After the plane, Serbia sent a high greeted specification, giving enough face, Meng Qian, standing on the side.

This video will quickly spread in China after a few hours.

Go to the place first to take a while and go to the dinner, representatives of the two countries and some entrepreneurs are sitting together. Let's talk about human history, talk about two countries, talk to peace, and harmony.

After meals, Meng Qian also went to see a show, and had to say that the people of Serbia are indeed high, the body is high, the five senses, as long as it is not fat, it can make a high score, the street lack is everywhere. 170 long legs and 180 high handsome guys.

Meng Qian feels that his color is threatened here.

After the performance, everyone continued to go back to the hotel and sleep well.

A technical team and sales team of the second day, the sales team also reached Serbia. This day begins to talk about some business, like the needs of the face, the official system, database, office software, Serbia is willing Give the order, Meng Qian is willing to pick up, nothing more than talking about the price and project details, these things are handed over to the following people to talk, finally take the plan, I feel that I can sign it.

Meng Qian followed the leadership to see the football competition with Serbia's leaders and corporate representatives.

Serbia is a sports country, although there is no great achievement in the football field, but it still feels that Serbian loves the football, just like Messi once in an interview, there will be one in the football country. Atmosphere, a kind of universal love.

I don't know when Huaxia football can make Huaxia have such an atmosphere.

On the side of the football game, it seems to be their habits.

"The Great Wind Group is indeed a miraculous company." The leaders of the two sides chatted, and Serbia leaders suddenly pulled the topic to the body of the wind group.

Meng Qian quickly pulled him down, "Miracle is not, the luck is effort."

"Mr. Meng is also too modest, and if the achievements of the wind group are just luck and efforts, it is too much for other companies."

Meng Qian used Yu Guang to pay attention to his leadership, and I saw a self-study of his leaders. I learned that I would go to my life. "In fact, all successful anatomy is the luck and effort, but only Efforts have different ways, some people use brute force, some people use it. "

"Don't know if Mr. Meng can share it?"

"I feel that it is impossible to make my strength to the ultimate, and I want to make up for my disadvantage. So just now how I want to know how Huaxia improve the overall level of the IT industry, Serbia wants to take our Huaxia mode.

However, regardless of the performance of the wind group or our Huaxia's achievements, a big premise is that we only learn not imitation, different companies and different countries are different, all developments have to start from their own.

A country wants to have achievements in a field, the core is definitely under the next heart, so the policies and support is often the most important, which requires the road to the country to develop. "

Some words, Meng Qian is really unwilling to say, Serbia does not know the old road of Huaxia, because even if there is no Meng Qian's rebirth, Huaxia is not a poor students, and it is a very effort.

But Serbia has been based on the overall foundation, even if it is not a poor, it is very small and transparent, so Serbia wants to develop IT, and it is impossible to take China's mode.

Serbia's leadership meditated for a while, "I remember that there is a word in Huaxia called the prostitute of the prostitute. I don't know if Men's Miss is standing on the perspective. Is there any suggestion for us?"

Meng Qian also looked at his leadership, still watching the ball, okay, then continue, "I have seen a series of policies made by your country is still in place, but there is a problem in your country, your country can take out How many funds support research?

Money is the foundation of everything, although I can understand the mentality of the country wants to develop footsteps, but the previous period may still need to put more goals in profit.

International competition, nothing more than market competition and technology competition, from market competition, Serbia's cost advantage is obvious in Europe, which can be used. "

"This is also what we have been trying to do in these years. Since our domestic demand in the IT field is not big, we have been cultivating IT talents and IT companies in the past few years, in which we have Also accumulated some markets and experiences.

That don't know what suggestions do Meng Mr. Meng? "

"Technical competition is that the truth is a thing that has no shortcut can go, is the ultimate effort."

"But now the R & D of the entire IT industry is actually monopolized by several giant companies, and the market may not leave much space for efforts.

I see that the wind group seems to have a strategy that is cooperation. "A business representative of Serbia suddenly opened.

Meng Qian suddenly felt very smooth, "To tell the truth, the wind group first accounted for the natural advantages of our China's domestic demand.

As for cooperation, it is indeed an important part of our development process. After all, there is an excellent disadvantage, and it is the easiest to make a long-term supply through cooperation. "

Meng Qian said, the scene is quiet for a few seconds. The opposite entrepreneur seems to be in this sentence. Meng Qian suddenly be a bit uncertainty that the size of his speech should be.

At this time, my leaders finally opened, "The China's domestic demand market is the world, as long as Serbia can provide good products, the door of Huaxia is always open for your country."

"You are finally opened," Meng Qianxin.

"We have a lot of good products in Serbia." The leaders of Serbia, "Not as good as we go here, how many companies are going to see?"


The tournament after the game, that is, in the show muscles, although there is no more technology muscles in Serbia, but there are fewer things that can be taken out, otherwise it will not be able to engage in IT reform this year. Catch catch up with the international level.

Meng Qian also looks very carefully. Since there is a strength here, you can talk to Huaxia to talk to Huaxia, as for the company, natural is something to talk about.

Just as before, the Serbian company did not have a strategic cooperative giant company in the international company, and their eyes were in the wind group.

At this time, the leaders in both sides are not sound, and even gave Meng Qian with the space you alone in Serbia, let Meng Qian make a decision.

But at this time, I was inexplicable in Meng Qian's head, I remembered the sentence of the plane leader, Serbia needs the help of the wind group.

Is this a psychological implied? Meng Qian felt God.

However, Serbia's companies can really take out something, Meng Qian has always wanted to develop a few European countries that allow the wind group to stand up with the heel, now with Serbia, and can synchronize with the national level, so some things It is also a chapter.

In the five-day itinerary, the wind group has reached a strategic cooperative relationship with Serbia, and will cooperate to establish a R & D center. This is the most needed for Serbian companies.

There is an office in Serbia, but just offices, but just to open up the market, I didn't think about what R & D support for Serbia.

At the same time, the wind group will also go to Serbia to open a branch, this market is also interested in Meng Qian. And now Serbia does have a large outsourcing advantage in the Omi region, and Meng Qian will first sign an outsourcing contract of 1 billion soft sister coins.

In addition, the Great Breeze Group will set up overseas in Serbia to promote the development of Serbia's technology innovation, investment and support the development of Serbia.

Finally, Meng Qian ran a university in Serbia, giving him a speech, let him bravely chase his dreams, and then set up a scholarship established in many universities, and give several Serbia's top college students to participate in the wind The green channel of the Group's summer camp and the future of the Great Wind Group internship and work.

Of course, the wind group also won a big order of 1 billion euros from Serbia.

On the last day, Huaxia delegation leaving in Serbia's warm, after flying, Meng Qian noticed that the leadership was looking at myself smiling.

"What is the leader laugh?" Meng Qian can't help but ask.

"I feel that it is a few years ago, we are like Serbia, to seek Microsoft IBM and other companies to help us, I didn't expect that our Huaxia also had a family of international technology giants."

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