After talking to the leaders, Meng Qian went out to see the rest of his own, two people changed a room to continue to talk.

"I heard that the North China Huaxia District headquarters building is going to be? Mike comes to China?" After the simple cold, Meng Qian took the initiative to talk about it.

In fact, the company's company has more investment in China, and now add Mikezafovsky, this special optimistic about the CEO of Huaxia, or in a few years, the company is closed, in fact, Nort-TV network There will be many places that can work with Huaxia.

"Well, it is estimated this year."

"That Mike comes, it is definitely not rushing to the headquarters building." Meng Qian gave a faithful expression.

Ren Zheng did not laugh, and did not hide. "Mike did find me, I saw that he was worried about the results of the acquisition in 2006. He came this time, it would want to identify the identity of the North Electric network CEO. Talk about the acquisition of Huawei. "

"What do you think?"

"It's impossible." Ren Zheng did give a certain answer first. "There is only one thing, and there is a few people know that if you want to sell the company to Motorola, it takes more than a year, because of the company There is huge difference inside.

We met a very real problem in that years, that is when we want to go deep into the country, the Minigong government will definitely block, then we understand, the industry we choose is different from other industries, if We continue to develop, you will definitely stand on the top of the mountain with rice.

Why are we fighting? What do we get with rice?

So at that time, we have a very obvious phenomenon, and the older generation is almost in favor of selling the company to Motorola, but the younger generation oppose selling the company to Motorola. "

"The young people are more hard, not to let the old generation do things, and they are more willing to accept reality, but the company's high-rise, must be based on the older generation, so in the end, I finally decided to sell the company to Motorola." Meng Moon and a laughter attitude made a realistic attitude.

Ren Zhengfu did not mind, nodded to show that Meng Qian said is right, "But after the reasons of Motorola, I said to the old one, the company has listened to you once, next we listen to young People.

And the two years I was cheprous is that Huawei's young people let me see courage and vision, I really believe that we can fight against rice. "

"So we definitely can't destroy the confidence of young people in Huaxia. If the young generation has not been confident, the country is over." Meng Qian couldn't help but sigh, and after a few seconds, I was pulled back after a few seconds. " What is the specific situation of Huawei now with the Nortel Network? "

Mike also felt our determination, he was still telling me the first two days, in just three years, Huaxia seems to be covered, so he should not attach to the acquisition, and have already put forward cooperation, this matter We are still discussing within. "

"Cooperation ..." Meng Qian is deeply thoughtful, "I heard that Mike put 3G bet on the CDMA2000, ready to sell the UMTS department, is it true?"

"I also heard it, but I still don't know the true and false."

"You didn't ask?"

"It's really not asking, some things are not convenient, it is said to sell the UMTS department to Alcaters."

Meng Qian touched the Pakistan, "Will Huawei's key development technology should still be WCDMA?"

"Yes, this is also grateful to Meng Mong to promote the development of 3G in China, otherwise we can only rely on overseas development, but in the past year, we have exceeded 5 billion meters of income in last year, and the market share has greatly improved. "

"In this case, why does Huawei not acquire the UMTS department of the Nortel Network, which is complussed with your development direction."

"This ..." Ren Zheng did helpless laugh, "I don't want, but ..."

"But feel competition but Alcaters." Meng Qian helped the Ren Zheng to say anything.

Huawei's real outbreak is also the matter of these years. In the early years, Huawei is a brother in the global communication market, and has a long-term cooperation, funds, and the market for some technologies and talents. Small companies acquire big companies, small companies with giants to grab the acquisition, This is not within normal thinking.

There is another reason, which is also a sentence that is not to say, "the country will not agree."

Just mentioned above, when the Nortel Network closed, Huawei did not receive it. Nortel's WCDMA equipment is basically in Miki, and Mi State cannot accept future Huawei to update equipment maintenance equipment.

But this, maybe there is some very subtle operation space inside, Meng Qian turns a front, "How do you always see the Canadian country?"

"What is Meng always point?"

"The relationship with rice, and the attitude towards the technology company."

Ren Zheng, I can't help but laugh. "I have heard a sentence in the country, and there is a country in the world that will never betray the rice country, that is, Canada.

To be honest, Canada's attitude towards the country, sometimes it is impossible to understand, whether it is a country that is not as good as the country, it is necessary to attach to the country, or there is a lot of rice in this world, but can be used in Canada. Miki is particularly friendly. "

"It's so, and I care more is to Canada's attitude towards local companies.

As the treasure of the town of Canadian technology companies, the Nortel Network is in 2001, when you caught a crisis in 2001, you will know what you are rejected. "

"I know this thing."

"Recently fried boiling AMD acquisition of ATI events, I will definitely know."

"That is nature, this is also a very important news in the science and technology community, but I heard that the wind group is considering the joint IBM to grab ATI?"

Meng Qian smiled and laughed. "Do not say this, we have seen the performance of the Canadian government from these two things."

Ren Zhengqi will try to understand Meng Qian's meaning, "Other countries are trying to do everything to keep their giant companies, but Canada seems to maintain their own giant companies, especially ... when the purchase party It is time when it is a company. "

Meng Qian nodded himself to say this. In fact, the things happened later. At the end of 2008, the Nortel Network was facing crash. Mike Zavowski saved the Canadian government for $ 1 billion, and the result was rejected.

But ironically, in 2009, Canada officials did not hesitate to pick up $ 13.7 billion to purchase the stock of Miraga and Chrysler Motors to help these two rice companies have traveled.

Finally, on January 14, 2009, the Nortel Network had to apply for bankruptcy, a hundred years of technology enterprises, a Canadian top-beam column, a Canadian top-beam column, a Canadian top, I don't know how many people are embarrassed.

One of the leaders of the future Canada also specially discussed this issue, indicating that Canada actually allows the Northern Power Assets to fall into foreign hands. When they saved GM and Chrysler, they did not think about whether we can reschedule Nortel to retain Canada's intellectual property and research and development capabilities.

Canada is unwilling to take a rescue, but also refined Nortel Network with ATI, and international transportation equipment manufacturer Bombardier, Canada's EDA Software Solido Design, Tianhong Company, Top Ten Electronic Equipment Manufacturers, Tianhong Company, Ottawa Semiconductor Company Solantro Seminductor, etc.

Among them, Solantro Seminductor is acquired by Huaxia Enterprises and is acquired by China.

"The Great Breeze Group has spent a lot of energy in studying this fantasy country in Canada. This attitude towards home giant companies is rare worldwide.

So I am actually very concerned about Canada in the past two years. This relationship between Canadian companies with the government may be a narrow space we can use. "

Anyan is not a matter of understanding Meng Qian, "Meng Gong's means that when companies can do the Lord, don't you still have to consider the will of Canada?"

"In my opinion, if the Nortel Network is closed today, we are absolutely unable to distinguish, because the closed Nortel Network will fully master in the Canadian government.

However, there is no uncompassed Nortel Network, which has autonomy. This autonomy can be more, we can try at least a try, and now we don't necessarily have to go to buy, you can also go to cooperate, first stabilize some things. "

Just when Meng Qian said, Meng Qian added a sentence, "There is another thing, the Nortel Network is now in hard support. If the Canadian government rescue, if the wind group I am willing to accept it, are they willing to accept it? "

The expression of any political affairs has changed a lot, and Meng Qian also really wants to try a try. Some things really only try to know the results. Only try a try to find possibilities.

I know that Meng Qian is thinking about what I am thinking about what I want to think, "Meng has time to have time, go to Yanjing?"

Meng Qian returned to a smile, "Okay."

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