Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 480 of the most terrible place

At this time, there is more embarrassing, and from the conference of the wind group, Apple's Hongmeng mobile phone basically has, and only from the parameters, almost better than the iPhone 2G.

Moreover, the wind group said that the product can be listed on January 15, and Apple will wait until June 29 to go public ...

In the face of embarrassment, Jobs did not accidentally made his usual tricks, and the big thunder.

The whole apple is dead and no one dares to resist Jobs, which can be used to the apple.

In the end, Jobs strives to make a psychological construction, and find a reason to support himself, that is, the system and chip performance of the wind group will not be good than Apple, and the conference is a lie.

After all, Apple's launch will be lie, and many functions have not been achieved.

But this is destined to just comfort yourself, iPhone 2G system, even copying paste is unable.

Apple's employees were stupid by Jobs, because it was originally until the last day of the rehearsal, the iPhone could not realize the network connection. According to the memoirs, Jobs is on the scene, the staff is broken, and now, add the big wind group release. Impact, press the mood of this Apple's business department to the extreme.

But in the public, the launch will be opened, no way, there is no way, the propaganda has been done for so long, the stage is also touched, the media will be good, it is impossible to say that it will not be opened now.

Moreover, Jobs has a very important thing after a while, change the speech ...

When the apple is chaotic, the wind group is more and more lively, there is still a conference after the mobile phone conference, that is the 2nd 18 Thanksgiving season event conference.

This post conference was told by Gu Junhui.

The activity form is similar to last year, that is, it is issued a variety of full coupons. It is simple and rude without routine. It is also the most needed for users. This is also the most needable, the difference may be more, the business is also more, influence The bigger it.

In addition, this year's online activity scope is significantly greater than last year. In these years, this year is the first round of domestic e-commerce, including Taobao, Dangdang and the beginning of Jingdong and other platforms such as 18 gratitude, and took out sincerity full. Activity.

Although the second year, 18 Thanksgiving season has initially showed a seedlings that become a national carnival.

Of course, the public welfare theme is never change, especially in the construction of the school, Meng Qian should take the title of the school.

Huaxia hot festive holiday, Apple possession will also be held on time.

Meng Qian is ready to see the live broadcast of the Apple Conference before sitting in the computer.

The launch will be almost unchanged, Jobs played a small head, first said that three products will be released today, namely the first iPod, a revolutionary mobile phone, a breakthrough Internet communication device.

Then smiled and said, in fact, these three products are essentially a product, that is, the product we really want to launch today, iPhone.

Opening is the same as the release of the first generation, it seems that this manuscript has not changed.

But there is a change in the back, first in the comparison of other mobile phone brands on the market, it is changed to the product map.

At this release, this time will sound warm applause, but this time only from internal employees and dragging, more people can't help but launch, this place, how to look like this .. .

Of course, there is still something, such as the HOME key, such as sliding unlocking, this is something that Apple is there, and some Hongmeng mobile phones have but not much, such as free email, but no matter how, the whole conference They are caught in an embarrassment.

At the past conference, Jobs said we have created multi-touch technology, but now, he can only say that we use multi-touch technology.

At the last conference, Jobs said we made mobile software powerful, but now, he can only say that we realize the huge potential of mobile software.

At the past conference, Jobs said we redefined mobile phones, but now, he can only say that we have brought new value to the mobile phone.

At the past conference, the applause of the scene continued, but now, everyone's face looks like constipation.

Especially when Jobs said that IPHONE 2G does not support 3G, iPhone 2G is still waiting for the same June to go public, everyone's reaction is the same, then make a hammer ...

Perhaps Apple is now clearly, Hongmeng mobile phone can't enter the rice market, because the things of the hymn are being hit by the operator of the rice, and there is no Monteranga operator to work with Hongmeng system.

With the end of the Apple conference, an explosion of public opinion is unstoppable.

The first is that the new mobile phone released by two multinational giant companies is actually so similar, this is not a bad thing, because when Apple launched the iPhone 2G, the fire is fired, but it is really a large part of the fan effect inside. The early questionation of iPhone 2G is not small, especially battery problems, battery is not detachable, and the battery life is three or four times the mainstream mobile phone, so many people think this is funny.

The same is true of this world, whether it is a Hongmeng mobile phone or iPhone 2G, it is criticized by some technological media, called the retrogression of mobile phone battery technology.

However, from the general impact, both companies are in a direction, but will make more people feel that this may be like the future, but it is easy for consumers to make such a mobile phone.

At this time, if a mobile phone is better, it is easy to sell, and another family, maybe it has become a green leaf that promotes the development of the opponent. As for the Hongmeng mobile phone and the iPhone 2G who is green leaves, the time will give an answer .

Another hot topic is that the two companies have a patented conflict, but after the apple is released, I have never heard what the two companies fight the lawsuit.

In fact, Jobs really suspected to have inner ghosts, but calm down and know that the possibility is not big. In this process of apple to do mobile phones, I also spend three different apples, and finally set the iPhone. Until the beginning of this conference, the mobile phone is in a semi-finished product, a mess, it is necessary to disclose, the wind group should also be confusing, but the conference of the wind group is obviously in master, and the product is Better than the iPhone.

Of course, the hottest in the market is comparison, which is good.

From the perspective of the various parameters at the press conference, it is definitely a changing mobile phone more wins, and recent weather group officials have been released some of the actual use of Hong Kong mobile phones, share more features. On the contrary, Apple has almost no action. After all, the iPhone 2G does not have much thing that can be displayed.

Therefore, there is a more and more analytical articles on the Internet.

On January 13, the mobile phone has not yet been listed. There are two articles on the Internet have been fired. An article is "Hongmeng is the first comprehensive leading product of the wind group".

This article is written by European media. In the article, the products of the Great Breeze Group have a characteristic of the products, that is, relying on excellent creativity to make up for technical defects, but the products of the wind group, whether it is game, system, computer, sensor Still the camera, etc., there is a problem when launching the market at first, is in the traditional technology, there are many small problems, which belongs to the foundation, and the idea leads.

But from all the information currently exposed, Hongmeng mobile phone is a product, which is not only limited to creative leading products. Its production process, design concept, system, chip, comprehensive excellent, this is a product that has little short board. .

Hongmeng mobile phone, showing the overall R & D level, design level and production and manufacturing level, Hongmeng mobile phone will become the greatest product of the wind group, will become the best reflection of the wind group for 7 years. .

The other article is from the global IT media leader CNRT, the title is "Behind Hongmeng mobile phone is the best embodiment of Huaxia Technology"

This article writes clean and neat, took out a bunch of direct data: the core technology and spare parts of Hongmeng mobile phone, including chips, systems, screens, sensors, lenses, batteries, and even chips. Great wind group and big wind businesses!

This is the most terrible place for Hongmeng mobile phone ...

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