neon companies cooperation." Ren Zheng's instantix.

"Yes, neon companies are not as good as European companies, but a large number of technical reserves and talent reserves are real things, these years of cooperation with neon, including the previous time domestic electrical brand with neon electrical brands Cooperation proves this matter, we can get a lot from the neon, you can get a lot.

When Europe abandon neon, we stretched your hand, I think neon companies will know how to wear. "

Many people's awareness of people's awareness of recognition, Meng Qian continued, "In addition to the neon, it is an important goal to us, there is a goal, that is, communication equipment distributors."

Meng Qian said that Hou Weigui took a clear expression in his behalf, but no one had interrupted Meng Qian, "Juni-lion, this Miki company, Siemens itself accounts for 10% of its products.

With the merger of Nokia and Siemens, those who cooperate with Nokia will use the product of the Juniko network? For example, in the field of data communication products, will Nokia will give up Cisco's old allies to choose the Juniper network? I think this is absolutely impossible.

In other mergers and acquisitions, these affected distributors need to find new partners, but as companies merge, the overall number of communication equipment companies is reduced, those acquisitions have What should they do with their own cooperative distributors?

What can Huawei can do something? "

Meng Qian looked at Hou Weigui followed the right, and the two gave back to Meng Qian's smile.

Meng Qian also responded to a nod, "I said the last suggestion, in this M & A tide, I will not have a shocked company, and whether we have the opportunity to squeeze into this and buy it?

For example, this company I have been paying attention to this company, the Nortel Network. "

Meng Qian fell on Northern Power and once again caused obvious emotional fluctuations in the scene.

After the Nortel Network is a noble, the inventor of his ancestors is traced back to the phone. Alexander Bell.

Bell In 1876, after invented the first telephone in the world, Bell has quickly established a Bell Telephone Company and established a branch in Canada. Later, the machinery manufacturing department in Canada was gradually independent in 1895, and in 1914, the Northern Electronics of the Nortel Network was established in 1914.

Since its establishment, this company has been the Canadian national treasure technology company. In 1969, Luo Shijie joined the Nortel Network and served as a group CEO in 1995.

At that time, the optical fiber communication had been largely applied, but the bandwidth of the market generally believed is the limit, and the speed will not be used. Luo Shijie is unique to lead Nortel to develop 10G optical communication products. As a result, there is no need to supply in the market, completely open the biggest competitor Lucent, the city share is as high as 90%.

At that time, the Northern TV Niu arrived in the Northern End, because the company has issued more than 100 billion yuan option to the employee, but the 90s billion yuan in the 1990s. At that time, the Ottawa House price of the Nortel Power is over 60 years. %, And according to the report, the price is completely the employee of Nortel, because they are too rich.

In 2000, the Nortel market value of 267 billion meters, but it is a company that has been forced by the Internet. In the 2000 Internet bubble, a real big collapse is staged, and the market value has fallen from 267 billion yuan to 11 billion meters. At that time caused an uproar, countless media was shocked to find a suitable adjective.

This is also a reason why Meng Qi can always maintain confidence, and a strong empire, the collapse is only in an instant, and many things in the public seem to be impossible, Meng Qian is likebarious, but if you don't believe you, then It is really impossible.

However, the collapse belongs to the crash, which will make the Nortel network yet, after all, where is the bottom, the last straw of Nortel, is because he joined Intel launched a pitted goods WiMAX.

The latest data report in the first quarter of 2006, Nortel accounted for 10% in the global wireless infrastructure market, the share of the GSM / WCDMA market was about 7%, and the share of the CDMA infrastructure market was about 22%.

In addition, there are more than 6,000 patents in Nortel.

These patents will be acquired by Apple, Microsoft, and Ericsson, including Apple, Microsoft and Ericsson in 2011. As for the Nortel market, it will be taken by Ericsson, Ciena, Genband and other enterprises to take 10 billion meters. To say Meng Qian does not move, it is really a ghost.

Of course, how to grab these things is not simple, when the Nortel is closed, Huawei is almost the first company that will raise the purchase intention to the Canadian government. As a result, the rice country is directly sentenced, not to sell anything to Huaxia Enterprise, and finally Huawei has not bought a patent with ZTE ...

Just just receipt a batch of employees who are close to Nortel.

However, some things seem to have no way in Meng Qian, so at the scene, Meng Qian can only analyze the road from other perspectives because it is still from WiMAX's perspective, "With the M & A of Omi Enterprise The pressure of Nortel will be more and more, the Nortel market will be further squeezed, but from the current performance of European companies, they have a very negative attitude toward Nortel.

Maybe for them, Nortel is hard to bring to them, but for us, Nortel may just make up for the shortcomings of us on the basis. You can consider it. "

The suggestion at the meeting will not be said to be said, because the next thing, involves the detailed details, need to private chat.


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