Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 451 I am greedy this person.

From the R & D Center back to the office, Meng Qian does not talk about cooperation, chat, drink tea, talk about emotions, Mike can't run.

Of course, in fact, the reason why to create a relaxed chat atmosphere is because Meng Qian still wants to listen to Mike's views, that is, his views on the relationship between Canada and Canadian government and enterprises.

As for why you want to ask him, of course, it is not because of his opinions, the wind group spent so much energy to learn about Canada, and did a few thousand market research, it is really a Mike, but contact Meng Qian The layout, he needs to know how the CEO of the Nortel Network is to look at this problem, which is critical.

"To be honest, I really like the country in Canada. I remember that Canada has always been the top three of the world's most popular immigrant countries, and in the convenience of immigration and respect for immigrants, Canada has long been the first.

It can be said that although Canada is not a neutral country, I feel a more peaceful atmosphere than Switzerland in Canada. "

Of course, Mike's view only represents his individual, Meng Qian needs to know what he is a personal opinion, so ask. "Mr. Mike can share more specific?"

Mike feels that it doesn't realize Meng Qian's purpose. Just when it is a chat, "I don't know if the two is the most like to say one of the best?"

Gate, start again ...

Meng Qian felt his head, foreigners like Huaxia culture Meng Qian welcomed, but everything is nothing, this Mike is really a tradition of China, it is also very drunk.

Therefore, Meng Qian's first reaction is a bit unhappy. Ren Zheng did not pick up a Confucian thinking.

Then I saw Mike hopped there, "the hundreds of people, I like the idea of ​​ink."

"Mo Jia? Why?" Meng Qian still asked for himself, and also gave him a psychological construction, and chatting is the easiest to talk about one person, it is quite good, talk.

"Compared to the view of Confucian love, I prefer the love of the ink love. When I just contacted the Mojia thought, I thought this is a very ideal idealism, but I really let me. Real estate, the ink family thinking is great wisdom.

Most scholars' interpretation of Mo's family love ideas in equality and fraternity, my opinion is different, I think the Mojia thinking is actually the natural law of truly objective. "

"Natural law?" Meng Qian is curious about anygate.

"The Mo's home proposed the official, the people did not work, it seems to be promoted equal, but reviewing the history of human civilization, maybe accidentally discover, this is not fair, but the natural law.

Where is the official, why is the people who don't work, is it because the upper class suddenly is willing to give equal? Obviously, but history is a heavy play of time, let people feel interesting, I slowly discovered that there seems to be true fairness between the heavens and the earth, but this fair is not the fair we usually understand, it is actually a law, It is a natural law of all factors in the whole world. "

In the spirit, Mike's statement still arouses Meng Qian's exchanges, "Anyone will bring their own subjective thoughts when anyone will look at the problem, maybe Mr. Mike has submitted to the Mojia thinking."

Mike horse shook his head and denied Meng Qian, "No, I think this is the realistic thinking of Mo Jia, because Mo Jia also proposes another thing, to promote, advocate science, since it is actually a natural law, how to achieve It is not to rely on so-called love, but to rely on science, this, and I don't match my understanding of Mojia thinking.

Mo Jia is in the heart, Confucianism, Renjun and Xianjun, which is more suitable for the king? Yan Jun is scientifically scientifically cultivated, to serve people, the management, the people, the major love, still etiquette, with morality, with ceremonial management, in today's society, which is more suitable, Meng Gong as the wind group Helping people should have an answer.

When I first saw the "Three Kingdoms acting", I didn't know that this is a book. When I am looking at it, I feel that the country is difficult to become a big device, because Liu Jianren, Cao Cao, is so simple. "

"Renxian's dispute has not been broken for thousands of years, but the inexpensiveness is often a big reaction in film and television works." Ren Zheng did not laugh.

Mike also laughed, "But at least as a big opponent, there are people who have no sages, most of the first episodes will die."

"So what is the relationship with Canada? Mr. Mike thinks Canada is the road of the Mo's home?" Meng Qian wants to pull the topic.

"First, Canada is definitely not the active Mojia Road, but Canada is passively walking the way of the Moist. Canada is actually very simple, short history, the native has never been invaded, the British is a big brother Following the UK, Miki has become a big brother.

It is not a big dream in the world's second largest territory. "

"A total of 30 million people, what to fight." Meng Qian conscious.

Michac smiled and added, "And this is 45% of the English, and the business accounts for 29%."

After finishing, Mike dialect turned, "But we should also recognize a problem. If Canada has the heart, there is a dream of the big country, he can do some policies to change the status quo, the British territory is large. What? How much is the population? But people have been in the day.

Can Canada has always been in line with the reality, compliance, and the law, so that the law will find a suitable safe place.

I always think that Canada does not have no way, but knowing that it is the best for them. They chose the most suitable development route. The world is laughing at the affiliates of the rice, but the Canadian people are almost The world's best benefits, live the most comfortable days, enjoy the most peaceful life, this is not the most important thing for the people? "

Meng Qian has a different view, but this conversation is to understand Mike's ideas, so there is no opening, patient listening to Mike continues, "At the same time, Canada combines the world's largest national and religion, but there is no sharp contradiction Even Quebec is a lot of order, such a peace is not easy, which is wisdom behind this.

And this wisdom of the iceberg is the cohances I just mentioned.

Meng You can learn about Canadian core politicians, and the superior family background and proud academic qualifications are the threshold of the Canadian government, and the Canadian government gathered the elite in China.

And many people say that Canada has no offensive ability, only less than 100,000 army, but don't forget, Canada three-sided sea, the only land, relying on rice.

As long as the rice does not move Canada, Canada is now half of the disarmament, it is enough to fight, is it difficult to play him from the sea? This is smart. "

I have learned that Mike is quite optimistic about Canada. Meng Qian asked directly. "How do you view Canada's technology industry in Mr. Mike?"

"I have seen that the Canadian government is actually doing some changes. From the perspective of talent training strategies, Canada obviously tilts more resources to finance and management, from the industrial structure, Canada proposed two years ago R & D, re-manufacturing strategy.

The industrial and scientific fields are further refined by the United States. The authorities are now more needless, but the market, Canada has little domestic demand market. "

"That is the domestic environment for the Nortel Network, it has to consider the domestic environment. The light research and development is clearly not conducive to the development of Nortel. What is M."

"I have just said it, Canada's country has been looking for their most suitable positioning, and as Canadian companies, the best way to survive is also looking for suitable positioning, so in Canada's policy changes, Northern electricity has to keep up. Team and seek your own development space.

But Nortel wants to grow for a long time, certainly can't underestimate research and development, this is also a huge challenge I face now. "

Meng Qiao as an allegedly conscious, and then slowly transferred the topic.

When I finished dinner at night, Mike first returned to the hotel. Ren policularly accompany Meng Qian in the office.

Meng Qian sits on the sofa, it is in a long time, and slowly listed his eyes.

"The Canadian will continue to have a relaxation in the policy, Canadian policy changes on high research and development enterprises, Canada now requires the market.

Mike decided to follow Canada in the generous direction, this also explained why Nortel Network will bet when it is not optimistic about the standard of rice in the world, and it is foreseen that the future of Northern China will have more inclined rice countries.

However, the inclined rice country is for production, and does not reduce the development level. At the same time, we have no opportunities in the Nortel Network in the Nortel Network ... "

This is what Meng Qian can talk to Ren Zhengfa, and there are two factors in his heart: Nortel join WiMAX and the 2008 financial crisis.

After a long time, Meng Qian made a decision. "Ren, I plan to stabilize the research and development with Nortel, and then go to Canada."

"What plan?"

"The door of the Nortel Network is actually open, there is no reason not to go in a good look, since Canada has policy changes, I have a bit of the idea of ​​other companies."

Because there are two most important puzzles can't say, Meng Qian can't say clearly and concrete programs, because of this, I don't understand that Meng Qian is thinking.

But it is really because Huawei has been fighting for too long. Under the premise of lack of two important factors, Ren Zhengki is calculated that something is, "the Northern China network is not always in Men's Mong. Springboard, Meng always is not in the wine, but in ATI? "

It is still that sentence, the most critical two things can't say, Meng Qian had to laugh and respond, "I am a drunkard, I am in the water, and there is a landscape.

I am greedy in this person, I want it. "


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