On the second morning, the Shaanxi Rice Mining Company, and more than a dozen experts sat together to view the information.

Standing around Meng Qian, there is a leaders of the local mining management department, the leaders of Shaanxi Province, the leaders of the National Environmental Protection Bureau, the leaders of the Ministry of Defense, and military leaders.

"How can this original information will be lost?" An expert couldn't help but ask.

Meng Qian made a helpless expression. "Who can think of such an important clue in the information of the employee management, accidentally deleted it."

"What about the worker?"

"A interns, I will leave."

"Can you still find someone?"

"I have found it, now I am going to Mi National. I haven't recorded the information in the previous communication. And now I will find it back, the information is no longer, he can't help."


Several experts face each other, to be original information, you can't find someone, you can't find it, you have said that the company is not ignorant.

Several people communicate with their eyes.

"The principle of science, or you have to figure out things?"

"There is no such thing, Meng Qian has no reason to lie. What benefits he can get? Expand the scale of mining? Is the big wind group difference this?"

"Don't worry, I have been going to the wind group interview for a while."

Seeing a few experts do not speak, the military leadership is actively questioning, "What do you think?"

"From the research report, there is indeed a lot of accompanying bismuth." After all, I still compromise in front of Meng Qian, "but because of the lack of original information, there is no way to determine the specific location."

This sentence of the expert group is actually enough, just like the industry in the industry before, the five molybdenum depresses here will know that there will be accompanying and borid, but they have not exploited. , So now it is found that there is a lot of accompanying bismuth, it is more reasonable, not very Tang Jun.

Next, the state will send a team to further explore and even mining work. Through the discussion of Meng Qian, finally reached the company or return to Meng Qian, the other things that make it out are still return to Meng Qian, and the country needs what will spend money. As for the price, Meng Qian is definitely not the country, the normal market price will be.

In this way, Meng Qian is not busy, can earn a sum of money, if the country can get ruthless, the money does not have a reasonable money, all happy, as for when to make it out, then see the national team's ability Yes, Meng Qian can only pray as soon as possible, because this mining area is really big.

Dip over this side, in the afternoon Meng Qian was led by the Ministry of National Defense and the military, and the mysterious office is a office.

"Do you want me to see?" Sitting in the car and chatted with the leader for a while, I naturally asked this question.

The military leaders looked at Meng Qiao. "Meng Chuan knows the Beidou system?"

Meng Qian's eyebrows are moving, "Of course, we know that our satellite navigation system."

The leaders nodded, "there is a matter of recent events."

"what's up?"

"The European Union kicked us from the Galileo project."

This thing is about to read, but the details of the details are not very understanding, and they simply say that they are unclear, let the leaders give their own science.

"In the past few years, the relationship between Europe and Monas is also clear that the EU wants to take off the control of the rice in various fields, including satellite navigation system, so in 2000, the EU proposed the idea of ​​independent research and development satellite navigation system. Take the initiative to find us in Huaxia invitation us.

In 2000, our Huaxia was prepared to launch 2 Earth still orbit satellites, we really attached to the area of ​​satellite navigation, and agreed to the admission, also invested 2.3 billion euros.

However, in the past few years, the development of Galileo projects is not satisfactory, and the European Union suddenly made a decision. "

"EU this thing, cooperation can, but can not report too big hope, a group of gangliu's Lords, it is a fight," Meng Qian smiled and responded, some did not say, according to the later generation Memoil, in 2006, this will burn the money. The difficulty of the project is also expected. At this time, this time, this is the result of the European countries, and each other will be more than one, and the project is almost yellow. "Then we will follow What is going on? "

"Regardless of the Ideas of the EU, anyway, our Huaxia will continue to pay attention to the Beidou system, and we can pay more attention to our own Beidou system, and even some things can be more let go."

"What do you mean?"

Just then, the car had arrived at the destination, "Let Xie Director tell you."

"Xie Director?" Meng Qian entered the administrative building and saw another predecessor. Since 2004, he began to serve as a total designer of Beidou No.2, Xie Jun.

Meng Qian hit his hand with Xie Jun, and called him to thank you.

Here, there is not much thing that needs the guest's own needs. After a good time to say, Xie Jun learned about Meng Qian and others, and it began to say that it is right. "Now there are two difficulties, there are two difficulties, respectively. Chips and atomic clocks.

It is necessary to guess that Meng always guesses, the chip used by Beidou No. 1 is imported from rice. "

Meng Qian shrugged, "understand."

"And the EU Galileo system is also used by rice chips, and even more than 80 core equipment are also rice. Overall, the Galileo system is very dependent on the rice country, which is also the reason we feel from the EU. .

We started to think that Galileo wants to fight against rice countries, there will be many self-research technology. I didn't expect this project to be proposed in the EU. The whole technology is almost rice.

However, our Huaxia can't go this road. Our situation is different from the European Union. We have different relations with the EU countries and the relationship between the EU countries. We must have our own core technology. From the entire Beidou industry, there must be The corresponding basic chip is supported, otherwise it will not be able to achieve the purpose of protecting the national economy and social security. "

Meng Qian stressed nodded to indicate absolute recognition, when the Beidou Chip should wait for the Beidou No. 3, it realizes the independent research and development, the core research and development enterprise is the chip company with Corexong Technology Co.,, a Beidou Holdings, was established in 2009. .

"So Xie Director is looking for me today, it is for the Beidou chip."

"To be embarrassed, I have to go to Longxin in the past few days to know that the wind group has a lot of investment on the baseband chip, but also to the dragon core to know that the wind group seems to be developing a new architecture?"

"Well, it is true."

"Then I have something to say, we want to ask the wind group to design an autonomous chip for us."

Meng Qi has some doubts, "Is it the relationship between Party B?"

After all, I will give the Beidou System to make a chip, so they are gave to a private company, but Meng Qian is thinking about it. The architecture and general-purpose chip wind group have jointly jointly cooperated with Longqin. In fact, the Beidou system is skipping The wind group directly found Dragon Cooperation and didn't have a problem. It is only a family, and it is also unable to pick up Meng Qian.

Coupled with more sub-segment chip design also requires the wind group, so directly according to the A & Part Yi mode, anyway, the confidential agreement sign, if Meng Qian is selling the country, then go in and stay in.

"Meng's idea is?" Xie Jun still respects Meng Qian's personal will.

As for the personal will of Meng Qian, it must be a joint venture company, because the Beidou system involves not only the chip and the atomic clock, but also precision machinery, high-power amplifiers, high-end materials, sensors, electronic components, this is Meng Qi Interest.

The research and development of the next generation of lightning machine requires a lot of top technology and materials, Meng Qian may not cooperate with the top projects in various fields, so that more cutting-edge technologies and materials will come back.

So Meng Qian is also welcome, "said that the big wind group should be the first company in China's private enterprises. Since Beidou wants to be comprehensive autonomous, the light is not enough, and the wind group has a certain tree in other fields. Including the level of lightning machine, software and other products, everyone should all be obvious, do not need software.

So I hope that the wind group can achieve deep cooperation with Beidou, promote the progress of more fields, of course, the result is definitely mutually beneficial. "

Meng Qian is honest, Xie Jun does not ink, and the leadership immediately agreed to Meng Qian's suggestion.

On the next day, Meng Qian went to Yanjing to talk about cooperation details. Soon, I set up a Yunxiao Technology Co., Ltd. in Yanjing. It is founded by Yanjing North Combin Navigation Technology Co., Ltd. with the Great Breeze Group. It is committed to chip, navigation timing module, high precision plate, atomic clock, magnifying glass, precision measurement instrument. R & D and production of products.

The goal of this world is to complete the independent research and development of core technology in the East of Beidou No.2.


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