Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 453 acquiring ATI Wishes

Three days later, Meng Qian flew to Canada.

The first thing to go to Canada must be visited the Nortel Network. By the way, some contracts will be signed. As a result, Mike is passionate about Meng Qian.

Meng Qian took the opportunity of visiting the Nortel Network to observe the status of this company, especially the state of employees, the overall feeling is not bad, not as mourning like online.

And since Mike became the CEO of the Nortel Network last year, the stock of the Nortel Network has been rising. It is estimated that many people in this will look forward to the Northern Electric network to create brilliant.

After leaving the Nortel Network, Meng Qian began a tour of Canadian companies for several consecutive days, and in this, Meng Qian is the most intended, and it is also the most intentional in the media and the market, inevitably visit ATI.

Regarding the AMD acquisition of ATI more details, more than ten years have come, and I have happened to have a clear thing after the scene, even if I have a reborn, Meng Qiao has a current position that does not contact the interior.

It is currently two things that can be determined. The first is Intel, it is really a wish that I want to acquire ATI. As for it, I really want to acquire or simply want to make AMD make it fast, then I don't know, I didn't buy it anyway. to make.

There is another rumor is true, that is, AMD is indeed the first-finding British Weida, but because of the old Yida's old Huang Renxuan, I want to be CEO, AMD disagree, this is blowing, so AMD has only Go to Ying Weida's opponent ATI.

As for the AMD, why is it so persistence in the acquisition, of course, in order to use the Intel wrench wrist, and the AMD of the market rumored AMD raised the idea of ​​cpu with GPU, Meng Qian will also heard that AMD is really very thinking. From the current public opinion, most media are very optimistic about this acquisition, think that this is strong, thinking that AMD can just be just after AMD acquisition.

Who can think of AMD is from the acquisition of ATI began to go downhill, and it is a downhill that does not take back.

Meng Qian came to visit, ATI here is naturally CEO David personally reception.

Handshake, take pictures, cold, simply visit ATI, the way the process is as many.

For more than an hour, it is finally going to talk about it. "Compared to the Tieda, the ATI of the 20-year history is more precipitated and heavy."

"Mr. Meng has been to British Weida?" David immediately grabbed the key to this sentence.

"When I went to the country to visit, I probably learned about the view of British Weida."

David piled up a smile, "Mr. Meng said that it is easy to make people contest."

David is definitely unbelieving directly, I have to look like this, Meng Qian will say anything, he listened.

"In fact, there are too many things. As for the conclusion, say that the words are boastful, spelling the past, British Weida spelling ATI, fighting in the future, Ying Weida spelled the wind group."

Every word of Meng Qian hangs the heart of David. "I don't know if this is honored to hear Mr. Meng talking about the future?"

"Mr. David is polite, in the eyes of David, GPU's market is great?"

"Of course, it can be said that the GPU will enter an outbreak period and have a wide market."

"What is the market direction?"

David out, "of course is an entertainment industry."

Meng Qian did so that David was silent for a few seconds, "Nothing?"

This is to let David have some doubts. "What is Meng always think?"

Meng Qian also did not sell Guan Zi, this is something that is going out today. "Many people have ignored a thing, and GPUs are far stronger than CPU in parallel computing power."

After listening to this sentence, David is still awkward, Meng Qian is also observing his expression, I feel that ATI will really be independent, if you realize, you may not sell company.

So Meng Qian continued, "Ying Weida recently released a programming tool called CUDA, Mr. David must know."

"I know, in order to save developers, developers can easily make GPUs to make GPUs simultaneously program each pixel on the screen, let them complete some simple rendering work, so that developers You don't have to write code again.

We are now developing such a set of tools. "

"Based on this idea, we can be more step forward. I have something in the side of my side." Meng Qian opened the computer to watch a short video.

On the video, it is a video about a large wind group. The video is being carried out, the video is very short, no too many things, David did not see what the clue came, followed by Meng Qian and saw a section of David. video.

"This is ... Human face recognition? But this parallel computation amount ..." As a Ph.D., David finally saw something coming, "Is this the technical strength of the wind group?"

"You can say that."

David wants to ask the specific technical and technical principles, but he is a smart person, knowing that Meng Qian only gave him this point, it is unwilling to open this technology.

As for Meng Qian, what is it, it is a little misunderstanding of a little bit of gpu. It seems that GPU is a graphics card, and the graphics card is something affecting the quality.

But now, no one can make it clear that the opportunity is coincidental or the Ying Weida really has this eye. In 2006, the GPU development in British Weida just met the development of deep learning. At this time, Ying Weida suddenly realized a thing.

In CPU and GPU's hits, although the CPU calculates the accuracy of each processor than GPU, the operation unit is not much, but also does not have the advantage in the speed, and the GPU can use some tools to make a large number of processors. Parallel operations, in the face of simple and large amounts of operation, there is a design superiority.

With this principle, researchers who study deeply use GPU to complete a large number of low-level calculations, thereby greatly enhances the calculation capacity of artificial intelligence.

In the future, there are approximately 3,000 artificial intelligence companies to meet their needs of artificial intelligence through the Chow of Wenda's chips. In this field, British Weida has never missed the opportunity since 2006. After many years, there is absolute monopoly, and there is no second company in the world to compete with him.

Regarding this thing, there is anything familiar with the use of the scene, that is, it is a face recognition, and it is not a human face recognition on the mobile phone. In the world of most countries in the world, I use the GPU of the Yingda, as for the Huaxia. Ying Weida GPU, Meng Qian is unclear.

So British Weida's GPU, in the future, the real use scenario is no longer computer game console, but is an intelligence, this is a super vast future market.

Because there is not much thing to watch to David, Meng Qian can only use the flicker of some mouth. "I have always said that the wind group is always on the way to the future, this is not a shouting slogan, but we are really Things to do.

We have found a broader future of GPU, which is more vast future than the entertainment industry, so I am looking for a peer, I have never avoided a topic, the wind group is a lack of past companies, this is the fact, nothing is good Cover it.

But even if so, the wind group can always lead the future, so I came to ATI, the purpose is very pure, I want ATI.

What kind of trouble is at ATI now, what happens after the world knows, but will happen after delivery to AMD? I am very clear about AMD's cash flow. After I bought ATI, AMD supported two-line operations?

ATI and Intel are friends for many years. Intel's development situation David is definitely more clear than me, AMD really fights? What's more, I will come out now, IBM, IBM, in my opinion, the future computer chip market belongs to IBM and Intel, as for AMD, I personally don't be optimistic.

So if he still has financial and energy to support the development of ATI after acquisition, this is reality. "

Meng Qian said that in the heart of David, after all, this is indeed a realistic situation. However, Meng Qian's fool has not yet finished, just said from the overall situation analysis, next Meng Qian to analyze.

Because Meng Gong also found a interesting thing when investigating Canada, Canada high-tech companies are almost more than 80% of the professional managers in management, not the founder in management, nor the startup team is managing.

Professional managers, very real, they are more important than companies in the circle of professional managers. Including ATI founder He Guo Yuan said in an interview that if he or ATI's CEO, it will never sell the company to AMD.

Therefore, in addition to the company's considering, Meng Qian has to be considered by David. "Since the words say this, I will first say the focus, the wind group also wants to acquire ATI, we have an assessment for ATI, we think that AMD is about The price is significantly lower. "

Meng Qian first let David look at the price, AMD's offer is 5.4 billion meters, and the struggle of the wind group is 6.5 billion meters. If you finally have to sell the company, for David, sell it to the wind group clearly Soldering is more successful.

At the same time, Meng Qian also gave the David's other program. "Our Great Breeze Group has always advocated the strategy of buying but not transition interventions. This acquisition of ATI is to better grasp the future of the GPU market, thus in GPU competition. stand out.

To this end, I actually more inclined by Mr. David to the CEO of ATI, while in the technical level, ATI's precipitation can slowly transfer to the wind group, and in the future, whether it is ATI continues to independence or set up a new company, big Mr. Wei can also docked very well, and managed it. "

David's mentality has already seen a significant change. From the corporate perspective, Meng Qian gave himself something. If it is true, the combination of ATI is likely to create a leader of industry, so that the ATI will return to the peak. Not impossible.

And when you stand in an enterprise perspective, the wind group will also do GPU. It can't be acquired. ATI, the wind group is hard to rely on his own GPU, but in the field of deep learning, this buddy is the foundation of deep learning theory. Meng Qian, some people send out the top patent mad.

AIT is now in a disadvantage in the GPU market, even if you take today, from Meng Qian, the future information you know, is it to find the specific direction? Do yourself in deep learning, hiding the patented barriers of the wind group? Meng Qian didn't grasp, will it be listened to yourself?

And if ATI is really so dry, the worst step of the wind group can also find British Weida, and I am afraid that hammers will hammered Ati.

From your own point of view, ATI returned to the peak, and his own price rose a three or five times. Even if there is no return to the peak, at least Meng Qian can protect his own CEO, and there is also a chance to perform, and only From the acquisition price, it is indeed that the Great Breeze Group will take ATI to take ATI, this price is also beneficial to himself.

We must know that David has recently fallen in the circle. From the past history, AMD took him out of the bureau, although the AMD's Meiye said very beautiful, said How is David, so you still kick people ...

After that, David didn't have any brilliant performance. Ati's CEO is already his career peak.

Moreover, AMD and Great Breeze Group have a different attitude toward ATI, although it is for better integration, but AMD's high feelings are uncomfortable, he is not to know that ATI is can't mix now, cash flow only The left left, the result was 600 million in the first quarter, and there were more than one billion debt outside.

But Meng Qian's attitude is too much, and there is respect for respect and planning.


If you want to acquire ATI, you will definitely talk about it. Today, Meng Qian can shake David is full of satisfaction, and then the next time, it continues to communicate again.

However, Meng Qian is not relaxed, because he estimates that there are ten eight ninetes of rice in the rice country, and he can use two, IBM and Nortel Network.

But Meng Qian really wants ATI, this year, the company has little spending money in the first half of the year, and has always put money for ATI, just like he said today, this not only affects future entertainment, but also affects artificial intelligence .

Looking up at the sky, Meng Qian smiled, "If you really can write like the network, as long as you have money to buy any giant company to buy any giant company, even the rice domain giant enterprises will acquire, how good .. "

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