Meng Qian's sentence detonated the public opinion of social media. As the world's first super big country, what happens every day, Huaxia is just a development of China, do you have a little confidence? People threaten you? The acquisition threatened you? So, how many embroidered pillows in the country?

It is also because of Meng Qian's sentence, a faction of the Mi country's academic circle can't sit, that is, the researchers of Huaxia collapses, suppressing China is the political correctness of the rice, but what political people do not have any politics to engage in academics In the academic community in the rice country, it is always the Chinese threat theory and the Chinese collapse of the Chinese collapse, and then according to the corresponding international situation and the two countries, these academic people will be brought to be brought.

But inside the academic circle, these two factions always compete for non-stop, Huaxia collapsed this faction is very clear, put the development model of Huaxia in Miki, the root will not be collapsed, what is inflation, real estate bubble , Soft sister currency collapse, the national trust crisis, this will be a bit uncomfortable by Meng Qian, began to analyze the wind group, and take a bunch of argument that the company does not have to support the company, soon Willing it.

After all, put the development model of Huaxia in the country, it does collapse, even in any country outside Huaxia, will collapse, and Huaxia has a bunch of experts who don't take their own national conditions. The experts who have pursuing Westernization. Every day comments other countries experts

Meng Qian returned to the country briefly looked at the debate on this side of the country, and let them compete, it is better to mix the water more.

For this reason, Meng Qian also gave Sun Qicheng to a call. "Sun Shusheng, Mi Dang academic circle about Huaxia and the wind group dispute you see?"

"Well, it's lively, I have made a vote, and the Huaxia economy will not collapse."

"Ticket results?"

"It is now almost five five open."

"It's a bit meaningful, yes, there is something I want to trouble, Sun Shushang."

"You said."

"In these two years, we invest in the rice academic circle in the rice, you helped me to delete some people from this circle, it is best to be a rib, and will help stir in academic fields."

"Stir?" Sun Qicheng has only been back to God for a few seconds. "You want to find some experts who are not professional."

"Hahaha, Sun Shusheng really understands me."

"OK, I understand what you mean, is there any code?"

"Well, it's called the strategy and flicker squad."

The phone laughed into the phone that day, "This is a good name."

After that, Meng Qian no longer pays attention to the situation here, because the company has a very important thing, as for what is natural, it is a mobile phone conference.

As the wind group and Apple's mobile phone post conference get more and more, the market is also increasingly high, through the acquisition of the heat, once again pushed a wave of mobile phone conferences.

Jobs is a very payive product **, Apple has continued to continue the will of Jobs, which has a high requirements for the confidentiality of the product, but this is called the first Apple phone of the first Apple phone for N2 confidentiality It is very fascinated by work.

On the one hand, it is called the best product for Apple's confidential work, because in 2006, Jobs also denied himself in various public applications, even in Google Conference, said that smartphone is not optimistic. There is also Apple's employee that even Apple's engineers don't know what products they do.

It can be said that it is the worst product that Apple's confidential work, because in the previous two months, major technology media suddenly spread about N2 details, and it is really not clear. Carefully leaked or deliberately leaked.

The wind group did not care about how Apple did. As early as in the beginning of 2006, the company will expressed the company to enter the mobile phone field, very frank, although the product details are also very good job.

However, the difference in this surface will also bring a feeling of the user, that is, your Apple's mobile phone has more cattle to force, you need to keep it on this copy, I have to take a look, Well, let's take a look.

However, before watching Apple Mobile Conference, everyone has to look at the mobile phone conference of the wind group first, because Meng Qian arranges the launch conference to January 8 before Apple.

Because January 8 is the first day of the Great Breeze Group's 18 Thanksgiving Season, so I decided to publish this special day, although I didn't keep confidential, but also by the wind group called the product.

According to the common sense, Meng Qian should wait for Apple to develop a conference, then look at the fruit powder when it is good, and then the development will hurt face, this is a normal routine.

But there should be more fun, Meng Qian is now looking forward to making Apple to feel what is called, so embarrassed.

On January 3, the release will enter the last five days countdown, and the resources of the entire wind group are inclined to the conference.

This time the press conference finally decided nothing, and held in the big conference room of the Headquarters of the Great Breeze Group.

On the morning of January 8, the weather was sunny, the wind group was crowded, and the mainstream media in the country smeared, including CCTV's leading sign.

Less than 10 points in the morning, the post conference began warmth, Meng Qian adjusted his state in the background, when he was, in fact, it was still tight. He looked back in this seven years as if it is swearing between turns, Meng Qian still remembers reborn In the early morning, I thought about the future in the basketball court. At that time, everything was as unknown, and the first thing in my mind was mobile phone.

Today, 7 years later, he actually realized the original plan, for Meng Qian, today's significance will be more important than ordinary people.

Of course, everything has to be equal, and after the product is going to the market.

At 10:18, the press conference officially started.

Start playing a video on the big screen on the stage, nine big words appear on the video: What is the user expect?

Video playback is a history of technology development. The simple summary is that human beings have created more and more technologies from the first industrial revolution. The video refers to a great scientist in this process. Time line arrived. After the third industrial revolution, the most important scientific and technological revolution in the generals of the Pooper, especially the emergence of personal computers, changed human life.

Surround the development of systems, chips, electronic components, etc., which will slowly extend to the seven years of the Great Breeze Group, including Kunlun System, ancient Computer, Photolithography, LCD screen, and so on.

But at this time, a turning point has made a problem. From the birth of the first computer in 1946 to 60 years in 2006, the user witnessed the development of the computer, from commercial to personal, from simple Operation now to swim the large game now, all of all the development, the system is also, the chip is also good, the LCD screen is also good, and it is for computer services.

These years are only from the user's perspective, and all the technical revolutions are actually just optimizing this product.

But what is the user's truly expectation? Is it a constantly optimized computer that follows Moore's constantly optimized chip?

Why is these annual sci-fi so fire?

Because in the depth of the user, it is actually a broader expectation of technology.

They are looking forward to those who can subvert the existing era, are those who don't even imagine those users, which can really change the user's lifestyle, rather than expected, once again. Optimization.

The Great Breeze Group today has to bring the products, it is a mobile phone, but it is not just a mobile phone.

It has the meaning of just as the meaning of the first personal computer.

It will redefine the phone, it will open a new era

At this time, the video ends, the large screen moves from the middle, and a figure will slowly go to the stage from the scene, and then the big screen will gather again, and today's release theme, "change the world."

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